

New member
I've been on Doxycycline for about 10 days due to a sinus infection.

Well it has torn my stomach up but that isn't the worst of it. Today (the first nice day in ages) I was outside at a soccer game and then I went to my moms and we were on her farm all day.

Well the longer I was in the sun, the worse I felt. Now I have this AWFUL burning in my hands. It's the top of my hands and it feels like acid is on them but they also tingle like when your foot falls asleep. (only way I can describe the pain).

I feel like an idiot and don't want to call the hospital for this....any suggestions. I am so uncomfortable. Cold water hurts, warm water hurts, just sitting here....they hurt. Is there anything I can take? I have no idea how to get rid of this reaction (I have DC taking this med!!!).

I'd appreciate any suggestions. I am in so much pain!

29 f. CF


New member
I've been on Doxycycline for about 10 days due to a sinus infection.

Well it has torn my stomach up but that isn't the worst of it. Today (the first nice day in ages) I was outside at a soccer game and then I went to my moms and we were on her farm all day.

Well the longer I was in the sun, the worse I felt. Now I have this AWFUL burning in my hands. It's the top of my hands and it feels like acid is on them but they also tingle like when your foot falls asleep. (only way I can describe the pain).

I feel like an idiot and don't want to call the hospital for this....any suggestions. I am so uncomfortable. Cold water hurts, warm water hurts, just sitting here....they hurt. Is there anything I can take? I have no idea how to get rid of this reaction (I have DC taking this med!!!).

I'd appreciate any suggestions. I am in so much pain!

29 f. CF


New member
I've been on Doxycycline for about 10 days due to a sinus infection.

Well it has torn my stomach up but that isn't the worst of it. Today (the first nice day in ages) I was outside at a soccer game and then I went to my moms and we were on her farm all day.

Well the longer I was in the sun, the worse I felt. Now I have this AWFUL burning in my hands. It's the top of my hands and it feels like acid is on them but they also tingle like when your foot falls asleep. (only way I can describe the pain).

I feel like an idiot and don't want to call the hospital for this....any suggestions. I am so uncomfortable. Cold water hurts, warm water hurts, just sitting here....they hurt. Is there anything I can take? I have no idea how to get rid of this reaction (I have DC taking this med!!!).

I'd appreciate any suggestions. I am in so much pain!

29 f. CF


New member
ahh im so sorry kelli! that really sucks! i had to take that stuff last year and my stomach got pretty screwed up too. but i would defiinlty call your doctor, maybe he'll let you get off of it or switch you to something lighter. you have been on it for 10 days, so you dont have too too long to go!


New member
ahh im so sorry kelli! that really sucks! i had to take that stuff last year and my stomach got pretty screwed up too. but i would defiinlty call your doctor, maybe he'll let you get off of it or switch you to something lighter. you have been on it for 10 days, so you dont have too too long to go!


New member
ahh im so sorry kelli! that really sucks! i had to take that stuff last year and my stomach got pretty screwed up too. but i would defiinlty call your doctor, maybe he'll let you get off of it or switch you to something lighter. you have been on it for 10 days, so you dont have too too long to go!


New member
Congratulations, you're photosensitive! You're having an allergic reaction to the sun thanks to the chemicals in the medication.

I get that with lots of my meds when I'm in the sun for even 20 minutes. The first step is to let the skin cool down. Put an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the affected area, but NOT any sort of aloe or lotions or creams. If there's any moisture that results from the ice pack on your skin, blot it dry with a soft towel (a tshirt works well too.)

To prevent a problem in the future, be sure you cover up if you're going to be in the sun. Also, Benadryl makes a really great anti-itch spray that has some lidocaine and skin protectant in it. I spray that on the backs of my hands when I have to be outside working.

I'm SO sorry you're in pain. I know exactly what you're going through, and it can be MISERABLE. It make take up to a day to cool down completely, and if you are in the sun again before the sun rash has gone, you'll start a whole new flareup.

If the pain is truly unbearable and you can't get any relief and it's interfering with sleep, take some benadryl tablets. Feel better, sweetie!!


New member
Congratulations, you're photosensitive! You're having an allergic reaction to the sun thanks to the chemicals in the medication.

I get that with lots of my meds when I'm in the sun for even 20 minutes. The first step is to let the skin cool down. Put an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the affected area, but NOT any sort of aloe or lotions or creams. If there's any moisture that results from the ice pack on your skin, blot it dry with a soft towel (a tshirt works well too.)

To prevent a problem in the future, be sure you cover up if you're going to be in the sun. Also, Benadryl makes a really great anti-itch spray that has some lidocaine and skin protectant in it. I spray that on the backs of my hands when I have to be outside working.

I'm SO sorry you're in pain. I know exactly what you're going through, and it can be MISERABLE. It make take up to a day to cool down completely, and if you are in the sun again before the sun rash has gone, you'll start a whole new flareup.

If the pain is truly unbearable and you can't get any relief and it's interfering with sleep, take some benadryl tablets. Feel better, sweetie!!


New member
Congratulations, you're photosensitive! You're having an allergic reaction to the sun thanks to the chemicals in the medication.

I get that with lots of my meds when I'm in the sun for even 20 minutes. The first step is to let the skin cool down. Put an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the affected area, but NOT any sort of aloe or lotions or creams. If there's any moisture that results from the ice pack on your skin, blot it dry with a soft towel (a tshirt works well too.)

To prevent a problem in the future, be sure you cover up if you're going to be in the sun. Also, Benadryl makes a really great anti-itch spray that has some lidocaine and skin protectant in it. I spray that on the backs of my hands when I have to be outside working.

I'm SO sorry you're in pain. I know exactly what you're going through, and it can be MISERABLE. It make take up to a day to cool down completely, and if you are in the sun again before the sun rash has gone, you'll start a whole new flareup.

If the pain is truly unbearable and you can't get any relief and it's interfering with sleep, take some benadryl tablets. Feel better, sweetie!!


New member
OUCH! I had to go through a beach vacation and then 2 weeks of band camp with that unbearable burning from doxy! If you can, stay out of the sun or see of your doc can get you on something else. If not, noxema (the facial cream cleanser) helped to soothe the burn for me (a neighbor told me to try it). Or, you can also go to the dermatologist...last time I had that burn really bad my doc prescribed me a cream to use to get rid of the stinging.

And just a word of caution...if this sun burn still happens when you're off the doxy, then definitely go to the dermotologist because it could be Poly Morphous Light Eruption, or, PMLE (it's like a mild allergy to the sun). It's very common in caucasian females between the ages 14 and 40...especially those who are on meds that can make you photosensitive. After I got off the doxy, I developed PMLE and it lasted for about 7 years (if it develops, know that it will eventually go away). Finally my skin is back to normal now.

Hope all goes ok for you.


New member
OUCH! I had to go through a beach vacation and then 2 weeks of band camp with that unbearable burning from doxy! If you can, stay out of the sun or see of your doc can get you on something else. If not, noxema (the facial cream cleanser) helped to soothe the burn for me (a neighbor told me to try it). Or, you can also go to the dermatologist...last time I had that burn really bad my doc prescribed me a cream to use to get rid of the stinging.

And just a word of caution...if this sun burn still happens when you're off the doxy, then definitely go to the dermotologist because it could be Poly Morphous Light Eruption, or, PMLE (it's like a mild allergy to the sun). It's very common in caucasian females between the ages 14 and 40...especially those who are on meds that can make you photosensitive. After I got off the doxy, I developed PMLE and it lasted for about 7 years (if it develops, know that it will eventually go away). Finally my skin is back to normal now.

Hope all goes ok for you.


New member
OUCH! I had to go through a beach vacation and then 2 weeks of band camp with that unbearable burning from doxy! If you can, stay out of the sun or see of your doc can get you on something else. If not, noxema (the facial cream cleanser) helped to soothe the burn for me (a neighbor told me to try it). Or, you can also go to the dermatologist...last time I had that burn really bad my doc prescribed me a cream to use to get rid of the stinging.

And just a word of caution...if this sun burn still happens when you're off the doxy, then definitely go to the dermotologist because it could be Poly Morphous Light Eruption, or, PMLE (it's like a mild allergy to the sun). It's very common in caucasian females between the ages 14 and 40...especially those who are on meds that can make you photosensitive. After I got off the doxy, I developed PMLE and it lasted for about 7 years (if it develops, know that it will eventually go away). Finally my skin is back to normal now.

Hope all goes ok for you.


New member
Wait....this is an "allergic reaction" or like many other meds where you burn easier if on the med & in the sun? Hell it sounds painfull and I am so sorry...............


New member
Wait....this is an "allergic reaction" or like many other meds where you burn easier if on the med & in the sun? Hell it sounds painfull and I am so sorry...............


New member
Wait....this is an "allergic reaction" or like many other meds where you burn easier if on the med & in the sun? Hell it sounds painfull and I am so sorry...............


It's a pain in the butt, I always get hives when I'm out in the sun and on meds (cipro I think). It was one of the ones I was on constantly right before tx. Which is why I looked like a little vampire. Hives = no sun.

Anyway batteredNfried and Erin have it down (btw benadryl was a life saver for me, though aloe vera helped too and didn't "lock in the burn"). Though even if you've DC'ed the meds take it easy with the sun since it takes a while for the medication to completely leave the system.


It's a pain in the butt, I always get hives when I'm out in the sun and on meds (cipro I think). It was one of the ones I was on constantly right before tx. Which is why I looked like a little vampire. Hives = no sun.

Anyway batteredNfried and Erin have it down (btw benadryl was a life saver for me, though aloe vera helped too and didn't "lock in the burn"). Though even if you've DC'ed the meds take it easy with the sun since it takes a while for the medication to completely leave the system.


It's a pain in the butt, I always get hives when I'm out in the sun and on meds (cipro I think). It was one of the ones I was on constantly right before tx. Which is why I looked like a little vampire. Hives = no sun.

Anyway batteredNfried and Erin have it down (btw benadryl was a life saver for me, though aloe vera helped too and didn't "lock in the burn"). Though even if you've DC'ed the meds take it easy with the sun since it takes a while for the medication to completely leave the system.


New member
Thank you everyone for your help with this.
Any clue how long this may be in my system? I'm guessing 72 hours or something.
The only thing I went in the sun today for was to hang sheets on the line. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again!
29 f. CF


New member
Thank you everyone for your help with this.
Any clue how long this may be in my system? I'm guessing 72 hours or something.
The only thing I went in the sun today for was to hang sheets on the line. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again!
29 f. CF