Dry Runs...


New member
That sucks that you had a dry run. I actually didn't have any. Yeah, I was lucky! When I got my first and only call, I was already in the hospital and didn't have to rush anywhere. My transplant call was probably the best that anyone could hope for.

I do have one friend who has had two dry runs though and I know that it has been hard on her. She continues to hang in there and like everyone else who is listed, I hope she gets the real call soon!


New member
That sucks that you had a dry run. I actually didn't have any. Yeah, I was lucky! When I got my first and only call, I was already in the hospital and didn't have to rush anywhere. My transplant call was probably the best that anyone could hope for.

I do have one friend who has had two dry runs though and I know that it has been hard on her. She continues to hang in there and like everyone else who is listed, I hope she gets the real call soon!


New member
That sucks that you had a dry run. I actually didn't have any. Yeah, I was lucky! When I got my first and only call, I was already in the hospital and didn't have to rush anywhere. My transplant call was probably the best that anyone could hope for.

I do have one friend who has had two dry runs though and I know that it has been hard on her. She continues to hang in there and like everyone else who is listed, I hope she gets the real call soon!


New member
That sucks that you had a dry run. I actually didn't have any. Yeah, I was lucky! When I got my first and only call, I was already in the hospital and didn't have to rush anywhere. My transplant call was probably the best that anyone could hope for.

I do have one friend who has had two dry runs though and I know that it has been hard on her. She continues to hang in there and like everyone else who is listed, I hope she gets the real call soon!


New member
That sucks that you had a dry run. I actually didn't have any. Yeah, I was lucky! When I got my first and only call, I was already in the hospital and didn't have to rush anywhere. My transplant call was probably the best that anyone could hope for.
<br />
<br />I do have one friend who has had two dry runs though and I know that it has been hard on her. She continues to hang in there and like everyone else who is listed, I hope she gets the real call soon!