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<br>We had to go to the ER last night for a chest xray. Our daughter is almost 4 years old and our peds asked for us to get a chest xray so she could rule out pneumonia. We have limited experience with ER's with our daughter and were shocked by what we found. Our dr called ahead and told the ER we were coming in and to put us immediately back bc our daughter has CF. We went and told the receptionist/nurse we were there and we had called ahead. In the meantime my husband waited outside with our daughter so we didn't go into the waiting room. The waiting room was crowded with a lot of children coughing and walking around. I waited at the window while she checked on room availability. Then another woman came to the window and told me it was going to be awhile. And that just because we call ahead doesn't mean we get to skip ahead. I told her my daughter has CF and infection control guidelines state they do not want CF patients left to wait in the waiting room as they could catch additional bugs. She said she couldn't do anything. I told her I was not going to bring my daughter in until we got a room to back into. She said unless she was in distress she wasn't going to do anything. I had to argue with her in front of the whole waiting room! FINALLY another woman came up and said we could wait in "consult room." We went into the room to see dirty linens on the bed! We waited for a while and then decided to leave. They stopped me and finally got a nurse to take care of us. Then a dr came in immediately to triage our daughter. From there our short stay was much better. She had no pneumonia and we got to go home last night....YAY! Anyways, my shock is that shouldn't all hospitals have infection control guidelines for immune compromised patients? I mean we didn't want to go to the ER, but our dr needed the chest xray after hours. This will be our life due to CF. Here is my question: Shouldn't hospitals make it safe for our children to get the care they need? Isn't that their job?