Elevated Liver enzymes (LFT's)


New member
Hello all,

Since I'm fairly new to this forum (which is so great) I'm putting all of my questions out there. It's so nice to get answers from others <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have a history of choleylithiasis (gall stones) and have had my gall bladder removed in 2003. I still produce stones, since they are made in the liver and can occasionally feel the way it felt when I used to pass the gallstones. Misery! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Anyway, I'm on Urso and have been ever since the gall bladder stuff. I was wondering has anyone else been told of elevated LFT's? Do you do anything else medically, or Urso too?

Thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a question for you about gall stones. What do they feel like? In the past, I have had a relatively sudden pain right above my abdomen. It would last for about 10 extremely agonizing minutes. WHen I first had this experience, I was flipping out. Now that I know the pain will pass within 10 minutes, I can bear it. It hasn't happened for a while, however. I also had elevated liver enzymes. Fortunately, abstaining from alcohol seems to be enough to keep them in normal range. Did you ever find your answer to the FEV1% question?


New member
In the hospital I was on actigal, but at home I use urso. I havent had stones or anything, but my liver enzymes have been elevated from meds, tpn & CF in general I guess.


New member
Hi Jessica,

I'm on actigal all the time for elevated liver enzymes. They first discovered they were elevated after my longest stretch on IV, so I'm assuming maybe that's what caused the problem.

I, too, have gallstones... they've found them on ultrasounds while looking for other things... but as far as I know they haven't passed or caused me pain. I'd be interested to know what that was like, too! In case I ever think they're giving me issues!



New member
I'm also on actigal for elevated LFTs and I have been since I was probably 8 and they've been normal ever since


New member
Thanks everyone for your thoughts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> As for me finally knowing in 2003 that they were actually gall stones, I could trace that pain all the way back to being in kindergarten <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And that was a while ago!

The pain for me usually occured a couple inches above the umbilicus. You know, the place where if you get hit it knocks the wind out of you. It literally felt like I got hit there and took my breath away on SEVERAL occasions. It also felt like someone came from behind me, and squeezed together my rib cages. I don't mean to sound gross, but it was awful pain and that's the best way to describe it. For me, usually the only way to alleviate the pain was to literally lay in the fetal position and rock until it passed. Sometimes taking several minutes to a half hour or so, completely miserable of course. I'd have to say that ever since my gallbladder removal in 2003, things are much much better. I still get the occasional stone pain, but maybe once a year if that. Hope this helps. I guess I'll just be on Urso forever for the LFT's <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi James,

Yeah I think I figured it out. Plus I go for my routine 3 month check up on Thursday, so I'm going to clarify then. Thank you for your help too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jess. I started having elevated LFT's when I was 14 which is also when they found the cirrhosis of the liver. I was on actigall for a long time and then was eventually told that I just needed a liver transplant....which I got along with my lungs almost two years ago. It is very common to have liver problems when you have CF. Doctors are finding it more and more.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Text In the past, I have had a relatively sudden pain right above my abdomen. It would last for about 10 extremely agonizing minutes. </end quote></div>

I used to get that kind of pain a lot when I was a kid. My liver enzymes were up, but in my case the pain was caused by totally overcompensating for salt loss. Apparently CFers can OD on salt if they pour it on EVERYTHING. Cutting back to eating extra, but not crazy, amounts of salt helped big time. My LFTs also went back to normal, but that might have just been a coincidence.


New member
The only other thing I can think of is that my GI told me to be sure to drink plenty of water- soda doesn't count <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> , but I rarely drink it anyways. I'm on Ursidoil too. I also started taking Fizzy NAC and GSH caps in hopes that it would help (my doctors said it couldn't hurt! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ).

Oh, and I've also had my gallbladder out, and get the stones from my liver. Mine gives me issues still, especially if I don't drink enough water. My levels are usually normal now, but my liver and spleen are a bit enlarged still.