ever heard of a 41 year old obese person being diagnosed?



I am getting sicker and sicker so my doctor ordered the CF profile genetic testing. I had blood drawn today. Although I do fit the symptoms, I am 41 and about 30 pounds overweight. Actually the weight has come on over the last 5 years as I became sicker. Does that seem possible to anyone?


New member
There are a lot of sicknesses that ressemble CF (ex.: Kartagener's Syndrome or PCD, non-CF bronchiectasis, etc.). If ever it turns out that you do not have CF, you should also look at the alternatives. Could you give us a list of the symptoms you have ?



New member
Yes it is possible...while most CF'ers are pancreatic insufficient (I think 85% are, I could be a little off with that number though), about 15% of those with CF don't have pancreatic issues and have no problems with their weight or weight gain..I am on the chubby side and have CF, I am mildly pancreatic insufficient and take enzymes (not high doses ) and am able to gain weight, especially now that I am older. So yeah, in a nutshell, it is possible that you could have CF and be overweight as CF has many different mutations and presentations.

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Similar to the comments above, I was diagnosed at 34. I am pancreatic sufficient. I would say I'm not over or under weight, although this varies by person. You could have CF. Hopefully the genetic test can definitively give you an answer. Good luck!


I was diagnosed at age 47 ( confirmed with genetic testing). Had never been sick before but was sick for 2 years before they figured it out. Since then have bouts of MRSA and Pseudomonas about every 6 months . I too was overweight and unfortunatly still am .


Yes it is definitely possible. Let us know your results! :)


New member
I was diagnosed in 1993 on my 30th birthday. I was about 170 lbs then (6' 2" tall). I was also a smoker (I know... dumbass... but I quit when I found out I had CF). Anyway, after I quit smoking, I grew to 280 lbs in 3 years!!! I am now a stable 200 lbs, and yes, I suffer severe pacreatic insufficiency based on testing. So, it is a mystery as to how my body can make so much fat so easily!


I was 50 when I found out I had CF. I never ever heard the word Cystic Fibrosis. I am now 56.and 150 pounds


It could be possible to anyone especially those that are low immune systems.


New member
Yes it does.. I was diagnosed @ 44 y/o , my sister was 50 when we got diagnosed & we were both a little chunky at the time of dx. I also know of other pleasantly plump cfers lol