Drugs During Pregnancy


New member
I'm sure this answer is here somewhere but what drugs are allowed and not allowed during pregnancy. I am currently on TOBI Podhaler and alternating that with cayston. I also take Pulmozyme, albuterol and hypertonic saline, as well as azithromycin (500 mg 3x/week), symbicort, flonase.

Any info would be appreciated.


Super Moderator
Hi kchat!

I continued Pulmozyme, albuterol, and hypertonic saline. My doctor stopped azithromycin throughout my pregnancy and during breastfeeding. I hadn't used Tobi for quite a while prior to becoming pregnant, so not sure what my doc would have thought about that. However, I know of other moms on here who continued inhaled tobi throughout their pregnancies. With each med usually your doc will do a benefits/risk assessment and decide if the benefits you receive from the meds outweigh any risk they might pose to the baby.

There are a couple really good resources for us CF moms to use. The biggest one is Dr. Hale's Infant Center at Texas Tech University. They have by the far the most and best info regarding meds that are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. They have a hotline you can call and ask about any med in question. I have used it more times than I can count! Don't hestitate to call them. The hotline number is 806-352-2519, the link to the website is : http://www.infantrisk.com/

Another website that I have used is safefetus.com. You could check that out too. Gives the categories of meds etc.

I've gotta run for now! Hope I've helped at all, and let us know if you have any more questions. :)

Autumn 33 w/CF


Active member
Drugs are categorized for pregnancy classes A through D and X, A being well studied and proven safe to D and X being studied and proven dangerous to a growing fetus. So for us pregnant moms with Cf, there is a risk/benefit ratio that needs to be discussed with each patient and each drug. It differs from person to person.
I'm on my 3rd pregnancy, and I remained on Zithromax, Pulmozyme, Albuterol, and Hypertonic Saline for all. I also am on Pulmicort for all pregnancies which is switched from my usual Advair. For my current pregnancy I have been also been able to use Cayston, which is a wonderful tool, especially since they did a study on it related to fetal safety since my last pregnancy and its very safe. My doctor does not recommend Tobi during pregnancy and I opted to stay off that, though I know others that have used it.
There are many situations that come up during pregnancy, and depending on what you culture, in all likely hood you will have several safe options to get you through. Its important to remember that a healthy mommy equals a healthy baby. Also, being at optimum health before you are pregnant is key, so a good tune up prior to getting pregnant may work well for some.
Yes I ditto infantrisk.com for breastfeeding/drug questions. They are wonderful. Important to remember that med safety is completely different in pregnancy vs. breastfeeding. So they will have the most up to date info on breastfeeding if you desire/are able to do that.
Best wishes!


New member
Wow, third pregnancy!! That's amazing!! Congratulations :) Happy to hear about being able to stay on Cayston... thanks again for the info :)


New member
I used Hypertonic Saline, ProAir, and QVar during my pregnancy. I was on Tobi pod prior to becoming pregnant. Now I'm on ProAir, Qvar, Pulmozyme and Cayston while breastfeeding :). I wish I would've known about Cayston while I was pregnant! I just started it (and pulmozyme) - I like them both!