Does your child cough?


New member
I have read that CF'ers cough alot. Dr. Warwick's literature even suggested that they should purposefully cough.

My daughter is about 10 weeks old and I have noticed that she seems to cough more than seems 'normal'.


New member
I have read that CF'ers cough alot. Dr. Warwick's literature even suggested that they should purposefully cough.

My daughter is about 10 weeks old and I have noticed that she seems to cough more than seems 'normal'.


New member
I have read that CF'ers cough alot. Dr. Warwick's literature even suggested that they should purposefully cough.

My daughter is about 10 weeks old and I have noticed that she seems to cough more than seems 'normal'.


New member
I have read that CF'ers cough alot. Dr. Warwick's literature even suggested that they should purposefully cough.

My daughter is about 10 weeks old and I have noticed that she seems to cough more than seems 'normal'.


New member
I have read that CF'ers cough alot. Dr. Warwick's literature even suggested that they should purposefully cough.

My daughter is about 10 weeks old and I have noticed that she seems to cough more than seems 'normal'.


Staff member
DS is 4 1/2 and the only time he's really coughed is when he's sick. Our doctor has instructed us to "learn his cough" -- is is postnasal drip, dry cough, productive, reflux.... We're also supposed to call him when he does cough and a decision is made as to a treatment plan -- we increase beatments from 3 to 4 per day, increase the length of time we do them and then the doctor decides if he needs antibiotics, etc.

When DS was 2 months old we took him for his well child visit and mentioned he'd been coughing so hard he's throw up his formula. He even coughed for the doctor, whose response was "he has cf, it's what 'they' do". Turned out DS was culturing something and had bronchitis.


Staff member
DS is 4 1/2 and the only time he's really coughed is when he's sick. Our doctor has instructed us to "learn his cough" -- is is postnasal drip, dry cough, productive, reflux.... We're also supposed to call him when he does cough and a decision is made as to a treatment plan -- we increase beatments from 3 to 4 per day, increase the length of time we do them and then the doctor decides if he needs antibiotics, etc.

When DS was 2 months old we took him for his well child visit and mentioned he'd been coughing so hard he's throw up his formula. He even coughed for the doctor, whose response was "he has cf, it's what 'they' do". Turned out DS was culturing something and had bronchitis.


Staff member
DS is 4 1/2 and the only time he's really coughed is when he's sick. Our doctor has instructed us to "learn his cough" -- is is postnasal drip, dry cough, productive, reflux.... We're also supposed to call him when he does cough and a decision is made as to a treatment plan -- we increase beatments from 3 to 4 per day, increase the length of time we do them and then the doctor decides if he needs antibiotics, etc.

When DS was 2 months old we took him for his well child visit and mentioned he'd been coughing so hard he's throw up his formula. He even coughed for the doctor, whose response was "he has cf, it's what 'they' do". Turned out DS was culturing something and had bronchitis.


Staff member
DS is 4 1/2 and the only time he's really coughed is when he's sick. Our doctor has instructed us to "learn his cough" -- is is postnasal drip, dry cough, productive, reflux.... We're also supposed to call him when he does cough and a decision is made as to a treatment plan -- we increase beatments from 3 to 4 per day, increase the length of time we do them and then the doctor decides if he needs antibiotics, etc.

When DS was 2 months old we took him for his well child visit and mentioned he'd been coughing so hard he's throw up his formula. He even coughed for the doctor, whose response was "he has cf, it's what 'they' do". Turned out DS was culturing something and had bronchitis.


Staff member
DS is 4 1/2 and the only time he's really coughed is when he's sick. Our doctor has instructed us to "learn his cough" -- is is postnasal drip, dry cough, productive, reflux.... We're also supposed to call him when he does cough and a decision is made as to a treatment plan -- we increase beatments from 3 to 4 per day, increase the length of time we do them and then the doctor decides if he needs antibiotics, etc.

When DS was 2 months old we took him for his well child visit and mentioned he'd been coughing so hard he's throw up his formula. He even coughed for the doctor, whose response was "he has cf, it's what 'they' do". Turned out DS was culturing something and had bronchitis.


New member
Ditto to the above - my son only coughs when he is sick. I think when you're reading that CFers cough a lot they might be referring to older CFers or maybe just a misconception of CFers in general.


New member
Ditto to the above - my son only coughs when he is sick. I think when you're reading that CFers cough a lot they might be referring to older CFers or maybe just a misconception of CFers in general.


New member
Ditto to the above - my son only coughs when he is sick. I think when you're reading that CFers cough a lot they might be referring to older CFers or maybe just a misconception of CFers in general.


New member
Ditto to the above - my son only coughs when he is sick. I think when you're reading that CFers cough a lot they might be referring to older CFers or maybe just a misconception of CFers in general.


New member
Ditto to the above - my son only coughs when he is sick. I think when you're reading that CFers cough a lot they might be referring to older CFers or maybe just a misconception of CFers in general.