Early signs in pregnancy?


New member
I see your point that it might be hard for women with fertility problems to read this, and that this topic could have been posted somewhere else. At the same time, I am used to that abortion-related topics are on pregnancy forums here in Norway, and thought that this would be the best place to ask my question. Perhaps it is a little cultural misunderstanding from my side. I also do not get pregnant easily, and I still do not know if I ever will be able to carry a child myself (even though I will get help), and in general I do not have a good relationship with pregnancy. To me pregnancy is just a difficult time that I hope to go through...one day...

Yes, I know we are fortunate to have a social welfare system here in Norway, where also poor people have the same chance to get help. I think all inhabitants value this system, even though we pay more taxes. I will not talk politics here, but I know there is an election in the USA soon (we follow that in Norway as it would have been our own election), and that certain politicians are pro a similar system as we have here in Scandinavia, I can really recommend it!!! I always say that if I do not vote I cannot complain...

I also see that it seems difficult to diagnose at an earlier stage in pregnancy, unfortuantely. I guess I just had a weird feeling about my eye reaction. Liza did not have any reaction and carried the same mutation as I did..... but in research more than two people are needed to find an answer...I did not expect to find that answer here, but if we never ask we never find out. Research is always based on hypothesis, and hypothesis are based on things we observe....

Thank you all for your comments!



New member
I see your point that it might be hard for women with fertility problems to read this, and that this topic could have been posted somewhere else. At the same time, I am used to that abortion-related topics are on pregnancy forums here in Norway, and thought that this would be the best place to ask my question. Perhaps it is a little cultural misunderstanding from my side. I also do not get pregnant easily, and I still do not know if I ever will be able to carry a child myself (even though I will get help), and in general I do not have a good relationship with pregnancy. To me pregnancy is just a difficult time that I hope to go through...one day...

Yes, I know we are fortunate to have a social welfare system here in Norway, where also poor people have the same chance to get help. I think all inhabitants value this system, even though we pay more taxes. I will not talk politics here, but I know there is an election in the USA soon (we follow that in Norway as it would have been our own election), and that certain politicians are pro a similar system as we have here in Scandinavia, I can really recommend it!!! I always say that if I do not vote I cannot complain...

I also see that it seems difficult to diagnose at an earlier stage in pregnancy, unfortuantely. I guess I just had a weird feeling about my eye reaction. Liza did not have any reaction and carried the same mutation as I did..... but in research more than two people are needed to find an answer...I did not expect to find that answer here, but if we never ask we never find out. Research is always based on hypothesis, and hypothesis are based on things we observe....

Thank you all for your comments!



New member
I see your point that it might be hard for women with fertility problems to read this, and that this topic could have been posted somewhere else. At the same time, I am used to that abortion-related topics are on pregnancy forums here in Norway, and thought that this would be the best place to ask my question. Perhaps it is a little cultural misunderstanding from my side. I also do not get pregnant easily, and I still do not know if I ever will be able to carry a child myself (even though I will get help), and in general I do not have a good relationship with pregnancy. To me pregnancy is just a difficult time that I hope to go through...one day...

Yes, I know we are fortunate to have a social welfare system here in Norway, where also poor people have the same chance to get help. I think all inhabitants value this system, even though we pay more taxes. I will not talk politics here, but I know there is an election in the USA soon (we follow that in Norway as it would have been our own election), and that certain politicians are pro a similar system as we have here in Scandinavia, I can really recommend it!!! I always say that if I do not vote I cannot complain...

I also see that it seems difficult to diagnose at an earlier stage in pregnancy, unfortuantely. I guess I just had a weird feeling about my eye reaction. Liza did not have any reaction and carried the same mutation as I did..... but in research more than two people are needed to find an answer...I did not expect to find that answer here, but if we never ask we never find out. Research is always based on hypothesis, and hypothesis are based on things we observe....

Thank you all for your comments!



New member
I see your point that it might be hard for women with fertility problems to read this, and that this topic could have been posted somewhere else. At the same time, I am used to that abortion-related topics are on pregnancy forums here in Norway, and thought that this would be the best place to ask my question. Perhaps it is a little cultural misunderstanding from my side. I also do not get pregnant easily, and I still do not know if I ever will be able to carry a child myself (even though I will get help), and in general I do not have a good relationship with pregnancy. To me pregnancy is just a difficult time that I hope to go through...one day...

Yes, I know we are fortunate to have a social welfare system here in Norway, where also poor people have the same chance to get help. I think all inhabitants value this system, even though we pay more taxes. I will not talk politics here, but I know there is an election in the USA soon (we follow that in Norway as it would have been our own election), and that certain politicians are pro a similar system as we have here in Scandinavia, I can really recommend it!!! I always say that if I do not vote I cannot complain...

I also see that it seems difficult to diagnose at an earlier stage in pregnancy, unfortuantely. I guess I just had a weird feeling about my eye reaction. Liza did not have any reaction and carried the same mutation as I did..... but in research more than two people are needed to find an answer...I did not expect to find that answer here, but if we never ask we never find out. Research is always based on hypothesis, and hypothesis are based on things we observe....

Thank you all for your comments!



New member
I see your point that it might be hard for women with fertility problems to read this, and that this topic could have been posted somewhere else. At the same time, I am used to that abortion-related topics are on pregnancy forums here in Norway, and thought that this would be the best place to ask my question. Perhaps it is a little cultural misunderstanding from my side. I also do not get pregnant easily, and I still do not know if I ever will be able to carry a child myself (even though I will get help), and in general I do not have a good relationship with pregnancy. To me pregnancy is just a difficult time that I hope to go through...one day...

Yes, I know we are fortunate to have a social welfare system here in Norway, where also poor people have the same chance to get help. I think all inhabitants value this system, even though we pay more taxes. I will not talk politics here, but I know there is an election in the USA soon (we follow that in Norway as it would have been our own election), and that certain politicians are pro a similar system as we have here in Scandinavia, I can really recommend it!!! I always say that if I do not vote I cannot complain...

I also see that it seems difficult to diagnose at an earlier stage in pregnancy, unfortuantely. I guess I just had a weird feeling about my eye reaction. Liza did not have any reaction and carried the same mutation as I did..... but in research more than two people are needed to find an answer...I did not expect to find that answer here, but if we never ask we never find out. Research is always based on hypothesis, and hypothesis are based on things we observe....

Thank you all for your comments!



New member
This post has been eating away at me way more then I should ever let something like this do.

I have thought about it all day on and off for a couple of days...since reading it.

I am sorry but my belief is you should not be having any child, unless you are willing to accept that child as it comes... Selecting a child does not mean you are going to have a healthy child, there is childhood cancer, diseases of all natures, their is major car accidents that cause death, could paralize a child, your child could have brain damage, could have anything wrong with it.. You never know.. and to me, if you only want a healthy child, which I can't fault you for wanting, we all want that for our children, but no mother that loves their child is going to not have a child just because they are not perfect.

I don't mean to offend you, I think your post is fine and that you were honestly looking for answers...I am glad my mother didn't think of me as a diseased fetus, honestly I am glad she didn't know.... when I was born 35 years ago they didn't test for CF as a standard... and in some ways I wish they still didn't...

Please don't be offended by my post, that isn't my intention, I am just saying, please consider before you try to have another child what your options of getting in the next baby are going to be.. I guess as a pediatric emergency room nurse, I see much more worse things than CF...

Best of luck to you and your husband



New member
This post has been eating away at me way more then I should ever let something like this do.

I have thought about it all day on and off for a couple of days...since reading it.

I am sorry but my belief is you should not be having any child, unless you are willing to accept that child as it comes... Selecting a child does not mean you are going to have a healthy child, there is childhood cancer, diseases of all natures, their is major car accidents that cause death, could paralize a child, your child could have brain damage, could have anything wrong with it.. You never know.. and to me, if you only want a healthy child, which I can't fault you for wanting, we all want that for our children, but no mother that loves their child is going to not have a child just because they are not perfect.

I don't mean to offend you, I think your post is fine and that you were honestly looking for answers...I am glad my mother didn't think of me as a diseased fetus, honestly I am glad she didn't know.... when I was born 35 years ago they didn't test for CF as a standard... and in some ways I wish they still didn't...

Please don't be offended by my post, that isn't my intention, I am just saying, please consider before you try to have another child what your options of getting in the next baby are going to be.. I guess as a pediatric emergency room nurse, I see much more worse things than CF...

Best of luck to you and your husband



New member
This post has been eating away at me way more then I should ever let something like this do.

I have thought about it all day on and off for a couple of days...since reading it.

I am sorry but my belief is you should not be having any child, unless you are willing to accept that child as it comes... Selecting a child does not mean you are going to have a healthy child, there is childhood cancer, diseases of all natures, their is major car accidents that cause death, could paralize a child, your child could have brain damage, could have anything wrong with it.. You never know.. and to me, if you only want a healthy child, which I can't fault you for wanting, we all want that for our children, but no mother that loves their child is going to not have a child just because they are not perfect.

I don't mean to offend you, I think your post is fine and that you were honestly looking for answers...I am glad my mother didn't think of me as a diseased fetus, honestly I am glad she didn't know.... when I was born 35 years ago they didn't test for CF as a standard... and in some ways I wish they still didn't...

Please don't be offended by my post, that isn't my intention, I am just saying, please consider before you try to have another child what your options of getting in the next baby are going to be.. I guess as a pediatric emergency room nurse, I see much more worse things than CF...

Best of luck to you and your husband



New member
This post has been eating away at me way more then I should ever let something like this do.

I have thought about it all day on and off for a couple of days...since reading it.

I am sorry but my belief is you should not be having any child, unless you are willing to accept that child as it comes... Selecting a child does not mean you are going to have a healthy child, there is childhood cancer, diseases of all natures, their is major car accidents that cause death, could paralize a child, your child could have brain damage, could have anything wrong with it.. You never know.. and to me, if you only want a healthy child, which I can't fault you for wanting, we all want that for our children, but no mother that loves their child is going to not have a child just because they are not perfect.

I don't mean to offend you, I think your post is fine and that you were honestly looking for answers...I am glad my mother didn't think of me as a diseased fetus, honestly I am glad she didn't know.... when I was born 35 years ago they didn't test for CF as a standard... and in some ways I wish they still didn't...

Please don't be offended by my post, that isn't my intention, I am just saying, please consider before you try to have another child what your options of getting in the next baby are going to be.. I guess as a pediatric emergency room nurse, I see much more worse things than CF...

Best of luck to you and your husband



New member
This post has been eating away at me way more then I should ever let something like this do.
<br />
<br />I have thought about it all day on and off for a couple of days...since reading it.
<br />
<br />I am sorry but my belief is you should not be having any child, unless you are willing to accept that child as it comes... Selecting a child does not mean you are going to have a healthy child, there is childhood cancer, diseases of all natures, their is major car accidents that cause death, could paralize a child, your child could have brain damage, could have anything wrong with it.. You never know.. and to me, if you only want a healthy child, which I can't fault you for wanting, we all want that for our children, but no mother that loves their child is going to not have a child just because they are not perfect.
<br />
<br />I don't mean to offend you, I think your post is fine and that you were honestly looking for answers...I am glad my mother didn't think of me as a diseased fetus, honestly I am glad she didn't know.... when I was born 35 years ago they didn't test for CF as a standard... and in some ways I wish they still didn't...
<br />
<br />Please don't be offended by my post, that isn't my intention, I am just saying, please consider before you try to have another child what your options of getting in the next baby are going to be.. I guess as a pediatric emergency room nurse, I see much more worse things than CF...
<br />
<br />Best of luck to you and your husband
<br />
<br />Jennifer


New member
Dear Jennifer,

I am not offended. I have written a personal message to you, as I do not want to discuss abortion in this topic..



New member
Dear Jennifer,

I am not offended. I have written a personal message to you, as I do not want to discuss abortion in this topic..



New member
Dear Jennifer,

I am not offended. I have written a personal message to you, as I do not want to discuss abortion in this topic..



New member
Dear Jennifer,

I am not offended. I have written a personal message to you, as I do not want to discuss abortion in this topic..



New member
Dear Jennifer,
<br />
<br />I am not offended. I have written a personal message to you, as I do not want to discuss abortion in this topic..
<br />
<br />Anna