enzymes, grant has reached his maximum dose?



Have you tried splitting up the dosage? Give some at the beginning of a meal and then some either during or afterwards.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 5 months no cf


Have you tried splitting up the dosage? Give some at the beginning of a meal and then some either during or afterwards.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 5 months no cf


Have you tried splitting up the dosage? Give some at the beginning of a meal and then some either during or afterwards.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 5 months no cf


Have you tried splitting up the dosage? Give some at the beginning of a meal and then some either during or afterwards.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 5 months no cf


Have you tried splitting up the dosage? Give some at the beginning of a meal and then some either during or afterwards.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 5 months no cf


thank you so much for the responses, I will definately try splitting the enzymes as you suggested.


thank you so much for the responses, I will definately try splitting the enzymes as you suggested.


thank you so much for the responses, I will definately try splitting the enzymes as you suggested.


thank you so much for the responses, I will definately try splitting the enzymes as you suggested.


thank you so much for the responses, I will definately try splitting the enzymes as you suggested.


New member
when my daughter reached her max dose they increased her prevacid which makes the enzymes work "better"....it helped alot!


New member
when my daughter reached her max dose they increased her prevacid which makes the enzymes work "better"....it helped alot!


New member
when my daughter reached her max dose they increased her prevacid which makes the enzymes work "better"....it helped alot!


New member
when my daughter reached her max dose they increased her prevacid which makes the enzymes work "better"....it helped alot!


New member
when my daughter reached her max dose they increased her prevacid which makes the enzymes work "better"....it helped alot!


New member
Hi. . .something else I think we moms sometimes forget about increase of bms. Babies have more bms when teething, something doesn't agree w/ their tummy, they drank more due to hot weather, or they just have baby tummy. Also, you never know when a growth spurt is gonna happen and the increase in food means increase in bm. I would worry too if my little man (18mths now) had more than usual; but the key to remember is that if they are not displaying other symptoms and no set pattern for malabsorption they are probably experiencing "normal baby stuff" not CF related.
At times it's hard to remember that our babies are more than their CF; especially when their nutrition seems lacking.
As for the acid blocker another poster mentioned, that may need increased. At one of my son's appointments they increased his enzymes, but not the acid block. After a few days, I called and said no change of bms but should we increase zantac. They were happy I had caught that b/c they thought they had mentioned it but didn't. That worked and "fixed" the problem.


New member
Hi. . .something else I think we moms sometimes forget about increase of bms. Babies have more bms when teething, something doesn't agree w/ their tummy, they drank more due to hot weather, or they just have baby tummy. Also, you never know when a growth spurt is gonna happen and the increase in food means increase in bm. I would worry too if my little man (18mths now) had more than usual; but the key to remember is that if they are not displaying other symptoms and no set pattern for malabsorption they are probably experiencing "normal baby stuff" not CF related.
At times it's hard to remember that our babies are more than their CF; especially when their nutrition seems lacking.
As for the acid blocker another poster mentioned, that may need increased. At one of my son's appointments they increased his enzymes, but not the acid block. After a few days, I called and said no change of bms but should we increase zantac. They were happy I had caught that b/c they thought they had mentioned it but didn't. That worked and "fixed" the problem.


New member
Hi. . .something else I think we moms sometimes forget about increase of bms. Babies have more bms when teething, something doesn't agree w/ their tummy, they drank more due to hot weather, or they just have baby tummy. Also, you never know when a growth spurt is gonna happen and the increase in food means increase in bm. I would worry too if my little man (18mths now) had more than usual; but the key to remember is that if they are not displaying other symptoms and no set pattern for malabsorption they are probably experiencing "normal baby stuff" not CF related.
At times it's hard to remember that our babies are more than their CF; especially when their nutrition seems lacking.
As for the acid blocker another poster mentioned, that may need increased. At one of my son's appointments they increased his enzymes, but not the acid block. After a few days, I called and said no change of bms but should we increase zantac. They were happy I had caught that b/c they thought they had mentioned it but didn't. That worked and "fixed" the problem.


New member
Hi. . .something else I think we moms sometimes forget about increase of bms. Babies have more bms when teething, something doesn't agree w/ their tummy, they drank more due to hot weather, or they just have baby tummy. Also, you never know when a growth spurt is gonna happen and the increase in food means increase in bm. I would worry too if my little man (18mths now) had more than usual; but the key to remember is that if they are not displaying other symptoms and no set pattern for malabsorption they are probably experiencing "normal baby stuff" not CF related.
At times it's hard to remember that our babies are more than their CF; especially when their nutrition seems lacking.
As for the acid blocker another poster mentioned, that may need increased. At one of my son's appointments they increased his enzymes, but not the acid block. After a few days, I called and said no change of bms but should we increase zantac. They were happy I had caught that b/c they thought they had mentioned it but didn't. That worked and "fixed" the problem.


New member
Hi. . .something else I think we moms sometimes forget about increase of bms. Babies have more bms when teething, something doesn't agree w/ their tummy, they drank more due to hot weather, or they just have baby tummy. Also, you never know when a growth spurt is gonna happen and the increase in food means increase in bm. I would worry too if my little man (18mths now) had more than usual; but the key to remember is that if they are not displaying other symptoms and no set pattern for malabsorption they are probably experiencing "normal baby stuff" not CF related.
<br />At times it's hard to remember that our babies are more than their CF; especially when their nutrition seems lacking.
<br />As for the acid blocker another poster mentioned, that may need increased. At one of my son's appointments they increased his enzymes, but not the acid block. After a few days, I called and said no change of bms but should we increase zantac. They were happy I had caught that b/c they thought they had mentioned it but didn't. That worked and "fixed" the problem.
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