enzyme question


New member
We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with my daughter Chloe. I was hoping someone here could answer a few questions for me.

How long does it typically take to see a difference once enzymes are started? Does it actually cause a normal stool? Is there a side effect to taking the enzymes?

We are going to the pulm. on Thursday and I am going to try getting them to order the Ambry test for Chloe. (no luck with the GI)

I was thinking that in the mean time maybe I could get them to at least try the enzymes and see if they help. He didn't want to before but I thought maybe if I could say there isn't any harm in trying then he would try it...



ETA - I have a theory about her normal fecal fat test - I think that because I had to give her jarred baby food in order to get a stool that was solid enough to collect , and she doesn't digest her food (poops exactly what she eats) that there was a high percentage of green beans and carrots - therefore a low percentage of actual stool and fat. Does that follow for anyone else or am I just reaching? The GI insisted that she would have MORE fat with the veggies but I really just don't see how. If that is true. Someone please explain it to me in small words because I don't get it.


New member
We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with my daughter Chloe. I was hoping someone here could answer a few questions for me.

How long does it typically take to see a difference once enzymes are started? Does it actually cause a normal stool? Is there a side effect to taking the enzymes?

We are going to the pulm. on Thursday and I am going to try getting them to order the Ambry test for Chloe. (no luck with the GI)

I was thinking that in the mean time maybe I could get them to at least try the enzymes and see if they help. He didn't want to before but I thought maybe if I could say there isn't any harm in trying then he would try it...



ETA - I have a theory about her normal fecal fat test - I think that because I had to give her jarred baby food in order to get a stool that was solid enough to collect , and she doesn't digest her food (poops exactly what she eats) that there was a high percentage of green beans and carrots - therefore a low percentage of actual stool and fat. Does that follow for anyone else or am I just reaching? The GI insisted that she would have MORE fat with the veggies but I really just don't see how. If that is true. Someone please explain it to me in small words because I don't get it.


New member
We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with my daughter Chloe. I was hoping someone here could answer a few questions for me.

How long does it typically take to see a difference once enzymes are started? Does it actually cause a normal stool? Is there a side effect to taking the enzymes?

We are going to the pulm. on Thursday and I am going to try getting them to order the Ambry test for Chloe. (no luck with the GI)

I was thinking that in the mean time maybe I could get them to at least try the enzymes and see if they help. He didn't want to before but I thought maybe if I could say there isn't any harm in trying then he would try it...



ETA - I have a theory about her normal fecal fat test - I think that because I had to give her jarred baby food in order to get a stool that was solid enough to collect , and she doesn't digest her food (poops exactly what she eats) that there was a high percentage of green beans and carrots - therefore a low percentage of actual stool and fat. Does that follow for anyone else or am I just reaching? The GI insisted that she would have MORE fat with the veggies but I really just don't see how. If that is true. Someone please explain it to me in small words because I don't get it.


New member
We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with my daughter Chloe. I was hoping someone here could answer a few questions for me.

How long does it typically take to see a difference once enzymes are started? Does it actually cause a normal stool? Is there a side effect to taking the enzymes?

We are going to the pulm. on Thursday and I am going to try getting them to order the Ambry test for Chloe. (no luck with the GI)

I was thinking that in the mean time maybe I could get them to at least try the enzymes and see if they help. He didn't want to before but I thought maybe if I could say there isn't any harm in trying then he would try it...



ETA - I have a theory about her normal fecal fat test - I think that because I had to give her jarred baby food in order to get a stool that was solid enough to collect , and she doesn't digest her food (poops exactly what she eats) that there was a high percentage of green beans and carrots - therefore a low percentage of actual stool and fat. Does that follow for anyone else or am I just reaching? The GI insisted that she would have MORE fat with the veggies but I really just don't see how. If that is true. Someone please explain it to me in small words because I don't get it.


New member
We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with my daughter Chloe. I was hoping someone here could answer a few questions for me.
<br />
<br />How long does it typically take to see a difference once enzymes are started? Does it actually cause a normal stool? Is there a side effect to taking the enzymes?
<br />
<br />We are going to the pulm. on Thursday and I am going to try getting them to order the Ambry test for Chloe. (no luck with the GI)
<br />
<br />I was thinking that in the mean time maybe I could get them to at least try the enzymes and see if they help. He didn't want to before but I thought maybe if I could say there isn't any harm in trying then he would try it...
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<br />Thanks!
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<br />Emily
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<br />ETA - I have a theory about her normal fecal fat test - I think that because I had to give her jarred baby food in order to get a stool that was solid enough to collect , and she doesn't digest her food (poops exactly what she eats) that there was a high percentage of green beans and carrots - therefore a low percentage of actual stool and fat. Does that follow for anyone else or am I just reaching? The GI insisted that she would have MORE fat with the veggies but I really just don't see how. If that is true. Someone please explain it to me in small words because I don't get it.


You should notice a difference by two days I think. My daughter had not gained any weight when she was 5 weeks old. She started the enzymes and within a week she had gained a pound. I have heard on occasion of people who have not been diagnosed trying enzymes first. I always hear, even from my kid's cf dr, that the enzymes can't hurt anyone without cf, but I am not an expert obviously.
Good luck with the pulmo. Be firm, polite, and make sure you get him to do the Ambry test. Are you going to a cf center? You can check by going to:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/LivingWithCF/CareCenterNetwork/CFFoundation-accreditedCareCenters/
My nephew's GI dr didn't think he had either. It took my infant daughter's diagnosis to get my nephew tested.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf, aunt to Joseph, 10 with cf


You should notice a difference by two days I think. My daughter had not gained any weight when she was 5 weeks old. She started the enzymes and within a week she had gained a pound. I have heard on occasion of people who have not been diagnosed trying enzymes first. I always hear, even from my kid's cf dr, that the enzymes can't hurt anyone without cf, but I am not an expert obviously.
Good luck with the pulmo. Be firm, polite, and make sure you get him to do the Ambry test. Are you going to a cf center? You can check by going to:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/LivingWithCF/CareCenterNetwork/CFFoundation-accreditedCareCenters/
My nephew's GI dr didn't think he had either. It took my infant daughter's diagnosis to get my nephew tested.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf, aunt to Joseph, 10 with cf


You should notice a difference by two days I think. My daughter had not gained any weight when she was 5 weeks old. She started the enzymes and within a week she had gained a pound. I have heard on occasion of people who have not been diagnosed trying enzymes first. I always hear, even from my kid's cf dr, that the enzymes can't hurt anyone without cf, but I am not an expert obviously.
Good luck with the pulmo. Be firm, polite, and make sure you get him to do the Ambry test. Are you going to a cf center? You can check by going to:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/LivingWithCF/CareCenterNetwork/CFFoundation-accreditedCareCenters/
My nephew's GI dr didn't think he had either. It took my infant daughter's diagnosis to get my nephew tested.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf, aunt to Joseph, 10 with cf


You should notice a difference by two days I think. My daughter had not gained any weight when she was 5 weeks old. She started the enzymes and within a week she had gained a pound. I have heard on occasion of people who have not been diagnosed trying enzymes first. I always hear, even from my kid's cf dr, that the enzymes can't hurt anyone without cf, but I am not an expert obviously.
Good luck with the pulmo. Be firm, polite, and make sure you get him to do the Ambry test. Are you going to a cf center? You can check by going to:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/LivingWithCF/CareCenterNetwork/CFFoundation-accreditedCareCenters/
My nephew's GI dr didn't think he had either. It took my infant daughter's diagnosis to get my nephew tested.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf, aunt to Joseph, 10 with cf


You should notice a difference by two days I think. My daughter had not gained any weight when she was 5 weeks old. She started the enzymes and within a week she had gained a pound. I have heard on occasion of people who have not been diagnosed trying enzymes first. I always hear, even from my kid's cf dr, that the enzymes can't hurt anyone without cf, but I am not an expert obviously.
<br />Good luck with the pulmo. Be firm, polite, and make sure you get him to do the Ambry test. Are you going to a cf center? You can check by going to:
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/LivingWithCF/CareCenterNetwork/CFFoundation-accreditedCareCenters/
</a><br />
<br />My nephew's GI dr didn't think he had either. It took my infant daughter's diagnosis to get my nephew tested.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf, aunt to Joseph, 10 with cf
<br />


New member
My doctor has always assured us that enzymes really cannot hurt anyone. They would have to take a extremely large amount (probably more than a bottle) at one time, and even then the negative effects would be minimal. I use to worry that one of the kids might get into them when they were all younger thinking they were something good because their baby brother was always eating them, but he assured that it wouldn't be a problem should this happen. It never did happen but I wanted to know what to do if it had.

I was also told that if he was having a snack that did not have any fat in it, he didi not need to take his enzymes, so I follow what your logic is here with the stool test. There couldn't be any fat in it if no fat was eaten. But I am no expert either and only have enough education in science and medical to be dangerous. Yet, how do you poop something you didn't eat? Only what you put in can come out as far as I know, should be basic A & P 101, but maybe there is something we are missing here.

I don't think that enzymes will cause a completly "normal" stool either. They help a lot but they don't totally fix them. There is a big difference with them compared to without them, and they certainly gain weight easier with them, but it doesn't make things "normal'' at least for my kiddo. Things are formed but they usually float and if he has a lot of fat, they are very oily. We get a lovely yellow/orange ring in whatever toilet he uses, it looks just like used frying oil kind of, closes thing I could think of to describe it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he didn't have the enzymes and since we struggle with weight already, he would certainly be loosing weight and in a world of trouble without them.

You could also try some acidolphilus in the meantime as well. You can get it at any health food store and most drug stores. Mine takes that to help the enzymes work and to reduce the bad smell of his bm's, also helps with loose stools.

Hope this helps, Keep us posted, especially when you find out for sure whether or not the little one has CF or not,


New member
My doctor has always assured us that enzymes really cannot hurt anyone. They would have to take a extremely large amount (probably more than a bottle) at one time, and even then the negative effects would be minimal. I use to worry that one of the kids might get into them when they were all younger thinking they were something good because their baby brother was always eating them, but he assured that it wouldn't be a problem should this happen. It never did happen but I wanted to know what to do if it had.

I was also told that if he was having a snack that did not have any fat in it, he didi not need to take his enzymes, so I follow what your logic is here with the stool test. There couldn't be any fat in it if no fat was eaten. But I am no expert either and only have enough education in science and medical to be dangerous. Yet, how do you poop something you didn't eat? Only what you put in can come out as far as I know, should be basic A & P 101, but maybe there is something we are missing here.

I don't think that enzymes will cause a completly "normal" stool either. They help a lot but they don't totally fix them. There is a big difference with them compared to without them, and they certainly gain weight easier with them, but it doesn't make things "normal'' at least for my kiddo. Things are formed but they usually float and if he has a lot of fat, they are very oily. We get a lovely yellow/orange ring in whatever toilet he uses, it looks just like used frying oil kind of, closes thing I could think of to describe it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he didn't have the enzymes and since we struggle with weight already, he would certainly be loosing weight and in a world of trouble without them.

You could also try some acidolphilus in the meantime as well. You can get it at any health food store and most drug stores. Mine takes that to help the enzymes work and to reduce the bad smell of his bm's, also helps with loose stools.

Hope this helps, Keep us posted, especially when you find out for sure whether or not the little one has CF or not,


New member
My doctor has always assured us that enzymes really cannot hurt anyone. They would have to take a extremely large amount (probably more than a bottle) at one time, and even then the negative effects would be minimal. I use to worry that one of the kids might get into them when they were all younger thinking they were something good because their baby brother was always eating them, but he assured that it wouldn't be a problem should this happen. It never did happen but I wanted to know what to do if it had.

I was also told that if he was having a snack that did not have any fat in it, he didi not need to take his enzymes, so I follow what your logic is here with the stool test. There couldn't be any fat in it if no fat was eaten. But I am no expert either and only have enough education in science and medical to be dangerous. Yet, how do you poop something you didn't eat? Only what you put in can come out as far as I know, should be basic A & P 101, but maybe there is something we are missing here.

I don't think that enzymes will cause a completly "normal" stool either. They help a lot but they don't totally fix them. There is a big difference with them compared to without them, and they certainly gain weight easier with them, but it doesn't make things "normal'' at least for my kiddo. Things are formed but they usually float and if he has a lot of fat, they are very oily. We get a lovely yellow/orange ring in whatever toilet he uses, it looks just like used frying oil kind of, closes thing I could think of to describe it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he didn't have the enzymes and since we struggle with weight already, he would certainly be loosing weight and in a world of trouble without them.

You could also try some acidolphilus in the meantime as well. You can get it at any health food store and most drug stores. Mine takes that to help the enzymes work and to reduce the bad smell of his bm's, also helps with loose stools.

Hope this helps, Keep us posted, especially when you find out for sure whether or not the little one has CF or not,


New member
My doctor has always assured us that enzymes really cannot hurt anyone. They would have to take a extremely large amount (probably more than a bottle) at one time, and even then the negative effects would be minimal. I use to worry that one of the kids might get into them when they were all younger thinking they were something good because their baby brother was always eating them, but he assured that it wouldn't be a problem should this happen. It never did happen but I wanted to know what to do if it had.

I was also told that if he was having a snack that did not have any fat in it, he didi not need to take his enzymes, so I follow what your logic is here with the stool test. There couldn't be any fat in it if no fat was eaten. But I am no expert either and only have enough education in science and medical to be dangerous. Yet, how do you poop something you didn't eat? Only what you put in can come out as far as I know, should be basic A & P 101, but maybe there is something we are missing here.

I don't think that enzymes will cause a completly "normal" stool either. They help a lot but they don't totally fix them. There is a big difference with them compared to without them, and they certainly gain weight easier with them, but it doesn't make things "normal'' at least for my kiddo. Things are formed but they usually float and if he has a lot of fat, they are very oily. We get a lovely yellow/orange ring in whatever toilet he uses, it looks just like used frying oil kind of, closes thing I could think of to describe it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he didn't have the enzymes and since we struggle with weight already, he would certainly be loosing weight and in a world of trouble without them.

You could also try some acidolphilus in the meantime as well. You can get it at any health food store and most drug stores. Mine takes that to help the enzymes work and to reduce the bad smell of his bm's, also helps with loose stools.

Hope this helps, Keep us posted, especially when you find out for sure whether or not the little one has CF or not,


New member
My doctor has always assured us that enzymes really cannot hurt anyone. They would have to take a extremely large amount (probably more than a bottle) at one time, and even then the negative effects would be minimal. I use to worry that one of the kids might get into them when they were all younger thinking they were something good because their baby brother was always eating them, but he assured that it wouldn't be a problem should this happen. It never did happen but I wanted to know what to do if it had.
<br />
<br />I was also told that if he was having a snack that did not have any fat in it, he didi not need to take his enzymes, so I follow what your logic is here with the stool test. There couldn't be any fat in it if no fat was eaten. But I am no expert either and only have enough education in science and medical to be dangerous. Yet, how do you poop something you didn't eat? Only what you put in can come out as far as I know, should be basic A & P 101, but maybe there is something we are missing here.
<br />
<br />I don't think that enzymes will cause a completly "normal" stool either. They help a lot but they don't totally fix them. There is a big difference with them compared to without them, and they certainly gain weight easier with them, but it doesn't make things "normal'' at least for my kiddo. Things are formed but they usually float and if he has a lot of fat, they are very oily. We get a lovely yellow/orange ring in whatever toilet he uses, it looks just like used frying oil kind of, closes thing I could think of to describe it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if he didn't have the enzymes and since we struggle with weight already, he would certainly be loosing weight and in a world of trouble without them.
<br />
<br />You could also try some acidolphilus in the meantime as well. You can get it at any health food store and most drug stores. Mine takes that to help the enzymes work and to reduce the bad smell of his bm's, also helps with loose stools.
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<br />Hope this helps, Keep us posted, especially when you find out for sure whether or not the little one has CF or not,
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