I'm new to the site, and relatively new to CF. I am 46, diagnosed at 38. I've had an aspergillus diagnosis, so I'm interested in this topic. I don't speak the language, tho. What are ABPA and NAC? I've been given Vfend oral for the aspergillus.
ABPA = allergic brocho pulmonary aspergillosis. it's an allergic reaction to the aspergillus in your system that causes high ige levels, asthma like symptoms, and usually decreases with steroid use. the VFend and steroids is how abpa is treated.
NAC is supplement that is supposed to reduce inflammation in the body. you must be sure to get the right kind of NAC (iforget what it's called). if it is exposed to oxygen in processing it's basically useless.
ABPA = allergic brocho pulmonary aspergillosis. it's an allergic reaction to the aspergillus in your system that causes high ige levels, asthma like symptoms, and usually decreases with steroid use. the VFend and steroids is how abpa is treated.
NAC is supplement that is supposed to reduce inflammation in the body. you must be sure to get the right kind of NAC (iforget what it's called). if it is exposed to oxygen in processing it's basically useless.
ABPA = allergic brocho pulmonary aspergillosis. it's an allergic reaction to the aspergillus in your system that causes high ige levels, asthma like symptoms, and usually decreases with steroid use. the VFend and steroids is how abpa is treated.
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<br />NAC is supplement that is supposed to reduce inflammation in the body. you must be sure to get the right kind of NAC (iforget what it's called). if it is exposed to oxygen in processing it's basically useless.
you sound exactly like me. my soctor decided to put me on 500 mg of bioxin which i take daily. it helps alot. i just got sick for the first time in 4months. before that i was getting sick every month. the ENT and the pulmonologist don't know why i have this. i have no allergies. it notice it get worse with climate/weather changes.
you sound exactly like me. my soctor decided to put me on 500 mg of bioxin which i take daily. it helps alot. i just got sick for the first time in 4months. before that i was getting sick every month. the ENT and the pulmonologist don't know why i have this. i have no allergies. it notice it get worse with climate/weather changes.
you sound exactly like me. my soctor decided to put me on 500 mg of bioxin which i take daily. it helps alot. i just got sick for the first time in 4months. before that i was getting sick every month. the ENT and the pulmonologist don't know why i have this. i have no allergies. it notice it get worse with climate/weather changes.
you can buy this over the counter????
you can buy this over the counter????
you can buy this over the counter????
<br />http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=NAC%3D+N-Acetyl+Cysteine&hl=en&rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS387US387&prmd=ivns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=662&wrapid=tlif131680118610610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3894884971628384809&sa=X&ei=rsp8Tu7LHc7F0AG_yqHcDw&ved=0CHgQ8wIwAA#
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