Hi to the anon poster,
Sorry, I just saw your post. Congratulations on your 9 month old daughter! I assume you are asking what my experiences are as a cf parent? Any specific questions I can answer? For the most part, things have been overwhelmingly positive, although there have been a few rough spots in the road, such as we all experience. I am lucky that I have a supportive husband and my parents live an hour and a half away, so they were able to help when my son was younger. When I am in the hospital my mom comes and stays at my house and fills in for me. She is incredibly helpful! There is always the concern of how my family would manage if something were to happen to me, but I don't spend as much time worrying about it as I used to, I suppose because my son is older. My health, in general, is pretty good, I am in the hospital about once a year and do oral/inhaled abx in between. I'm not as active as I used to be, but I can still do many of the things I want/like to do (fev1~50%). I will be 40 next Tuesday, I am very happy about that! Funny, so many of my friends are sad about getting older, but I guess as a cf patient, I have a different perspective!! Ageing sure beats the alternative!!! I would be glad to chat if you have any questions or just want some parenting support- knunnari@comcast.net. Good luck and enjoy!