Does your child take Flovent or Symbicort?


New member
Emily used Flovent for quite a while. She did not have any trouble/side effects at all. We eventually switched to nebbed Pulmicort because it was more effective, but Flovent was a good choice for a while. She has a lot of trouble with asthma/inflammation and the inhaled steroids make a BIG difference.


New member
Emily used Flovent for quite a while. She did not have any trouble/side effects at all. We eventually switched to nebbed Pulmicort because it was more effective, but Flovent was a good choice for a while. She has a lot of trouble with asthma/inflammation and the inhaled steroids make a BIG difference.


New member
Emily used Flovent for quite a while. She did not have any trouble/side effects at all. We eventually switched to nebbed Pulmicort because it was more effective, but Flovent was a good choice for a while. She has a lot of trouble with asthma/inflammation and the inhaled steroids make a BIG difference.


New member
Lauren uses Flovent. I'm not sure if it makes any difference or not. It certainly hasn't caused any problems.
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New member
My children have used pulmicort and advair. The only issue we had was with weight gain. DS had issues gaining weight while on advair but easily gained weight after discontinuing advair and his lung function is still stable. DD had no issues with either drug. DS used advair for 5 years, pulmicort for 1, DD used pulmicort for 3, advair for 3. Their dose of pulmicort was the same but she was on the lowest dose of advair (100), he was on the highest (500).

FWIW, symbicort and flovent aren't comparable. Symbicort contains 2 meds - budesonide (inhaled steroid-basically pulmicort) and formoterol (long-acting bronchodilator.) Flovent is an inhaled steroid only. Symbicort IS comparable to advair. Advair contains flutacasone (inhaled steroid-basically flovent) and salmeterol (a long-acting bronchodilator similar to formoterol.)


New member
My children have used pulmicort and advair. The only issue we had was with weight gain. DS had issues gaining weight while on advair but easily gained weight after discontinuing advair and his lung function is still stable. DD had no issues with either drug. DS used advair for 5 years, pulmicort for 1, DD used pulmicort for 3, advair for 3. Their dose of pulmicort was the same but she was on the lowest dose of advair (100), he was on the highest (500).

FWIW, symbicort and flovent aren't comparable. Symbicort contains 2 meds - budesonide (inhaled steroid-basically pulmicort) and formoterol (long-acting bronchodilator.) Flovent is an inhaled steroid only. Symbicort IS comparable to advair. Advair contains flutacasone (inhaled steroid-basically flovent) and salmeterol (a long-acting bronchodilator similar to formoterol.)


New member
My children have used pulmicort and advair. The only issue we had was with weight gain. DS had issues gaining weight while on advair but easily gained weight after discontinuing advair and his lung function is still stable. DD had no issues with either drug. DS used advair for 5 years, pulmicort for 1, DD used pulmicort for 3, advair for 3. Their dose of pulmicort was the same but she was on the lowest dose of advair (100), he was on the highest (500).
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<br />FWIW, symbicort and flovent aren't comparable. Symbicort contains 2 meds - budesonide (inhaled steroid-basically pulmicort) and formoterol (long-acting bronchodilator.) Flovent is an inhaled steroid only. Symbicort IS comparable to advair. Advair contains flutacasone (inhaled steroid-basically flovent) and salmeterol (a long-acting bronchodilator similar to formoterol.)


New member
Sullivan was on Flovent (and Xopenex) for a long time without any problems. They took him off of both and put him on Symbicort...they said it would take two weeks for him to get used to it...well he didnt get used to it. He was easily aggitated, cried all the time, extemely moody. They took him off of it and put him back on Flovent and Xopenex. He is much better, but still not back to normal and I just don't know what to just doesnt make any sense.


New member
Sullivan was on Flovent (and Xopenex) for a long time without any problems. They took him off of both and put him on Symbicort...they said it would take two weeks for him to get used to it...well he didnt get used to it. He was easily aggitated, cried all the time, extemely moody. They took him off of it and put him back on Flovent and Xopenex. He is much better, but still not back to normal and I just don't know what to just doesnt make any sense.