Drinking and CF


New member
I am a member of the form but since this is the internet and I have a strick family, I decided to post Anon. You never know who comes by and I have a goody-two shoes reputation to keep up <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.

I am pretty much asking this because it stumped me and I want to know could it be CF related. Okay, here is what happened. I am not a regular drinker. Maybe one or two a year. I've never been buzzed. But to be in with the gang, I was drinking a Smiroff Twisted Black Cherry (slowly), my first (and only) one that night. Half way through I got these terrible stomach cramps. The kind that can take your breath away, shivers...just miserable. Like I had ate a whole meal and forgot my enzymes. Needless to say, I did not finish it. Later someone gave me some OJ with some pina colda (sp?) rum mixed in...just a little bit...and the same cramps came back. So, a few sips and that was out of the question. I did not take any meds with these or any near that time. And I have not tried anything since then out of fear it will happen again. I had these cramps for the rest of the night and the next day.

So, my question is, has anyone ever have this issue when trying alcohol? If so, what did you do about it? Should you take enzymes with it? I wouldnt think so.



New member
Some CF's have issues with alcohol. In general, it's not a good idea to drink alcohol if you have CF. If you have problems when you drink, it's simple, don't drink. I doubt your enzymes will change anything, because there aren't any fats in what you were drinking. Me personally, I don't drink often, but once a week I meet up with friends and play darts and play trivia and drink some beers and get a good buzz and have a great time laughing and having fun. If I absolutely wasn't able to drink (I wasn't able to a while back due to gout, before OO), especially for CF reasons, I wouldn't enjoy it, but I wouldn't drink. I can currently drink at the rate/type I do now and I enjoy it, and i'm in amazing shape so I do.

It's all a personal thing. Only you can answer if you are capable of doing something or not. I only drink when I don't have to work the next day, and the worst that happens to me is my lungs get a tad dried out, but i'm pretty much crystal clear now anyways.


New member
I drink, i've never experienced that, sorry. i suppose it could be CF though... I guess it falls under the "it hurts when i do this"...category.


New member
Maybe if you drink more, the pain will dull?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> Hmm...I drink on the occasion, but have never experienced that. Sorry I'm of no help. But SeanDavis is right, increases your enzymes won't help.


New member
You might want to try experimenting with vastly different drinks in small quantities and see if you get the pains again, note what you were drinking when you got the pains, and avoid that type of drink/drinks with those ingredients. I personally stick to beer because I love beer and just like everything about it. I occasionally have some girly fruity drinks if they are cheap and i'm around some ladies, but aside from that, I try to avoid real liquor because it's just too potent. If you want to feel like crap the quickest and get lung bleeds quickest, drink liquor. You can still get by on beer in normal quantities though. Same can be said for wine coolers, but for CF's, the tremendous amounts of sugars in some wine coolers + possible blood sugar issues might be a real bad idea.

I'd say next time you want to drink some, try some lite beer and see how that goes. If you get pains again, wait a while and when the next social drinking time rolls around, try something else that is considered mellow, if after two or three totally different drinking attempts leave you with cramps...well...Maybe drinking just isn't for you.


New member
One thought that came to my mind......did you have food of any kind within a few hours of these drinks. I had a "reaction" to sweet alcohol (like peach schnapps, wine coolers etc) after eating a whole bunch of meat/protein. Turns out my body doesnt like a bunch of "artificial" sweetness mixed with protein & every time I do it I feel awful. Dont know if its a definite CF thing, but I am sure its compounded by the digestive/pancrease issues of CF!


New member
I have your solution! I have a CF and I am a drinker: when I want to have ad rink, I do (no lectures from the crowd please)....however, for some reason the flavored malt beverages cause me to get crazy gas in my tummy - it hurts! Hurts all the way up inot my chest. I don't know what it is, but all those smirnoff ice things do it to me. So I would say, try a different drink - a glass of wine or a light beer maybe and see if that helps.


New member
hi Anon,

I had a severe bout of adhesion which followed a heavy drinking night in 2004, I havent drunk like that again since, out of fear, even though the docs said they couldnt be sure that it was sparked by it. The pains were agonising, I couldnt stand upright, and it showed up on Xray as well. I think that alcohol can cause problems with the pancrease if they are underlying anyway (I think it can spark pancreatitis) - maybe best to talk to your team to be safe? I hope you are ok <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
I don't have cf, but I too was thinking it was the malt beverage -- reminded me of drinking schlitz malt liquor at keg parties way back when and for that reason, I usually avoid flavored wine cooler, fruity beverages, too. Also they're too sweet.

Last weekend my husband's boss stopped by to use the freezer in our basement to store pizzas for his son's baseball fundraiser and he brought along a beer for my husband and handed me a watermelon flavored schmirnoff. Yikes! I placed it in the fridge and later gave it to my college aged niece who LOVES that kind of drink.


New member
A malt does it to me sometimes. When I first started drinking, I realized I threw up if I didn't take my enzymes. I'm not sure if that's scientifically sound or not, but it's what I've come to understand through testing. I agree with wanderlost, though. Try avoiding the Smirnoff wine coolers and go for some lite beer. I drink almost only vodka now without any problems.


New member
I too get pains when I drink too, but I think for me anyhow it's cause i drink fast and don't give the gas, from the carbonation a chance to release.

Also whne drinking beer I take a few enzymes, due to the yeast in the beer.

other than that I'm not too sure.

Good luck.


Yes, I think it is probably <u>what </u>you drank. That's a lot to introduce to your body if you never drink. Try beer or wine, and definitely w/ some food.


New member
this might sound really stupid but i drink all the time, i am not an alcoholic or anything but i can safely say i am way to drunk at least twice a week, me personally i dont c it effecting me at all. it dosent help casue all my friends are the same but if i drink some thing i dont normally drink i will get stomach cramps 2! sorry forgott o log in, this is


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

this might sound really stupid but i drink all the time, i am not an alcoholic or anything but i can safely say i am way to drunk at least twice a week, me personally i dont c it effecting me at all. it dosent help casue all my friends are the same but if i drink some thing i dont normally drink i will get stomach cramps 2! sorry forgott o log in, this is

smoothdave</end quote></div>

I am not saying you are or arent an alcoholic, but this sounded funny to me since most alcoholics are in denial & say the same thing until they decide to seek help. It just hit me as ironic!