We were told that my daughters rectal prolapses were caused by malabsorbtion. She was at normal weight until she started eating more high fat foods at about the age of 1, although she ate all of the time. Seeing she was my first child, I foolishly thought that all babies drank a 6+ ounce bottle in one sitting at the age of TWO WEEKS (every 2 hours). Now I tease all my friends who had babies within a month of mine being born that I thought it was THEIR babies that were abnormal in drinking only about 2-3 ounces (every 3 hours) at the same age! She was simply not absorbing the vitamins and nutrients needed to keep those muscles around the rectum strong enough to hold it up, especially when having 10 bowel movements a day!
Anyways, I get passionate about it because it makes me angry that it was missed for so long...but it can be caused by malabsorbtion. I really thought Kayla looked really good, just very small and petite. But when I look at the pictures of her just prior to her dx and then again after enzymes and vitamins, I realize that she was simply not that healthy. She looked very pale and when naked, we always joked that she looked like ET, with the big belly and skinny legs and arms! Sometimes I feel so bad for it not even crossing my mind that she could possibly have CF because she had to go trough so much for a few years after losing that first 14 months of nutrients.
Anyways, I get passionate about it because it makes me angry that it was missed for so long...but it can be caused by malabsorbtion. I really thought Kayla looked really good, just very small and petite. But when I look at the pictures of her just prior to her dx and then again after enzymes and vitamins, I realize that she was simply not that healthy. She looked very pale and when naked, we always joked that she looked like ET, with the big belly and skinny legs and arms! Sometimes I feel so bad for it not even crossing my mind that she could possibly have CF because she had to go trough so much for a few years after losing that first 14 months of nutrients.