DS first admission


New member
The boy has been admitted into hosp' today,he sounds and looks terrible. Thick green snot, as hot as a potato, rasping cough. His mothers with him, I'm home alone and I guess I'm quite scared about it. They took 7 atempts to get an IV in, god it was heartbreaking. Someone cheer me up before I hit the sack [for a sleepless night no doubt]


New member
I would imagine the first admission is always the hardest, although they are all hard in their own way. I don't have any real words of comfort expcept for I am SURE he will get better, and things will go back thier semi-normal state lol *hug*


New member
The first admission is always hard, and I suppose the next few ones will be too. But know that he will get better, and things will return to normal. ((((((HUGS)))))


New member
thanks Liz, you know your wee colage pictures always make me smile, your latest is good lol.............. right I'm away to Bed


New member
Sorry to hear your little man is in hospital, it would be scary as its his first admission. Just think he is there to be treated and will come through 100% better than waht he is now.
I hope he get's better soon. Hang in there and keep us posted.

Regards Eli


New member
I am sorry that the little man is having a hard time. Try your best to get rest & keep us updated.....he will bounce back quickly I am sure!


New member
I am sorry to hear that. It's hard I know. But really a cleanout is a wonderous thing - I'm sure he'll feel much better afterward.

As impossible as it seems right now, try not to let yourself and his mom get too worn out. Try to take real good care of yourselves and sleep every possible moment you can.

Afterall right now he has others than you to take care of him too. Once he's home there will be only you 2 and you don't want to be too wasted to take over then.

Keeping you all in my heart...


New member
Craig, I'm sorry to hear about your little one's admission to the hospital. As others have said, this first one will be the hardest. It's a bit different for me because I have a husband and not a child with CF, but it is definately a stressful and worrysome time... you have every right to feel the way you do.

Just know with him in the hospital they can get his problems (not sure what landed him there, pneumonia? UIR infection?....) under control and most of all alleviate any pain he may be feeling.

You and your family are in my prayers!


New member
Just wishing get well to your son. Also, you and your wife need to remember to eat and drink. Everytime my daughter gets sick I tend to not eat, lose 5 lbs easily... take care of yourself as well so you can take care of your little guy and daughter too.
