DS actually came home from the nicu with it. From what I read up on it at the time, it's a common NICU bug commonly due to fecal material/improper hand washing. But who knows HOW it was transmitted. Hospitals are germy places. Everyone washed their hands...
Shortly after coming home he developed a horrible cough. Would cough so hard I'd have to hold him over the kitchen sink, floor drain, etc. because he'd throw up his formula. I mentioned it to his doctor at his 2 months check up and was told it was "normal". "that's what CFers do, they cough".
Went to his CF appointment and the doctor told us it was bronchitis, culture revealed enterobacter Cloacae. He prescribed septra, tobi and one other antibiotic -- can't remember what and told us to up his beatments to at least 4 times a day. Cleared up shortly after we started the meds and so far he hasn't cultured it since...