Bill I do not want to argue with you, EMTALA (emergency medical treatment and Active Labor Act)is a group of several laws in place protecting the patient from refusal of care from an ER MD. It has nothing in the world to do with being billed. You will still be billed, not saying they will do anything to enforce payment, maybe collections.
EMTALA ensures that each patient is examined and provided with the proper care IF they have an emergency situation or are in active labor. I know this for several reasons, one is I was an ER nurse for a few years and I had to go to EMTALA classes many, many times. The second is, before I was an ER nurse I did not have insurance and I went to the ER many times, and yes I got care, but I also got a bill.
IF you read the EMTALA you will see the guidelines for receiving care. I don't want to clog up this post with something that has nothing to do with the original post, so you can feel free to PM me with any questions or I can hook you up with a link that will help you to better understand.