"energy medicine"


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"energy medicine

I haven't been on this site for quite some time and this would be the reason why.
I'm not looking to be judged, critized (spelling?). maybe some just don't believe in positive thinking. I'm just a mom who wants the best for her son as all moms do.
I'm just looking to see what others in this same situation might be doing or trying or have tried, does it work for them or not.
Dr Oz is well respected in his profession long before being on Oprah, seen him on PBS, he has some books out. Good for him, he knows how to market himself, makes him all the more intelligent to me therefore all the more I want to here what he has to say.


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"energy medicine

I don't believe "energy medicine" is the new thing at all, we are simply opening to the wisdom from other healing modalities - FINALLY. The techniques and methods used in systems such as accupuncture, yogic breathing, qigong, tai chi, reiki and "newer" techniques like quantum touch, allergy elimination, emotional freedom technique are all based on recognition that we are each made up of energy, emotional currents and physical matter -- an energetic system along with the physical and emotional systems. Ignorance of the complex, unique energy systems does not make it not there - it is part of the human body. Working with it, learning about what helps create balance, and treating disturbances is an important factor in health. The basis of all energy work is working with "life force" to create balance and natural flow. There our many names for this "life force" including "chi", "prana", "ki", "holy spirit", "vital force" - it is the life giving energy in all living things - it is what animates us.

<u>Creating well-being within the given context of our unique genetic make-up is very different than CURING</u>. These healing modalities unblock stagnant energy and allow the energy to flow correctly creating more available energy when the physical body is in need of it. When this isn't happening, the body will take energy from other areas often leaving it at either a deficit or surplus. Deficits/surpluses in one area will allow for further distrubances to occur - this is how many "symptoms" begin. So a headache doesn't appear out of no where, it is the result of an energy disturbance down the line which could find no other place to go. The way we live our lives makes balanced energy difficult, so meditative and complementary practices help us learn how to pay attention to these subtle cues, taking care to correct them before the headache occurs.

Does this make CF go away...no. Does it help to create more energy and balance in the body - yes. Will this possibly help with the expression/progression of this disease - I believe so. Studies and major medical systems like the Cleveland Clinic believe so, and more are coming. This is not us vs them, traditional medicine vs alternative medicine (I prefer complimentary); it simply is a more complete way of viewing the body, a much needed change. You can only learn through experience, so try some things, read about the modalities which interest you, choose your practioners using high standards, be scientific-minded about what you observe, and begin creating more health and well-being. I have never been disappointed using these techniques for myself or my children.

Risa, is a great resource as well!!


New member
"energy medicine

I don't believe "energy medicine" is the new thing at all, we are simply opening to the wisdom from other healing modalities - FINALLY. The techniques and methods used in systems such as accupuncture, yogic breathing, qigong, tai chi, reiki and "newer" techniques like quantum touch, allergy elimination, emotional freedom technique are all based on recognition that we are each made up of energy, emotional currents and physical matter -- an energetic system along with the physical and emotional systems. Ignorance of the complex, unique energy systems does not make it not there - it is part of the human body. Working with it, learning about what helps create balance, and treating disturbances is an important factor in health. The basis of all energy work is working with "life force" to create balance and natural flow. There our many names for this "life force" including "chi", "prana", "ki", "holy spirit", "vital force" - it is the life giving energy in all living things - it is what animates us.

<u>Creating well-being within the given context of our unique genetic make-up is very different than CURING</u>. These healing modalities unblock stagnant energy and allow the energy to flow correctly creating more available energy when the physical body is in need of it. When this isn't happening, the body will take energy from other areas often leaving it at either a deficit or surplus. Deficits/surpluses in one area will allow for further distrubances to occur - this is how many "symptoms" begin. So a headache doesn't appear out of no where, it is the result of an energy disturbance down the line which could find no other place to go. The way we live our lives makes balanced energy difficult, so meditative and complementary practices help us learn how to pay attention to these subtle cues, taking care to correct them before the headache occurs.

Does this make CF go away...no. Does it help to create more energy and balance in the body - yes. Will this possibly help with the expression/progression of this disease - I believe so. Studies and major medical systems like the Cleveland Clinic believe so, and more are coming. This is not us vs them, traditional medicine vs alternative medicine (I prefer complimentary); it simply is a more complete way of viewing the body, a much needed change. You can only learn through experience, so try some things, read about the modalities which interest you, choose your practioners using high standards, be scientific-minded about what you observe, and begin creating more health and well-being. I have never been disappointed using these techniques for myself or my children.

Risa, is a great resource as well!!


New member
"energy medicine

I don't believe "energy medicine" is the new thing at all, we are simply opening to the wisdom from other healing modalities - FINALLY. The techniques and methods used in systems such as accupuncture, yogic breathing, qigong, tai chi, reiki and "newer" techniques like quantum touch, allergy elimination, emotional freedom technique are all based on recognition that we are each made up of energy, emotional currents and physical matter -- an energetic system along with the physical and emotional systems. Ignorance of the complex, unique energy systems does not make it not there - it is part of the human body. Working with it, learning about what helps create balance, and treating disturbances is an important factor in health. The basis of all energy work is working with "life force" to create balance and natural flow. There our many names for this "life force" including "chi", "prana", "ki", "holy spirit", "vital force" - it is the life giving energy in all living things - it is what animates us.

<u>Creating well-being within the given context of our unique genetic make-up is very different than CURING</u>. These healing modalities unblock stagnant energy and allow the energy to flow correctly creating more available energy when the physical body is in need of it. When this isn't happening, the body will take energy from other areas often leaving it at either a deficit or surplus. Deficits/surpluses in one area will allow for further distrubances to occur - this is how many "symptoms" begin. So a headache doesn't appear out of no where, it is the result of an energy disturbance down the line which could find no other place to go. The way we live our lives makes balanced energy difficult, so meditative and complementary practices help us learn how to pay attention to these subtle cues, taking care to correct them before the headache occurs.

Does this make CF go away...no. Does it help to create more energy and balance in the body - yes. Will this possibly help with the expression/progression of this disease - I believe so. Studies and major medical systems like the Cleveland Clinic believe so, and more are coming. This is not us vs them, traditional medicine vs alternative medicine (I prefer complimentary); it simply is a more complete way of viewing the body, a much needed change. You can only learn through experience, so try some things, read about the modalities which interest you, choose your practioners using high standards, be scientific-minded about what you observe, and begin creating more health and well-being. I have never been disappointed using these techniques for myself or my children.

Risa, is a great resource as well!!


New member
"energy medicine

Thank you for your response. We have been going to the Columbus cf center, maybe we should try the cleveland center where people may be more receptive to my questions. Thank you so much for your response, I can't express how much it means to me to find someone who is open to these ideas, everyone around me especially medical think I'm goin off the deep end. I was giving up on these ideas but you inspire me - thank you.


New member
"energy medicine

Thank you for your response. We have been going to the Columbus cf center, maybe we should try the cleveland center where people may be more receptive to my questions. Thank you so much for your response, I can't express how much it means to me to find someone who is open to these ideas, everyone around me especially medical think I'm goin off the deep end. I was giving up on these ideas but you inspire me - thank you.


New member
"energy medicine

Thank you for your response. We have been going to the Columbus cf center, maybe we should try the cleveland center where people may be more receptive to my questions. Thank you so much for your response, I can't express how much it means to me to find someone who is open to these ideas, everyone around me especially medical think I'm goin off the deep end. I was giving up on these ideas but you inspire me - thank you.


New member
"energy medicine

I tried "Bach flower remedies" some years ago with my cat and it helped. Before he was always afraid of visitors, hided and did not come out before they had gone. After about 2 weeks of the Bach-flower against fears (sorry, can´t remember which one it was) he stopped hiding and stayed in the room.
So I could imagine, that it would also help for example for a small child, which is afraid of needles or doctors and that could help the parents and the child a lot.

Yoga helps to stay mobile and is good for breathing, if you do it regularly.

Acupuncture helps with chronic headaches and other pains, thats definitely tested; thats why german insurances started to pay for it in some cases.

Foot reflexology massage and also other kinds of massages do not only help hardened muscles, but do also strengthen the immune system and do help to breathe deeper.

Hypnose against pain for example at the dentist can help you to shorten your need of pain medicine/ anesthetization.



New member
"energy medicine

I tried "Bach flower remedies" some years ago with my cat and it helped. Before he was always afraid of visitors, hided and did not come out before they had gone. After about 2 weeks of the Bach-flower against fears (sorry, can´t remember which one it was) he stopped hiding and stayed in the room.
So I could imagine, that it would also help for example for a small child, which is afraid of needles or doctors and that could help the parents and the child a lot.

Yoga helps to stay mobile and is good for breathing, if you do it regularly.

Acupuncture helps with chronic headaches and other pains, thats definitely tested; thats why german insurances started to pay for it in some cases.

Foot reflexology massage and also other kinds of massages do not only help hardened muscles, but do also strengthen the immune system and do help to breathe deeper.

Hypnose against pain for example at the dentist can help you to shorten your need of pain medicine/ anesthetization.



New member
"energy medicine

I tried "Bach flower remedies" some years ago with my cat and it helped. Before he was always afraid of visitors, hided and did not come out before they had gone. After about 2 weeks of the Bach-flower against fears (sorry, can´t remember which one it was) he stopped hiding and stayed in the room.
So I could imagine, that it would also help for example for a small child, which is afraid of needles or doctors and that could help the parents and the child a lot.

Yoga helps to stay mobile and is good for breathing, if you do it regularly.

Acupuncture helps with chronic headaches and other pains, thats definitely tested; thats why german insurances started to pay for it in some cases.

Foot reflexology massage and also other kinds of massages do not only help hardened muscles, but do also strengthen the immune system and do help to breathe deeper.

Hypnose against pain for example at the dentist can help you to shorten your need of pain medicine/ anesthetization.



New member
"energy medicine

I find energy medicine to be one of the most helpful forms of my day-to-day treatment!

I do yoga, meditation and energy healing on myself every day, and have been doing so for the past 12 years. I've gottten to the point where I am instantly able to restore peace, love, and deep calm even in the midst of a big lung bleed. I think it's also been very helpful in getting my mind in sync with my body--I can raise or lower my temperature, heart rate, constrict or dilate certain blood vessels, and even control my bronchi's constriction just through visualization and meditation. I can direct blood flow to or away from a certain point in my body which helps with healing tremendously.

We have to remember that we're just spiritual beings living a material existence, and the power of the universe is at our fingertips whenever we need it. We have the choice to use it or not, and that's the beauty of being human!

Stay positive!


New member
"energy medicine

I find energy medicine to be one of the most helpful forms of my day-to-day treatment!

I do yoga, meditation and energy healing on myself every day, and have been doing so for the past 12 years. I've gottten to the point where I am instantly able to restore peace, love, and deep calm even in the midst of a big lung bleed. I think it's also been very helpful in getting my mind in sync with my body--I can raise or lower my temperature, heart rate, constrict or dilate certain blood vessels, and even control my bronchi's constriction just through visualization and meditation. I can direct blood flow to or away from a certain point in my body which helps with healing tremendously.

We have to remember that we're just spiritual beings living a material existence, and the power of the universe is at our fingertips whenever we need it. We have the choice to use it or not, and that's the beauty of being human!

Stay positive!


New member
"energy medicine

I find energy medicine to be one of the most helpful forms of my day-to-day treatment!

I do yoga, meditation and energy healing on myself every day, and have been doing so for the past 12 years. I've gottten to the point where I am instantly able to restore peace, love, and deep calm even in the midst of a big lung bleed. I think it's also been very helpful in getting my mind in sync with my body--I can raise or lower my temperature, heart rate, constrict or dilate certain blood vessels, and even control my bronchi's constriction just through visualization and meditation. I can direct blood flow to or away from a certain point in my body which helps with healing tremendously.

We have to remember that we're just spiritual beings living a material existence, and the power of the universe is at our fingertips whenever we need it. We have the choice to use it or not, and that's the beauty of being human!

Stay positive!


New member
"energy medicine

I learned so much from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden

You can visit her website at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://innersource.net">http://innersource.net</a>

Her videos are a wonderful guide. If you are going to buy a video, I would buy the introduction to Energy Medicine along with the book.

If you want to learn more, you can buy her DVD package Energy Medicine. If you learn all of the material in that set, you have learned a lot.

I believe you have to practice EM everyday in order to feel the difference. Just my opinion. I am talking about the daily routine in Donna Eden's book.

Dr. OZ is a TRansplant Heart and lung Surgeon. He has found another passion and I think that is wonderful. Good for him. I read one of his books. I believe more doctors should be writing books on health.

If you want more info on energy medicine write to me at txbuddiesgifts@yahoo.com

Take care


New member
"energy medicine

I learned so much from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden

You can visit her website at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://innersource.net">http://innersource.net</a>

Her videos are a wonderful guide. If you are going to buy a video, I would buy the introduction to Energy Medicine along with the book.

If you want to learn more, you can buy her DVD package Energy Medicine. If you learn all of the material in that set, you have learned a lot.

I believe you have to practice EM everyday in order to feel the difference. Just my opinion. I am talking about the daily routine in Donna Eden's book.

Dr. OZ is a TRansplant Heart and lung Surgeon. He has found another passion and I think that is wonderful. Good for him. I read one of his books. I believe more doctors should be writing books on health.

If you want more info on energy medicine write to me at txbuddiesgifts@yahoo.com

Take care


New member
"energy medicine

I learned so much from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden

You can visit her website at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://innersource.net">http://innersource.net</a>

Her videos are a wonderful guide. If you are going to buy a video, I would buy the introduction to Energy Medicine along with the book.

If you want to learn more, you can buy her DVD package Energy Medicine. If you learn all of the material in that set, you have learned a lot.

I believe you have to practice EM everyday in order to feel the difference. Just my opinion. I am talking about the daily routine in Donna Eden's book.

Dr. OZ is a TRansplant Heart and lung Surgeon. He has found another passion and I think that is wonderful. Good for him. I read one of his books. I believe more doctors should be writing books on health.

If you want more info on energy medicine write to me at txbuddiesgifts@yahoo.com

Take care


New member
"energy medicine

By the way, all negative energy will make you sick. Disrupting ones energy field will weaken your immunity. As soon as you have an angry thought, your body will feel it in seconds.

We have the flight or fight response for a reason. Use it when you need it.

good luck


New member
"energy medicine

By the way, all negative energy will make you sick. Disrupting ones energy field will weaken your immunity. As soon as you have an angry thought, your body will feel it in seconds.

We have the flight or fight response for a reason. Use it when you need it.

good luck


New member
"energy medicine

By the way, all negative energy will make you sick. Disrupting ones energy field will weaken your immunity. As soon as you have an angry thought, your body will feel it in seconds.

We have the flight or fight response for a reason. Use it when you need it.

good luck


New member
"energy medicine

Ha, Risa, wish I could practice that thought more!!! "Love", that's the way Amy is, she speaks off top of her head sometimes, or should I say fingers. Don't be afraid, there are plenty who will talk to you and respond courteously. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">