

New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Gina....first let me say I am sorry you are dealing with all of this and especially this time of year. This may not be an easy thing to recommend; but, sometimes a second opinion is the very BEST option. Do you have a clinic within a few hours that you can drive to and just get a second opinion consult. I did that last winter and it was possibly the very best decision I ever made for myself....mentally, physically, and emotionally. I drive about 3 hours both ways to a clinic now that I love. I still go to my local clinic for convenience and I actually love my doctor locally; but, I needed something more and I needed a different approach.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Gina....first let me say I am sorry you are dealing with all of this and especially this time of year. This may not be an easy thing to recommend; but, sometimes a second opinion is the very BEST option. Do you have a clinic within a few hours that you can drive to and just get a second opinion consult. I did that last winter and it was possibly the very best decision I ever made for myself....mentally, physically, and emotionally. I drive about 3 hours both ways to a clinic now that I love. I still go to my local clinic for convenience and I actually love my doctor locally; but, I needed something more and I needed a different approach.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Gina....first let me say I am sorry you are dealing with all of this and especially this time of year. This may not be an easy thing to recommend; but, sometimes a second opinion is the very BEST option. Do you have a clinic within a few hours that you can drive to and just get a second opinion consult. I did that last winter and it was possibly the very best decision I ever made for myself....mentally, physically, and emotionally. I drive about 3 hours both ways to a clinic now that I love. I still go to my local clinic for convenience and I actually love my doctor locally; but, I needed something more and I needed a different approach.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Gina....first let me say I am sorry you are dealing with all of this and especially this time of year. This may not be an easy thing to recommend; but, sometimes a second opinion is the very BEST option. Do you have a clinic within a few hours that you can drive to and just get a second opinion consult. I did that last winter and it was possibly the very best decision I ever made for myself....mentally, physically, and emotionally. I drive about 3 hours both ways to a clinic now that I love. I still go to my local clinic for convenience and I actually love my doctor locally; but, I needed something more and I needed a different approach.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Gina....first let me say I am sorry you are dealing with all of this and especially this time of year. This may not be an easy thing to recommend; but, sometimes a second opinion is the very BEST option. Do you have a clinic within a few hours that you can drive to and just get a second opinion consult. I did that last winter and it was possibly the very best decision I ever made for myself....mentally, physically, and emotionally. I drive about 3 hours both ways to a clinic now that I love. I still go to my local clinic for convenience and I actually love my doctor locally; but, I needed something more and I needed a different approach.


Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!


My first instinct when I read your update that the MRSA was not clear, and that it may have been a "mistake" to tell you it was, was to suggest you get another doctor.

I am often times pretty quick to drop a doctor, that is one field where I don't want to put up with mistakes. But I bit my tongue.

Now that you have further explained the situation, I do think you need to get another doctor. If not for the "mistake," for the fact that he doesn't want to hear you out. YOU are the best advocate for your daughter. The doctor is treating Cystic Fibrosis, which acts differently on each person. YOU know way better than him when something is not right with YOUR daughter. A good doctor would recognize his limitations and his need to listen to the person who knows the patient best.

I would tell that doctor to take his arrogant, I am God attitude down the hall.

Sorry if this was too blunt, but if you are not comfortable with your doctor, Brea is not going to be getting the best care possible.

Best of luck to you!

PS, even if you were just being a "whiny baby," in my opinion, a good doctor would understand and try to relax a mother who is fighting a deadly disease. Don't second guess yourself, if it doesn't feel good, it probably isn't.


Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!


My first instinct when I read your update that the MRSA was not clear, and that it may have been a "mistake" to tell you it was, was to suggest you get another doctor.

I am often times pretty quick to drop a doctor, that is one field where I don't want to put up with mistakes. But I bit my tongue.

Now that you have further explained the situation, I do think you need to get another doctor. If not for the "mistake," for the fact that he doesn't want to hear you out. YOU are the best advocate for your daughter. The doctor is treating Cystic Fibrosis, which acts differently on each person. YOU know way better than him when something is not right with YOUR daughter. A good doctor would recognize his limitations and his need to listen to the person who knows the patient best.

I would tell that doctor to take his arrogant, I am God attitude down the hall.

Sorry if this was too blunt, but if you are not comfortable with your doctor, Brea is not going to be getting the best care possible.

Best of luck to you!

PS, even if you were just being a "whiny baby," in my opinion, a good doctor would understand and try to relax a mother who is fighting a deadly disease. Don't second guess yourself, if it doesn't feel good, it probably isn't.


Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!


My first instinct when I read your update that the MRSA was not clear, and that it may have been a "mistake" to tell you it was, was to suggest you get another doctor.

I am often times pretty quick to drop a doctor, that is one field where I don't want to put up with mistakes. But I bit my tongue.

Now that you have further explained the situation, I do think you need to get another doctor. If not for the "mistake," for the fact that he doesn't want to hear you out. YOU are the best advocate for your daughter. The doctor is treating Cystic Fibrosis, which acts differently on each person. YOU know way better than him when something is not right with YOUR daughter. A good doctor would recognize his limitations and his need to listen to the person who knows the patient best.

I would tell that doctor to take his arrogant, I am God attitude down the hall.

Sorry if this was too blunt, but if you are not comfortable with your doctor, Brea is not going to be getting the best care possible.

Best of luck to you!

PS, even if you were just being a "whiny baby," in my opinion, a good doctor would understand and try to relax a mother who is fighting a deadly disease. Don't second guess yourself, if it doesn't feel good, it probably isn't.


Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!


My first instinct when I read your update that the MRSA was not clear, and that it may have been a "mistake" to tell you it was, was to suggest you get another doctor.

I am often times pretty quick to drop a doctor, that is one field where I don't want to put up with mistakes. But I bit my tongue.

Now that you have further explained the situation, I do think you need to get another doctor. If not for the "mistake," for the fact that he doesn't want to hear you out. YOU are the best advocate for your daughter. The doctor is treating Cystic Fibrosis, which acts differently on each person. YOU know way better than him when something is not right with YOUR daughter. A good doctor would recognize his limitations and his need to listen to the person who knows the patient best.

I would tell that doctor to take his arrogant, I am God attitude down the hall.

Sorry if this was too blunt, but if you are not comfortable with your doctor, Brea is not going to be getting the best care possible.

Best of luck to you!

PS, even if you were just being a "whiny baby," in my opinion, a good doctor would understand and try to relax a mother who is fighting a deadly disease. Don't second guess yourself, if it doesn't feel good, it probably isn't.


Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

<br />
<br />My first instinct when I read your update that the MRSA was not clear, and that it may have been a "mistake" to tell you it was, was to suggest you get another doctor.
<br />
<br />I am often times pretty quick to drop a doctor, that is one field where I don't want to put up with mistakes. But I bit my tongue.
<br />
<br />Now that you have further explained the situation, I do think you need to get another doctor. If not for the "mistake," for the fact that he doesn't want to hear you out. YOU are the best advocate for your daughter. The doctor is treating Cystic Fibrosis, which acts differently on each person. YOU know way better than him when something is not right with YOUR daughter. A good doctor would recognize his limitations and his need to listen to the person who knows the patient best.
<br />
<br />I would tell that doctor to take his arrogant, I am God attitude down the hall.
<br />
<br />Sorry if this was too blunt, but if you are not comfortable with your doctor, Brea is not going to be getting the best care possible.
<br />
<br />Best of luck to you!
<br />Terry
<br />
<br />PS, even if you were just being a "whiny baby," in my opinion, a good doctor would understand and try to relax a mother who is fighting a deadly disease. Don't second guess yourself, if it doesn't feel good, it probably isn't.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Typically they pair cipro with rifampin for MRSA, however the bactrim should cover it.

I was recently on quite a few of the oral ABX and finally gave in and called to have a PICC line inserted. I started 13.5g of zosyn and 730mg tobramycin daily and feel so much better. Even though PICC's are such a pain in the ass to have, sometimes it's very worth it.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Typically they pair cipro with rifampin for MRSA, however the bactrim should cover it.

I was recently on quite a few of the oral ABX and finally gave in and called to have a PICC line inserted. I started 13.5g of zosyn and 730mg tobramycin daily and feel so much better. Even though PICC's are such a pain in the ass to have, sometimes it's very worth it.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Typically they pair cipro with rifampin for MRSA, however the bactrim should cover it.

I was recently on quite a few of the oral ABX and finally gave in and called to have a PICC line inserted. I started 13.5g of zosyn and 730mg tobramycin daily and feel so much better. Even though PICC's are such a pain in the ass to have, sometimes it's very worth it.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Typically they pair cipro with rifampin for MRSA, however the bactrim should cover it.

I was recently on quite a few of the oral ABX and finally gave in and called to have a PICC line inserted. I started 13.5g of zosyn and 730mg tobramycin daily and feel so much better. Even though PICC's are such a pain in the ass to have, sometimes it's very worth it.


New member
Update - MRSA is GONE ! Bye-Bye!

Typically they pair cipro with rifampin for MRSA, however the bactrim should cover it.
<br />
<br />I was recently on quite a few of the oral ABX and finally gave in and called to have a PICC line inserted. I started 13.5g of zosyn and 730mg tobramycin daily and feel so much better. Even though PICC's are such a pain in the ass to have, sometimes it's very worth it.