drinking alcohol?


New member
hey im Danielle!! im 14 years old and i have c.f!! I just wanted to say that i think drinking is bad but when i drink nothin ever seems to effect me. I only have up to 2-3 bottles and i feel pissed but i think drinking is alot better than smoking i have never smoked and never will!! but you might disagree with me here but i think if you cant smoke coz it will effect your lungz bad then whats wrong with a little drink once in a while ????

But that doesn't mean im sayin drinking is not bad as well i think they both are but like some1 else said you need 2 beable 2 live a little!!

if any of you have msn please add me db100_54@hotmail.com i would love to chat!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0">


New member
Of course dehydration is a problem with CF'ers who drink Annon. That's why your so thirsty in the morning and the entire day. Our lungs can not get dehydrated. Otherwise it's hard to cough, the stuff dries up and stays there to cause infection.


New member

im 21 w/cf, and of course, like most people will... I drink from time to time. Although I see what you mean about getting sick while drinking, this isnt because of CF, but because you simply drink too much. Moderate...drink slowly and when you feel it hit you too hard, call it quits. My doctors have told me drinking isnt the best thing, but hey, its not good for anyone and having CF certainly wont keep me from living a normal life. Therefore, if you will drink, drink, but moderate and dont over do it. Personnaly, whats the fun of drinking if you will be sick anyways?? Ive been sick once, and never again, its the worse feeling...therefore dont drink so much!
Apart from that, Danielle, you say you dont?!?! Your 14 yrs old...what are you doing drinking so young?? Keep it for when your older...because if you do it now, whats gonna be the fun of become legal age?!?!

Later People, take care of yourselves
