Does Tobi or Cayston help if bacteria is growing in the nose?


New member
Hi, Sam's nose swab came back negative for bacteria, but just curious, have you ever asked a doctor if tobi or cayston helps control bacteria in the nose or is it only for the control of infection in the lungs? I have a message out to my doctor and will post back when I find out the answer. But your experiences might be different than mine. Thanks, rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 3 years, ddf508


New member
I am still trying to research to see if the PICC line is absolutely necessary for a sinus infection. we will do what is best for Sam, but I am trying to get him an appointment at Vanderbilt? Anyone have experiences with Vanderbilt CF center or pediatric ENT there? Thanks again so much


New member
Okay, I talked to the pulmonologist and Tobi and Cayston do not work for sinus infections. The pulmo also said jumping straight to a PICC line was a little too trigger happy at this point. Thanks.
Tobi and Cayston help against PA in the nose

Okay, I talked to the pulmonologist and Tobi and Cayston do not work for sinus infections. The pulmo also said jumping straight to a PICC line was a little too trigger happy at this point. Thanks.

My son takes all his nebs (hypertonic saline, Pulmozyme and Tobi) with a mask and he has had hardly any sinus problems. The Tobi is used as a prophylaxis so he has never cultured PA. However, Tobi does not seem to be effective with Staph in the nose or sinuses so he has had to take oral abs to get rid of it.

I would recommend using a mask given the importance of upper air ways in CF. My son uses masks which stay in place with a rubber band behind the head so his hands are free so he can play computer games while taking his nebs - makes life a lot easier!