Eating 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds per day reduced my inflammation


New member
I bought manitoba harvest hemp seeds last Saturday and have taken 2 tablespoons of seeds 2x a day for the past week.  I have noticed a substantial decrease in chest tightness and asthma symptoms.  I am also noticing improved exercise stamina.  These seeds have the ideal ratio of omega6 to omega 3 and omega 3 is known to reduce inflammation.  They make a hemp seed oil that I would also like to try.  An 8oz bag costs about $9.<br><br><br>


New member
THC is a bronchodilator, which might also be contributing to your improvement. I don't know what the therapeutic dose is to produce bronchodilation, but seeds usually contain 0.5-1% THC, whereas the buds contain as much as 20%. There was a study in the 70's that produced bronchodilator properties using 2% THC. They found that the bronchodilation was better than that of albuterol, but the onset of action is slower with THC.


New member
The strains of the cannabis sativa plant that is used for hemp food products contains only trace amounts of THC if any at all.  I have felt no "high" effects.  I know omega 3 reduces inflammation, so my guess is the high concentration of it is what is producing the beneficial effect.  I was able to run about 5.5 miles yesterday after being on the seeds for a week, and my lungs weren't even that fatigued, only my leg muscles.  Normally I would be coughing like crazy and probably throwing up.  <br><br>In addition, I am still nebulizing two 200mg glutathione capsules from Theranaturals, and taking 1 900mg NAC tablet from Pharmanac per day.<br><br><br><br><br>