Enzymes how much?



Wondering how much enzymes everyone takes or gives their kids with meals. My 2yr old takes 4 creon 10's with every meal and snack. 5 meals a day and at least 3-4 snacks. My 7mo takes 2 creon 10's with 8 bottles a day.


New member
How in the world do you get your two yr old to eat 5 meals a day plus all those snacks??? I would love to hear your secret.

My 3 yr old takes 2-3 Ultrase MT20 with meal and 1 with her snacks.



Lots of color. Small meals with all food groups. But it is ranch and peanut butter he dips everything in them. I let him pick which one he wants to dip his food in. Peanut butter has 100 cal per tbsp and ranch has 60 calories per tbsp so it helps to get some extra cals in him . But he needs 3,500-3,700cals a day to keep from losing weight. That is way down from his more then 5,000 a day we used to have to do.


New member
I've always been told to gauge how many enzymes to take by how much fat and protein is in the meal or snack. If I have a piece of fruit, no enzymes. PB&J gets 2 enzymes. But if his stomach isn't upset and his bowel movements are good, keep it up.


New member
i take 6-7 panrecarb with my meals and 2-4 with snacks... 3meals/day with Boost shakes at 2, and 2 snacks /day. I wish i liked peanut butter or ranch dressing, i have always had a problem gaining weight, and its not the amount of enzymes i take.


If he doesn't want ranch or peanut butter I try butterscotch, carmel, choclate syrup they make strawberry to but he can't eat strawberry. But they are all high in calories. With both of my boys if we try to cut back on enzymes they are going none stop. If we cut back on the calories they lose lots of weight.


New member
my 3.5 year old son takes 3 ultrase mt 12 with meals, 1-2 with snacks 4times a day.
*question what age were your kids when swollowed enzymes*?
my son has swollowed them but preferes to have them sprinkled on tongue. any tricks????


New member
My daughter is now 3.5 and she started to swallow them over a year ago. I had the doctor write a prescription for Creon 5, because they are small. I didn't tell her at first that she was swallowing them. Then I just slipped one in the middle of the bite of appleasauce. She did this for a few days, then I told her. She was proud of herself that she had been doing it already for a few days. She can swallow 4 at a time now, but she still wants them in applesauce. My son is 19 months, he has swallowed the large Ultrase MT 12 twice in the past few weeks when I forgot to open them and gave them to him whole.
Sharon, mom to Sophia, 3.5 and Jack, 1.5 both with cf


New member
Hey guys, my five yr old has been taking her enzymes and swallowing them whole since the age of two, NO WATER< NO HELP!!!!!!!!! She even takes them with food already in her mouth and manovers it all around and doesn't choke. She is amazing!!! She is on creon 10's and she takes four per meals and two per snacks, she is way off the charts for her goal weight and I intend to keep her that way. I was always told that the more enzymes, as in too many per day, per year, per life, time, it can damage her bowels. However, as her mother, my goal is to keep her healthy now, everyday, and hope for the best. I would rather her have an illeostomy later in life (from complications of the bowels) then to see her on a feeding tube at the age of 10 or 12 like her other CF friends, because they can't maintain their goal weight. I have seen it happen, they are on border line for weight, they get a flu, and lose 10pounds, not gona happen with my daughter, she has 10 to 20lbs in excess to lose in case she gets sick. I resent the fact that everyone tells me " oh she is so plump it is unbelievable, she doesn't need boost", then on the flip side, I hear them telling other moms "put some weight on your kid, more boosts or she'll need a feeding tube at night". oh well that's a nice thought. It is frustrating to no end but my daughter has no other complications besides the digestive part of CF, the occasional ventillin puffer and flovent puffer that's it. So I think I'm doing right by her so far. Anyway, take care and good luck. ps she has been taking the same amount of enzymes for the last two years with the occasional peglyte to help bowels but that's it.


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I take 4 or 5 Creon 10s per meal or snack. My snacks are like meals. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I take 4 Pancrease MT10 with meals.
I dont remember what I used to take when I was a child/baby, but I do know I have taken enzymes since birth.


New member
Kait takes 5 creon 10 with each meal and 4 creon 10 with snacks, she was 7 years old before she would swallow them. She used to actually feed them to our dog if i turned my head.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">