Evaluation at Duke next week


New member
Starting my eval week on Monday Aug 2nd @ Duke. Really psyched to meet the team there. Not too nervous except for my infectious disease appointment. Thankfully it's Monday AM. The rest of the week should be AOK. Should be a long strange trip down there for sure.



New member
Starting my eval week on Monday Aug 2nd @ Duke. Really psyched to meet the team there. Not too nervous except for my infectious disease appointment. Thankfully it's Monday AM. The rest of the week should be AOK. Should be a long strange trip down there for sure.



New member
Starting my eval week on Monday Aug 2nd @ Duke. Really psyched to meet the team there. Not too nervous except for my infectious disease appointment. Thankfully it's Monday AM. The rest of the week should be AOK. Should be a long strange trip down there for sure.
<br />
<br />Peace,
<br />Steph


New member
Hey Steph, good luck with your appts! I'm glad Duke is seeing you and I hope its the right center for you. You're always welcome to email me and call me! Will be looking at your blog to see how it went!


New member
Hey Steph, good luck with your appts! I'm glad Duke is seeing you and I hope its the right center for you. You're always welcome to email me and call me! Will be looking at your blog to see how it went!


New member
Hey Steph, good luck with your appts! I'm glad Duke is seeing you and I hope its the right center for you. You're always welcome to email me and call me! Will be looking at your blog to see how it went!