Dr apt tomarrow, i hate dealing with this


New member
I'm slowly getting sicker and i wake up feeling like a ran a marathon, coughing like crazy. i knew this time was coming, and so last week i had mad a dr apt with childrens.
Being as i am in college for dietary managing culinary arts, i'm not into my culinary classes yet so thank god. but im in my dietary classes where i learn about nutrition and such. I am researching everything i possibly can about a P.I.C.C. Being younger i had issues with properly doing treatments and stuff. that taken out anything idea of home treatments. Though i have changed over the years and became more responsible for myself and my son. the drs still see me as a irresponsible child. And because of my past they still see that i do not take care of myself like i properly should, when in all reality i do. Its kinda like if you lie, your known as a liar for the rest of your life. I have had people who have taken care of me all my life tell me earlier last year that i was irresponsible just because i misplaced one single paper, which of course i got upset and explained to them i thought i was doing extremely well for being homeless moving here and there and still managing to keep everything where it needs to be though i misplaced a single paper doesn't mean i am irresponsible.
Like i said, i have no idea how i am going to do this but i need to somehow convince them to let me do home treatments but once your branded, they seem to not see whats really going on. All i know to do, is study the best i can for tonight about a PICC peripheral inserted central catheter...aha see im doing good. about the care, risks and responsibility of it. I'm going to take notes and such to show that i know what im doing and what im talking about.
I had h1n1 and pneumonia last november and being out for two weeks really did a number on my transcript. i had my financial aide taken away and i had to PR most of my classes, which gives me two more weeks then normal to finish my classes from a F to a passing grade. which was extremely hard. and i managed it, also put in a appeal for it, but seeing as i did, i can no longer appeal. If you guys have any ideas of what i can do please feel free to comment. other then this i really have no idea what i can do


New member
I'm slowly getting sicker and i wake up feeling like a ran a marathon, coughing like crazy. i knew this time was coming, and so last week i had mad a dr apt with childrens.
Being as i am in college for dietary managing culinary arts, i'm not into my culinary classes yet so thank god. but im in my dietary classes where i learn about nutrition and such. I am researching everything i possibly can about a P.I.C.C. Being younger i had issues with properly doing treatments and stuff. that taken out anything idea of home treatments. Though i have changed over the years and became more responsible for myself and my son. the drs still see me as a irresponsible child. And because of my past they still see that i do not take care of myself like i properly should, when in all reality i do. Its kinda like if you lie, your known as a liar for the rest of your life. I have had people who have taken care of me all my life tell me earlier last year that i was irresponsible just because i misplaced one single paper, which of course i got upset and explained to them i thought i was doing extremely well for being homeless moving here and there and still managing to keep everything where it needs to be though i misplaced a single paper doesn't mean i am irresponsible.
Like i said, i have no idea how i am going to do this but i need to somehow convince them to let me do home treatments but once your branded, they seem to not see whats really going on. All i know to do, is study the best i can for tonight about a PICC peripheral inserted central catheter...aha see im doing good. about the care, risks and responsibility of it. I'm going to take notes and such to show that i know what im doing and what im talking about.
I had h1n1 and pneumonia last november and being out for two weeks really did a number on my transcript. i had my financial aide taken away and i had to PR most of my classes, which gives me two more weeks then normal to finish my classes from a F to a passing grade. which was extremely hard. and i managed it, also put in a appeal for it, but seeing as i did, i can no longer appeal. If you guys have any ideas of what i can do please feel free to comment. other then this i really have no idea what i can do


New member
I'm slowly getting sicker and i wake up feeling like a ran a marathon, coughing like crazy. i knew this time was coming, and so last week i had mad a dr apt with childrens.
Being as i am in college for dietary managing culinary arts, i'm not into my culinary classes yet so thank god. but im in my dietary classes where i learn about nutrition and such. I am researching everything i possibly can about a P.I.C.C. Being younger i had issues with properly doing treatments and stuff. that taken out anything idea of home treatments. Though i have changed over the years and became more responsible for myself and my son. the drs still see me as a irresponsible child. And because of my past they still see that i do not take care of myself like i properly should, when in all reality i do. Its kinda like if you lie, your known as a liar for the rest of your life. I have had people who have taken care of me all my life tell me earlier last year that i was irresponsible just because i misplaced one single paper, which of course i got upset and explained to them i thought i was doing extremely well for being homeless moving here and there and still managing to keep everything where it needs to be though i misplaced a single paper doesn't mean i am irresponsible.
Like i said, i have no idea how i am going to do this but i need to somehow convince them to let me do home treatments but once your branded, they seem to not see whats really going on. All i know to do, is study the best i can for tonight about a PICC peripheral inserted central catheter...aha see im doing good. about the care, risks and responsibility of it. I'm going to take notes and such to show that i know what im doing and what im talking about.
I had h1n1 and pneumonia last november and being out for two weeks really did a number on my transcript. i had my financial aide taken away and i had to PR most of my classes, which gives me two more weeks then normal to finish my classes from a F to a passing grade. which was extremely hard. and i managed it, also put in a appeal for it, but seeing as i did, i can no longer appeal. If you guys have any ideas of what i can do please feel free to comment. other then this i really have no idea what i can do


New member
I'm slowly getting sicker and i wake up feeling like a ran a marathon, coughing like crazy. i knew this time was coming, and so last week i had mad a dr apt with childrens.
Being as i am in college for dietary managing culinary arts, i'm not into my culinary classes yet so thank god. but im in my dietary classes where i learn about nutrition and such. I am researching everything i possibly can about a P.I.C.C. Being younger i had issues with properly doing treatments and stuff. that taken out anything idea of home treatments. Though i have changed over the years and became more responsible for myself and my son. the drs still see me as a irresponsible child. And because of my past they still see that i do not take care of myself like i properly should, when in all reality i do. Its kinda like if you lie, your known as a liar for the rest of your life. I have had people who have taken care of me all my life tell me earlier last year that i was irresponsible just because i misplaced one single paper, which of course i got upset and explained to them i thought i was doing extremely well for being homeless moving here and there and still managing to keep everything where it needs to be though i misplaced a single paper doesn't mean i am irresponsible.
Like i said, i have no idea how i am going to do this but i need to somehow convince them to let me do home treatments but once your branded, they seem to not see whats really going on. All i know to do, is study the best i can for tonight about a PICC peripheral inserted central catheter...aha see im doing good. about the care, risks and responsibility of it. I'm going to take notes and such to show that i know what im doing and what im talking about.
I had h1n1 and pneumonia last november and being out for two weeks really did a number on my transcript. i had my financial aide taken away and i had to PR most of my classes, which gives me two more weeks then normal to finish my classes from a F to a passing grade. which was extremely hard. and i managed it, also put in a appeal for it, but seeing as i did, i can no longer appeal. If you guys have any ideas of what i can do please feel free to comment. other then this i really have no idea what i can do


New member
I'm slowly getting sicker and i wake up feeling like a ran a marathon, coughing like crazy. i knew this time was coming, and so last week i had mad a dr apt with childrens.
<br />Being as i am in college for dietary managing culinary arts, i'm not into my culinary classes yet so thank god. but im in my dietary classes where i learn about nutrition and such. I am researching everything i possibly can about a P.I.C.C. Being younger i had issues with properly doing treatments and stuff. that taken out anything idea of home treatments. Though i have changed over the years and became more responsible for myself and my son. the drs still see me as a irresponsible child. And because of my past they still see that i do not take care of myself like i properly should, when in all reality i do. Its kinda like if you lie, your known as a liar for the rest of your life. I have had people who have taken care of me all my life tell me earlier last year that i was irresponsible just because i misplaced one single paper, which of course i got upset and explained to them i thought i was doing extremely well for being homeless moving here and there and still managing to keep everything where it needs to be though i misplaced a single paper doesn't mean i am irresponsible.
<br /> Like i said, i have no idea how i am going to do this but i need to somehow convince them to let me do home treatments but once your branded, they seem to not see whats really going on. All i know to do, is study the best i can for tonight about a PICC peripheral inserted central catheter...aha see im doing good. about the care, risks and responsibility of it. I'm going to take notes and such to show that i know what im doing and what im talking about.
<br />I had h1n1 and pneumonia last november and being out for two weeks really did a number on my transcript. i had my financial aide taken away and i had to PR most of my classes, which gives me two more weeks then normal to finish my classes from a F to a passing grade. which was extremely hard. and i managed it, also put in a appeal for it, but seeing as i did, i can no longer appeal. If you guys have any ideas of what i can do please feel free to comment. other then this i really have no idea what i can do


New member
What will be more important to your doctor and evident that are ready to do home IVs is if you have an adequete support system at home to take care of Lucas and a plan for well balanced eating. Certainly responsiblity is necessary becuase you have to be on top of things to dose all the correct meds at the right times. Showing knowledge, and fear, of drug resistance is a way to prove this. After all monkeying around with home IVs (ie. taking them when it fits into your life on your schedule) is a sure way to build drug resistance. While doing home IVs you'll be going to school/studying. You'll have no extra time for anything than shoveling food in your mouth and doing your treatments in order for you to get a good nights sleep and do it all again the next day. This is your doctor's concern and the reason they may want to admit you. Remember after IVs the only tool in the doctor's arsenal is transplant so rightly so that they want you to get the most bang for the buck out of each IV abx dose. Good luck! Make your health #1 for the next two weeks.


New member
What will be more important to your doctor and evident that are ready to do home IVs is if you have an adequete support system at home to take care of Lucas and a plan for well balanced eating. Certainly responsiblity is necessary becuase you have to be on top of things to dose all the correct meds at the right times. Showing knowledge, and fear, of drug resistance is a way to prove this. After all monkeying around with home IVs (ie. taking them when it fits into your life on your schedule) is a sure way to build drug resistance. While doing home IVs you'll be going to school/studying. You'll have no extra time for anything than shoveling food in your mouth and doing your treatments in order for you to get a good nights sleep and do it all again the next day. This is your doctor's concern and the reason they may want to admit you. Remember after IVs the only tool in the doctor's arsenal is transplant so rightly so that they want you to get the most bang for the buck out of each IV abx dose. Good luck! Make your health #1 for the next two weeks.


New member
What will be more important to your doctor and evident that are ready to do home IVs is if you have an adequete support system at home to take care of Lucas and a plan for well balanced eating. Certainly responsiblity is necessary becuase you have to be on top of things to dose all the correct meds at the right times. Showing knowledge, and fear, of drug resistance is a way to prove this. After all monkeying around with home IVs (ie. taking them when it fits into your life on your schedule) is a sure way to build drug resistance. While doing home IVs you'll be going to school/studying. You'll have no extra time for anything than shoveling food in your mouth and doing your treatments in order for you to get a good nights sleep and do it all again the next day. This is your doctor's concern and the reason they may want to admit you. Remember after IVs the only tool in the doctor's arsenal is transplant so rightly so that they want you to get the most bang for the buck out of each IV abx dose. Good luck! Make your health #1 for the next two weeks.


New member
What will be more important to your doctor and evident that are ready to do home IVs is if you have an adequete support system at home to take care of Lucas and a plan for well balanced eating. Certainly responsiblity is necessary becuase you have to be on top of things to dose all the correct meds at the right times. Showing knowledge, and fear, of drug resistance is a way to prove this. After all monkeying around with home IVs (ie. taking them when it fits into your life on your schedule) is a sure way to build drug resistance. While doing home IVs you'll be going to school/studying. You'll have no extra time for anything than shoveling food in your mouth and doing your treatments in order for you to get a good nights sleep and do it all again the next day. This is your doctor's concern and the reason they may want to admit you. Remember after IVs the only tool in the doctor's arsenal is transplant so rightly so that they want you to get the most bang for the buck out of each IV abx dose. Good luck! Make your health #1 for the next two weeks.


New member
What will be more important to your doctor and evident that are ready to do home IVs is if you have an adequete support system at home to take care of Lucas and a plan for well balanced eating. Certainly responsiblity is necessary becuase you have to be on top of things to dose all the correct meds at the right times. Showing knowledge, and fear, of drug resistance is a way to prove this. After all monkeying around with home IVs (ie. taking them when it fits into your life on your schedule) is a sure way to build drug resistance. While doing home IVs you'll be going to school/studying. You'll have no extra time for anything than shoveling food in your mouth and doing your treatments in order for you to get a good nights sleep and do it all again the next day. This is your doctor's concern and the reason they may want to admit you. Remember after IVs the only tool in the doctor's arsenal is transplant so rightly so that they want you to get the most bang for the buck out of each IV abx dose. Good luck! Make your health #1 for the next two weeks.


New member
i actually do a lot of eating, through my foodstamps i get a lot of foods that can be stored in my car or foods that i can grab and microwave also i get those breakfast shakes for mornings i don't get to grab breakfast. Oh they are so good lol. Right now im reading up on more about P.I.C.C lines and what are the complications that can take place, how to prevent them and the best way to care for them at home, actually writing down notes haha. College habits never stay at college. i do not have custody of lucas, his father does, and i get a lot of rest and stuff. my life really isnt that hectic. But for once in my life i need them to listen to me, and take me serious. I managed to take care of myself well enough with the h1n1 virus and pneumonia PLUS a virus, they didn't even seem concerned in the least with that. But being as of school, if i do a 2 week stay, i will undoubtedly fail it, and i cant afford that happening. I would wait till spring break but spring break is only 1 week long, so the next would be summer break and with my health the way it is now, i don't think im going to be able to wait that long though i can try my best to be able to push it back with my treatments and proper nutrition.


New member
i actually do a lot of eating, through my foodstamps i get a lot of foods that can be stored in my car or foods that i can grab and microwave also i get those breakfast shakes for mornings i don't get to grab breakfast. Oh they are so good lol. Right now im reading up on more about P.I.C.C lines and what are the complications that can take place, how to prevent them and the best way to care for them at home, actually writing down notes haha. College habits never stay at college. i do not have custody of lucas, his father does, and i get a lot of rest and stuff. my life really isnt that hectic. But for once in my life i need them to listen to me, and take me serious. I managed to take care of myself well enough with the h1n1 virus and pneumonia PLUS a virus, they didn't even seem concerned in the least with that. But being as of school, if i do a 2 week stay, i will undoubtedly fail it, and i cant afford that happening. I would wait till spring break but spring break is only 1 week long, so the next would be summer break and with my health the way it is now, i don't think im going to be able to wait that long though i can try my best to be able to push it back with my treatments and proper nutrition.


New member
i actually do a lot of eating, through my foodstamps i get a lot of foods that can be stored in my car or foods that i can grab and microwave also i get those breakfast shakes for mornings i don't get to grab breakfast. Oh they are so good lol. Right now im reading up on more about P.I.C.C lines and what are the complications that can take place, how to prevent them and the best way to care for them at home, actually writing down notes haha. College habits never stay at college. i do not have custody of lucas, his father does, and i get a lot of rest and stuff. my life really isnt that hectic. But for once in my life i need them to listen to me, and take me serious. I managed to take care of myself well enough with the h1n1 virus and pneumonia PLUS a virus, they didn't even seem concerned in the least with that. But being as of school, if i do a 2 week stay, i will undoubtedly fail it, and i cant afford that happening. I would wait till spring break but spring break is only 1 week long, so the next would be summer break and with my health the way it is now, i don't think im going to be able to wait that long though i can try my best to be able to push it back with my treatments and proper nutrition.


New member
i actually do a lot of eating, through my foodstamps i get a lot of foods that can be stored in my car or foods that i can grab and microwave also i get those breakfast shakes for mornings i don't get to grab breakfast. Oh they are so good lol. Right now im reading up on more about P.I.C.C lines and what are the complications that can take place, how to prevent them and the best way to care for them at home, actually writing down notes haha. College habits never stay at college. i do not have custody of lucas, his father does, and i get a lot of rest and stuff. my life really isnt that hectic. But for once in my life i need them to listen to me, and take me serious. I managed to take care of myself well enough with the h1n1 virus and pneumonia PLUS a virus, they didn't even seem concerned in the least with that. But being as of school, if i do a 2 week stay, i will undoubtedly fail it, and i cant afford that happening. I would wait till spring break but spring break is only 1 week long, so the next would be summer break and with my health the way it is now, i don't think im going to be able to wait that long though i can try my best to be able to push it back with my treatments and proper nutrition.


New member
i actually do a lot of eating, through my foodstamps i get a lot of foods that can be stored in my car or foods that i can grab and microwave also i get those breakfast shakes for mornings i don't get to grab breakfast. Oh they are so good lol. Right now im reading up on more about P.I.C.C lines and what are the complications that can take place, how to prevent them and the best way to care for them at home, actually writing down notes haha. College habits never stay at college. i do not have custody of lucas, his father does, and i get a lot of rest and stuff. my life really isnt that hectic. But for once in my life i need them to listen to me, and take me serious. I managed to take care of myself well enough with the h1n1 virus and pneumonia PLUS a virus, they didn't even seem concerned in the least with that. But being as of school, if i do a 2 week stay, i will undoubtedly fail it, and i cant afford that happening. I would wait till spring break but spring break is only 1 week long, so the next would be summer break and with my health the way it is now, i don't think im going to be able to wait that long though i can try my best to be able to push it back with my treatments and proper nutrition.