ENT Doctor tomorrow


New member
Hello Everyone--- I know there have been some recent posts on sinus surgery. My question is this, how many of you needed it and "never" did get the surgery. One of our CF doc's tell me if it is not bothering (or he isn't complaining) my 4 year old son then don't get it done because he will just need it again and again. Yet it worries me about him getting more lung infections. He just got out of the hospital and is still on home IV and will be until the Monday after Thanksgiving. This is his 2nd clean-out this year. Wondering if sinus problems could be part of the reason? The doctor said his sinuses are completey useless right now and he has a nose polyup. I know he usually breathes out of his mouth. What are all of your experiences and what do you advise??? We see an ENT doctor tomorrow, I will see what they say, but 2 of our cf doc's are saying surgery.


Step-mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor no cf, chromosome 9q deletion 9q 21.2 q 22.1


New member
Other than for polyps, ds's doctor is anti-sinus surgery. Says too many of the ENTs are butchers, surgery happy and putting kids thru that kind of surgery over and over again is horrifying. I have sinus problems and have seen too many of my relatives go thru horrible pain and suffering during recovery, only to go thru the same process over and over again.


New member
My daughter (age 13) has had sinus problems since the age of 2. We (family & doc) kept putting off sinus surgery because there was no guarantee that it would help. When she got to the point that she was in the hospital every 3 months related to lung infections as a result of sinuses dripping into her lungs we decided it was time to do the surgery. She had her first surgery when she was 11 and things have worked out very well for her. She has not been on antibiotics (or in hospital) since the surgery. She does have to keep up a twice a day regimen of nasal washings to keep the sinuses open and decrease bacteria build-up.


New member
Thanks for your responses. I took Brady to the ENT yesterday and they suggest sinus surgery. They say they do a new procedure that there will be NO packing needed. Sounds good--- still worried though. They said he is getting NO air thru his nose. They suggested doing within the next 3 months. We go back to his associate doctor on 12-09-05 he would be the one to do the newest procedure out today. So I will find out more then. So another 2 hour drive to see that doctor. Thanks again!

Step-mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, chromosome 9q deletion 9q 21.2 q 22.1


Hi Angie, and welcome!

I had surgury done at about the age of 13. Not only did I not have air going through my nose, but it was constant sinus drainage as if I had a cold year round, and I lost all taste and smell senses.
At the age of 4, Brady may not notice a difference as much as I did after my surgery. If so, it'll be a benefit to be able to have the smell and taste senses back again!

I just hope is case is a simple one that he won't have to go in for surgery again...good luck and my thoughts are with you.


New member

Thanks for your reply. They want to get Brady in ASAP to get the surgery done. He just got done with a 3 week clean-out yesterday so he is ready to go now. They say he will be in the hospital for 2 days before the surgery on antibiotics. I hope you are right that he will benefit from it, I just hate for him to go thru another surgery......... Hopefully he will not need another one after this one.

Take Care!

Step-mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady with cf
Mom to Taylor, no cf, but chromosome 9q 21.2 q 22.1 deletion