Dont know what to believe.


New member
When i was two years old, i was diagnosed with CF by Doctor Stewart Adair, And after that i was diagnosed again, by Dr. Green. I am 16 years old, and was just hospitalised for a week, with pnamonia and fluid on my lungs. But now all of a sudden they are saying that i do not have CF. But when i was two, everything was there. I have all the inner cimptoms but none of the outer apperiane, except that i am pale and very small. I do not have clubbed fingers, but my skin does taste like salt. Im so confused and hurt. I have put up with the teasing because of the way i had to take meds at school. I have been harrassed for missing too much school, and gone through very tough times, for a doctor to tell me that i do not have this illness. 18 years ago my brother Adam passed away, we were told it was CF. But if i dont have it, then maybe he didnt have it, and im starting to wonder, if he didnt pass of CF, what did he pass of? Im so confused, i dont know who to believe, the first doctors or this one. The first doctors did all the tests, and it came back positive that i have CF, and now these new doctors did the same tests and they came back negitive. Im so confused, what should i do? My moms upset, my dads upset, im hurt, i dont know where to turn.

16 years old


New member
When i was two years old, i was diagnosed with CF by Doctor Stewart Adair, And after that i was diagnosed again, by Dr. Green. I am 16 years old, and was just hospitalised for a week, with pnamonia and fluid on my lungs. But now all of a sudden they are saying that i do not have CF. But when i was two, everything was there. I have all the inner cimptoms but none of the outer apperiane, except that i am pale and very small. I do not have clubbed fingers, but my skin does taste like salt. Im so confused and hurt. I have put up with the teasing because of the way i had to take meds at school. I have been harrassed for missing too much school, and gone through very tough times, for a doctor to tell me that i do not have this illness. 18 years ago my brother Adam passed away, we were told it was CF. But if i dont have it, then maybe he didnt have it, and im starting to wonder, if he didnt pass of CF, what did he pass of? Im so confused, i dont know who to believe, the first doctors or this one. The first doctors did all the tests, and it came back positive that i have CF, and now these new doctors did the same tests and they came back negitive. Im so confused, what should i do? My moms upset, my dads upset, im hurt, i dont know where to turn.

16 years old


New member
I am not really sure what to tell you but I think i would say to have the test done again one of the doctors could have mixed up the results, it happens.


New member
I am not really sure what to tell you but I think i would say to have the test done again one of the doctors could have mixed up the results, it happens.


New member
There is a such thing as a false negative, but never a false positive. If you've been tested before and it came out postive both times, then you do have CF.


New member
There is a such thing as a false negative, but never a false positive. If you've been tested before and it came out postive both times, then you do have CF.


New member
It all sounds very sad. a similar thing happened to me when the doctors thought she had cancer. Hang in there. You're in my prayers. Maybe it's a miracle from God. Maybe your story could help some one else.


New member
It all sounds very sad. a similar thing happened to me when the doctors thought she had cancer. Hang in there. You're in my prayers. Maybe it's a miracle from God. Maybe your story could help some one else.


New member
I am so sorry about all the confusion?
I am wondering if you have had a second opinion after the doctors told you that you don't have CF?
Have you been to the doctor many times before they told you that you don't have CF? I am thinking that the doctors would have discovered that you didn't have CF sooner?
Could it be possible that you have another respitorary disease?
Let me know!
I will pray for your family and ask God to help you any way He can.


New member
I am so sorry about all the confusion?
I am wondering if you have had a second opinion after the doctors told you that you don't have CF?
Have you been to the doctor many times before they told you that you don't have CF? I am thinking that the doctors would have discovered that you didn't have CF sooner?
Could it be possible that you have another respitorary disease?
Let me know!
I will pray for your family and ask God to help you any way He can.