

New member
I'm confused. Somebody posted in the adult forum that when they give their child "airborne" -- a effervesent vitamin mix to prevent colds, that they give the child a few enzymes so they absorb it. I guess I was always under the understanding that clear candy, juice, soda pop, fruit --- easily digestible sugars didn't require enzymes. When I give DS a snack of fruit, juice, applesauce, popscicles, I never give him enzymes and it doesn't appear to cause any problems


New member
I'm confused. Somebody posted in the adult forum that when they give their child "airborne" -- a effervesent vitamin mix to prevent colds, that they give the child a few enzymes so they absorb it. I guess I was always under the understanding that clear candy, juice, soda pop, fruit --- easily digestible sugars didn't require enzymes. When I give DS a snack of fruit, juice, applesauce, popscicles, I never give him enzymes and it doesn't appear to cause any problems


I was told the same as you. My boys dont take enzymes with juiceor most fruits when eaten by themselves.


I was told the same as you. My boys dont take enzymes with juiceor most fruits when eaten by themselves.


New member
Airborne has vitamin C in it that is why I give my daughter an enz. with it. When I give Kaylee her ABDEK's I also give her enz. but with fruit snacks and some fruit or juice I do not give her any enz. I guess it all depends on each indivdual child/adult.


New member
Airborne has vitamin C in it that is why I give my daughter an enz. with it. When I give Kaylee her ABDEK's I also give her enz. but with fruit snacks and some fruit or juice I do not give her any enz. I guess it all depends on each indivdual child/adult.


New member
When I give my daughter her Vitamax(pretty much same as ADEK) I give it right after breakfast . So she has food in her stomach thus enzymes as well. Our nutrtionist told us the Vitamax is best absorbed with enzymes/food in the stomach. Also, vitamins tend to give an upset stomach, especially high doses so its good to have something in your stomach when you take them. It reminds me of when i was taking prenatal vitamins and I'ld take them without breakfast, it would make me want to puke. Juice, fruit, fruit snacks, pure sugar no enzymes.

Rebecca(mom to SAmmy 7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
When I give my daughter her Vitamax(pretty much same as ADEK) I give it right after breakfast . So she has food in her stomach thus enzymes as well. Our nutrtionist told us the Vitamax is best absorbed with enzymes/food in the stomach. Also, vitamins tend to give an upset stomach, especially high doses so its good to have something in your stomach when you take them. It reminds me of when i was taking prenatal vitamins and I'ld take them without breakfast, it would make me want to puke. Juice, fruit, fruit snacks, pure sugar no enzymes.

Rebecca(mom to SAmmy 7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
I've always given DS his vitamins, antibiotics, actigall right before I feed him or at least within half hour to an hour, but I've never specifically given him enzymes for any of his medications. He gets antibiotics and actigall right before bed and those are in a sugar syrup flavoured with cherry and then he gets a dose of keflex in the middle of the night -- again in liquid form.


New member
I've always given DS his vitamins, antibiotics, actigall right before I feed him or at least within half hour to an hour, but I've never specifically given him enzymes for any of his medications. He gets antibiotics and actigall right before bed and those are in a sugar syrup flavoured with cherry and then he gets a dose of keflex in the middle of the night -- again in liquid form.