I'm ddf508, no liver issues. I had almost had asthma/coughing attack because I was laughing so hard. As for the alcohol side, I drink beer, mainly good belgian(I went too hs in Belgium) have a pint and not feel anything other then the alcohol, when Im with my friends they drink bud light/select, I will have a couple of glasses(20oz total) I feel real bloated, feel in my head like I've drank three or four shots in 20 min. Normally when I go out I will drink red bull and vodka(drank this since I was in highschool), I'll have 3-4 over the course of the night and feel fine, tipsy but no I'll effect. Normally I will drink either a 32oz of Gatorade or a couple of glasses of water before I go to bed, makes the next day bareable. *for of age, and able to drink. Becareful of over doing this, riding the porcelain pony is never a way to end an evening, from personal experience* my psa. I drink at this at friends houses, this has been hand down too me by my great First Sargent(Great party drank way too much, if anyone wants a funny adult drinking story shoot me an pm) when I was promoted, 1 scope of lemon lime gatorade powder, vodka(your judgement, recommend a shot or two), and a can of sprite or similar soda, also works with orange flavor for the powder and soda for those who do not like lemon lime. It will keep you hydrated when drinking. I helps with hangovers too.