election results (Canada)


New member
Is anyone else out there very disappointed that the conservatives were elected.. on the bright side they are an minority government... but what are you thoughts on them now wanting to get rid of the 2 tier health care.( i think that's what it's called ) basically they want to make us just like the use with privitized health care... i don't know about anyone else but if they do that i'm going to be very very bitter...

Ashley 21 w/cf


New member
Is anyone else out there very disappointed that the conservatives were elected.. on the bright side they are an minority government... but what are you thoughts on them now wanting to get rid of the 2 tier health care.( i think that's what it's called ) basically they want to make us just like the use with privitized health care... i don't know about anyone else but if they do that i'm going to be very very bitter...

Ashley 21 w/cf


New member
It seems to me, that the conservatives WANT to create a 2-tier health care system for all of Canada. Alberta is the only province in Canada that has a 2-tier health system. Presently, the Canadian health system has both a private and public component. The public system covers all "medically necessary" services (i.e. surgery and treatments for ailments). The private system, which accounts for approximately 30 percent of all health spending, covers everything else (i.e. dentistry).

A two-tier medical system differs from this present situation in that the private and public systems would no longer be mutually exclusive, with the private sector participating only in non-necessary services. Instead, the same services would be offered in both systems and the consumer could choose between the systems.

It is a system in which a guaranteed public health care system exists, but where a private system operates in parallel. The private system has the benefit of shorter waiting times and more luxurious treatment, but costs far more than the public one for patients. Thus there are two tiers of health care, one for the public at large and another for those who can afford to pay for better care.

That being said - I live in Manitoba and do not pay for ANY of my treatments or medications whatsoever - Medicare and the Life Savings program I'm on pick up all of my costs. I'm not sure who a 2-tier program would effect me. I voted for NDP.


New member
It seems to me, that the conservatives WANT to create a 2-tier health care system for all of Canada. Alberta is the only province in Canada that has a 2-tier health system. Presently, the Canadian health system has both a private and public component. The public system covers all "medically necessary" services (i.e. surgery and treatments for ailments). The private system, which accounts for approximately 30 percent of all health spending, covers everything else (i.e. dentistry).

A two-tier medical system differs from this present situation in that the private and public systems would no longer be mutually exclusive, with the private sector participating only in non-necessary services. Instead, the same services would be offered in both systems and the consumer could choose between the systems.

It is a system in which a guaranteed public health care system exists, but where a private system operates in parallel. The private system has the benefit of shorter waiting times and more luxurious treatment, but costs far more than the public one for patients. Thus there are two tiers of health care, one for the public at large and another for those who can afford to pay for better care.

That being said - I live in Manitoba and do not pay for ANY of my treatments or medications whatsoever - Medicare and the Life Savings program I'm on pick up all of my costs. I'm not sure who a 2-tier program would effect me. I voted for NDP.


New member
they're all snakes... basically .. you go for the one who you think is going to screw us over the less... but i voted liberal... just cause i knew if anyone was going to win it would be liberal or conservative.. the NDP's aren't very popular here...

Ashley 21 w/cf


New member
they're all snakes... basically .. you go for the one who you think is going to screw us over the less... but i voted liberal... just cause i knew if anyone was going to win it would be liberal or conservative.. the NDP's aren't very popular here...

Ashley 21 w/cf


New member
I know for Sask and Manitoba, NDPs was the "smart" choice. No body wanted the conservatives to win simply because of the 2-tier healthcare system they want to adopt across Canada.


New member
I know for Sask and Manitoba, NDPs was the "smart" choice. No body wanted the conservatives to win simply because of the 2-tier healthcare system they want to adopt across Canada.