

New member
Has anyone heard of or use Echinacea . just wanted to know peoples thoughts on it as i have started using it and i find it really good .xx


New member
i used it for a while, but it didn't really seem to do anything for me. glad you are having better results though! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
I have used Echinacea for several years for specific instances, but do not use it as a routine therapy. For that purpose, I have found it very effective. I normally use it in conjunction with Vitamin C and Garlic. I have found that I don't need to use it as often now that my basic nutrition is better. I now have a stronger immune system. But, in instances of virus or infection coming on, I still use the Echinacea, Vit. C, Garlic mix with excellent results. I use Reliv as my regular nutritional supplement and that has improved my overall health greatly.Check out <A href=""></A> for the way I use and suggest using Echinacea and <A href=""></A> for how Reliv has helped improve and stabilize my health.


New member
Have you found a garlic supplement that doesn't leave you smelling like garlic?
I bought tablets at a health foods type store and after taking just one tablet, I smelled like garlic. I wish I could find a proven authentic/effective garlic that doesn't make me smell like garlic<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
Also, do you know if it's recommended to be taken consistently or just when you have colds/infections, etc? Thanks


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Just checking to see if HollyCatheryn is out there or not? I was anxious about my garlic question
Elle<img src="i/expressions/puppy_eyes.gif" border="0">


New member
<P>Sorry I wasn't here when you were checking - I must've been finished with my treatment already - HA!"Odorless Garlic" by Spring Valley 1000mg. I'm sure there are other makers, but I buy the kind from Wal-Mart. It's really reasonably priced.</P>


New member
Our daughter's dietician recommends echinacea and has said that studies prove it is effective in warding off colds. She is young so we give her echinacea lolly pops.


New member
I buy the lolly pops at different stores...but I live in Canada. The website on the package (because I don't know where you live) is, but other companies may make them as well. They seem to sell them all over the world but are made in Canada. They are actually called Goodypops.


New member
What are the doses of each pill that you take 4 times a day? (Garlic, Echinacea, Vit. C)



New member
2000mg (2 - 1000mg capsules) Odorless Garlic 4 times a day760mg (2 - 380mg capsules) Echinacea 4 times a day1000mg Vitamin C a dayThat is for treating or preventing an infection. I don't use that every day. If I feel something coming on or start to get run down during a season that is troublesome for me I use this and it works wonderfully. On the Echinacea, my bottle says serving size is three capsules and equals 1140mg. Two capsules is what I was originally instructed to take and it works well for me. If you need more punch you could use three capsules 4 times a day. I keep up the regimine for about two weeks, even if I start to feel better long before that. That helps to make sure that my immune system is strong enough not only to get over the original illness, but to get back to optimum so as to prevent a quick relapse. Feel free to email me (<A href=""></A>) if you have more questions or to check out <A href=""></A> for more information on how I deal with common ailments and nutrition.


New member
Thank you very much. I was looking for something to give me a boost going into the dusty fall season when I tend to run down a little.


New member

have you ever tried the liquid echinacea? Although the capusels are good for you and better than nothing, the liquid version (provided you can stand the taste and after taste) is faster and a bit more effective. Although, if what you are doing is working for you, no need to change. I was just curious, and also wanted to put it out there to the others who are curious.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I haven't tried it. I should. I know that liquids are much better absorbed than pills or capsules. I've been getting the pills because they are cheaper, but I have to remind myself that they really aren't since I'm only getting about half the benefit (if that). Thanks for the nudge!


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Has anyone ever tried the supplement called airborne?? it was developed by a teacher who was sick of picking up germs at school? you just drop a tablet in a little bit of water and wait for it to dissolve then drink it. looking for info of whether or not it works



New member

I just bought some herbal harvest Echinacea Goldenseal extract. Does anyone have a recommended dosage for by 16 month old? He is starting a cold now so I wanted to give him some. The bottle suggests 1 or 2 1 ML droppers three times a day for an adult. I am not sure and I know if I call the clinic they will probably give me the same response they did when I asked about Tea Tree Oil... thanks!


New member
You are right about the answers from the clinic.... I asked My husband Mark, who has worked in a health food store most of his life. He recommended 1/4 to 1/2 of 1ML 2 times a day. It shouldn't be used for more than 2 weeks (3-4 weeks for an adult at the MOST) without 2 weeks off. Especially with the goldenseal it it. You can email him at if you had any specific information. The natural stuff is his "baby". <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Echinacea is not meant ot be used daily. If you find it is beneficial to you, use it for 6 weeks and then take abreak for two weeks. Also, you have to take it before you get sick to get the medicinal benefit - taking it once you have a cold or illness and it won't really work. The liquid form is best, but it tastes bad (get the children's kind - it is sweeter) and it is expensive. Garlic is better to be taken raw than in capsule form for its antibiotic properties - and you need to dice it up or chew it.


New member
Echinacea is not meant ot be used daily. If you find it is beneficial to you, use it for 6 weeks and then take abreak for two weeks. Also, you have to take it before you get sick to get the medicinal benefit - taking it once you have a cold or illness and it won't really work. The liquid form is best, but it tastes bad (get the children's kind - it is sweeter) and it is expensive. Garlic is better to be taken raw than in capsule form for its antibiotic properties - and you need to dice it up or chew it.