E Flow Neb


New member
Thanks everyone! You made a good point Caitlin because that is the same study I am currently in (the aztreanem one). I guess they want to find out how that drug works in the study not other drugs. I guess I was just hoping to shorten a few things and wondered if I could. Maybe if I get my own personal one I could try albuterol just to get the full effect of it. I don't know! But thank you guys for your input!

27 with cf


New member
A friend of mine recently started the e-flow. She is a germ freak maniac and cleans it thoroughly BUT what SHE has found over the last three months or so, is that she wants to revert to the old machine as she isn't getting as good a dose with the eflow. She just finds her antibiotics aren't working as well. She (andI ) thinks its amazing for travel, quietness and speed but its overall reliability as a sole provider for drugs is somewhat debateable, in her opinion. She now uses it when she needs the job done fast or if its late at night.

It will be interesting to see in five years time what the consensous of the eflow is based on this...


New member
A friend of mine recently started the e-flow. She is a germ freak maniac and cleans it thoroughly BUT what SHE has found over the last three months or so, is that she wants to revert to the old machine as she isn't getting as good a dose with the eflow. She just finds her antibiotics aren't working as well. She (andI ) thinks its amazing for travel, quietness and speed but its overall reliability as a sole provider for drugs is somewhat debateable, in her opinion. She now uses it when she needs the job done fast or if its late at night.

It will be interesting to see in five years time what the consensous of the eflow is based on this...


New member
A friend of mine recently started the e-flow. She is a germ freak maniac and cleans it thoroughly BUT what SHE has found over the last three months or so, is that she wants to revert to the old machine as she isn't getting as good a dose with the eflow. She just finds her antibiotics aren't working as well. She (andI ) thinks its amazing for travel, quietness and speed but its overall reliability as a sole provider for drugs is somewhat debateable, in her opinion. She now uses it when she needs the job done fast or if its late at night.

It will be interesting to see in five years time what the consensous of the eflow is based on this...


Hi everyone,

I wanted to add my thoughts to this debate.

I've been using the e flow for over five months now and like I've said in previous posts, it certainly has some advantages like its quiteness, portability (assuming you have immediate access to demineralised water and stove top) and ability to reduce the time it takes for meds to be nebulised.

However, I've reverted back to using my Pari proneb whenever I can simply because I found that the areosole head became clogged too quickly when I commenced hypertonic saline treatment. I don't buy the argument "that if you clean it properly it will last six months" .... I've been extremely fastidious with my e flow, I would rinse it in tap water immediately after use and I always boiled it in demineralised water after each use. It worked reasonably well when I only put Ventolin (our version of albuterol) and Pulmozyme, but as soon as I introduced daily hypertonic saline, the unit ceased functioning because the areosole head became clogged.

Hypertonic saline by its nature will of course speed up the time by which the areosole head will become clogged.

There are pluses to the e flow but there are also many disadvantages to the e flow that I think people need to consider. Hopefully with time and an increase in cf users who give honest feedback about the unit, will there be acknowldgements from Pari that improvements should be considered. So far, my feedback here in Australia has fallen on deaf ears, I'm simply told "if you use it properly ..." blah blah.


Hi everyone,

I wanted to add my thoughts to this debate.

I've been using the e flow for over five months now and like I've said in previous posts, it certainly has some advantages like its quiteness, portability (assuming you have immediate access to demineralised water and stove top) and ability to reduce the time it takes for meds to be nebulised.

However, I've reverted back to using my Pari proneb whenever I can simply because I found that the areosole head became clogged too quickly when I commenced hypertonic saline treatment. I don't buy the argument "that if you clean it properly it will last six months" .... I've been extremely fastidious with my e flow, I would rinse it in tap water immediately after use and I always boiled it in demineralised water after each use. It worked reasonably well when I only put Ventolin (our version of albuterol) and Pulmozyme, but as soon as I introduced daily hypertonic saline, the unit ceased functioning because the areosole head became clogged.

Hypertonic saline by its nature will of course speed up the time by which the areosole head will become clogged.

There are pluses to the e flow but there are also many disadvantages to the e flow that I think people need to consider. Hopefully with time and an increase in cf users who give honest feedback about the unit, will there be acknowldgements from Pari that improvements should be considered. So far, my feedback here in Australia has fallen on deaf ears, I'm simply told "if you use it properly ..." blah blah.


Hi everyone,

I wanted to add my thoughts to this debate.

I've been using the e flow for over five months now and like I've said in previous posts, it certainly has some advantages like its quiteness, portability (assuming you have immediate access to demineralised water and stove top) and ability to reduce the time it takes for meds to be nebulised.

However, I've reverted back to using my Pari proneb whenever I can simply because I found that the areosole head became clogged too quickly when I commenced hypertonic saline treatment. I don't buy the argument "that if you clean it properly it will last six months" .... I've been extremely fastidious with my e flow, I would rinse it in tap water immediately after use and I always boiled it in demineralised water after each use. It worked reasonably well when I only put Ventolin (our version of albuterol) and Pulmozyme, but as soon as I introduced daily hypertonic saline, the unit ceased functioning because the areosole head became clogged.

Hypertonic saline by its nature will of course speed up the time by which the areosole head will become clogged.

There are pluses to the e flow but there are also many disadvantages to the e flow that I think people need to consider. Hopefully with time and an increase in cf users who give honest feedback about the unit, will there be acknowldgements from Pari that improvements should be considered. So far, my feedback here in Australia has fallen on deaf ears, I'm simply told "if you use it properly ..." blah blah.