

New member
A medical exacerbation is an increase in severity of an illness OR its symptoms......

So basically it can be anything that isnt at our baseline.

Its obvious that your little one isnt at baseline with all that you describe. I wouldnt let it go as its been said.

CPT is important & hydration as well as the nebs!

Good Luck!


New member
A medical exacerbation is an increase in severity of an illness OR its symptoms......

So basically it can be anything that isnt at our baseline.

Its obvious that your little one isnt at baseline with all that you describe. I wouldnt let it go as its been said.

CPT is important & hydration as well as the nebs!

Good Luck!


New member
A medical exacerbation is an increase in severity of an illness OR its symptoms......

So basically it can be anything that isnt at our baseline.

Its obvious that your little one isnt at baseline with all that you describe. I wouldnt let it go as its been said.

CPT is important & hydration as well as the nebs!

Good Luck!


New member
A medical exacerbation is an increase in severity of an illness OR its symptoms......

So basically it can be anything that isnt at our baseline.

Its obvious that your little one isnt at baseline with all that you describe. I wouldnt let it go as its been said.

CPT is important & hydration as well as the nebs!

Good Luck!


New member
A medical exacerbation is an increase in severity of an illness OR its symptoms......
<br />
<br />So basically it can be anything that isnt at our baseline.
<br />
<br />Its obvious that your little one isnt at baseline with all that you describe. I wouldnt let it go as its been said.
<br />
<br />CPT is important & hydration as well as the nebs!
<br />
<br />Good Luck!
<br />HUGS~


New member
Hi Chelsea,

Sounds as if the check-up was all that you wanted to hear! However, as you are finding out, things can change quickly. Bek had a follow-up on 9/11, cough had increased by 50 - 75%, but Doc Black didn't hear any crackles. Said he heard things moving around, and wanted her back in 2 months. We were checking in at the security station at the main entrance of Children's Mercy at 12:55 a.m. Thursday morning. She was admitted with pneumonia. We went to the Northland clinic because of a temp of 102.3; we got there at 7:15, and didn't leave until just after midnight to head down here.

Hopefully the docs can figure out what's going on with Paige, and help her get over this quickly. BTW, doc Black is out this week, and I believe it is Doc Carver that is filling in for him this week.


New member
Hi Chelsea,

Sounds as if the check-up was all that you wanted to hear! However, as you are finding out, things can change quickly. Bek had a follow-up on 9/11, cough had increased by 50 - 75%, but Doc Black didn't hear any crackles. Said he heard things moving around, and wanted her back in 2 months. We were checking in at the security station at the main entrance of Children's Mercy at 12:55 a.m. Thursday morning. She was admitted with pneumonia. We went to the Northland clinic because of a temp of 102.3; we got there at 7:15, and didn't leave until just after midnight to head down here.

Hopefully the docs can figure out what's going on with Paige, and help her get over this quickly. BTW, doc Black is out this week, and I believe it is Doc Carver that is filling in for him this week.


New member
Hi Chelsea,

Sounds as if the check-up was all that you wanted to hear! However, as you are finding out, things can change quickly. Bek had a follow-up on 9/11, cough had increased by 50 - 75%, but Doc Black didn't hear any crackles. Said he heard things moving around, and wanted her back in 2 months. We were checking in at the security station at the main entrance of Children's Mercy at 12:55 a.m. Thursday morning. She was admitted with pneumonia. We went to the Northland clinic because of a temp of 102.3; we got there at 7:15, and didn't leave until just after midnight to head down here.

Hopefully the docs can figure out what's going on with Paige, and help her get over this quickly. BTW, doc Black is out this week, and I believe it is Doc Carver that is filling in for him this week.


New member
Hi Chelsea,

Sounds as if the check-up was all that you wanted to hear! However, as you are finding out, things can change quickly. Bek had a follow-up on 9/11, cough had increased by 50 - 75%, but Doc Black didn't hear any crackles. Said he heard things moving around, and wanted her back in 2 months. We were checking in at the security station at the main entrance of Children's Mercy at 12:55 a.m. Thursday morning. She was admitted with pneumonia. We went to the Northland clinic because of a temp of 102.3; we got there at 7:15, and didn't leave until just after midnight to head down here.

Hopefully the docs can figure out what's going on with Paige, and help her get over this quickly. BTW, doc Black is out this week, and I believe it is Doc Carver that is filling in for him this week.


New member
Hi Chelsea,
<br />
<br />Sounds as if the check-up was all that you wanted to hear! However, as you are finding out, things can change quickly. Bek had a follow-up on 9/11, cough had increased by 50 - 75%, but Doc Black didn't hear any crackles. Said he heard things moving around, and wanted her back in 2 months. We were checking in at the security station at the main entrance of Children's Mercy at 12:55 a.m. Thursday morning. She was admitted with pneumonia. We went to the Northland clinic because of a temp of 102.3; we got there at 7:15, and didn't leave until just after midnight to head down here.
<br />
<br />Hopefully the docs can figure out what's going on with Paige, and help her get over this quickly. BTW, doc Black is out this week, and I believe it is Doc Carver that is filling in for him this week.


New member
Thanks for the help everyone! I called the clinic back this morning, and just now got a call back. They told me to watch her temp through the weekend and if it gets up to 101.5 I need to call the Hospital and ask for the on call Pulmonologist. Other then that, I'm just supposed to continue her Albuterol & CPT's.

To be honest, I'm not happy. We're 3 hours away from them...what happens if this is something more severe and it ends up not being thoroughly looked at in time? Plus, a temp. of 101.5 is a bit high for an infant. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.

Anyways, I'm going to stay on top of her nebs, and CPT's, and do you guys think I should go ahead and continue to give her Tylenol every 4-8 hours, or would that do more harm then good?

Robin, I'm sure hoping Bek gets better quick!! Especially with the cool weather we're having here!! Please keep me updated! We missed you guys by about 15 minutes at the station! We had to be upstairs for Matt's Sweat test in the lab at 12:45!!! lol.

Anyways, thanks again for the advice everyone!


New member
Thanks for the help everyone! I called the clinic back this morning, and just now got a call back. They told me to watch her temp through the weekend and if it gets up to 101.5 I need to call the Hospital and ask for the on call Pulmonologist. Other then that, I'm just supposed to continue her Albuterol & CPT's.

To be honest, I'm not happy. We're 3 hours away from them...what happens if this is something more severe and it ends up not being thoroughly looked at in time? Plus, a temp. of 101.5 is a bit high for an infant. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.

Anyways, I'm going to stay on top of her nebs, and CPT's, and do you guys think I should go ahead and continue to give her Tylenol every 4-8 hours, or would that do more harm then good?

Robin, I'm sure hoping Bek gets better quick!! Especially with the cool weather we're having here!! Please keep me updated! We missed you guys by about 15 minutes at the station! We had to be upstairs for Matt's Sweat test in the lab at 12:45!!! lol.

Anyways, thanks again for the advice everyone!


New member
Thanks for the help everyone! I called the clinic back this morning, and just now got a call back. They told me to watch her temp through the weekend and if it gets up to 101.5 I need to call the Hospital and ask for the on call Pulmonologist. Other then that, I'm just supposed to continue her Albuterol & CPT's.

To be honest, I'm not happy. We're 3 hours away from them...what happens if this is something more severe and it ends up not being thoroughly looked at in time? Plus, a temp. of 101.5 is a bit high for an infant. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.

Anyways, I'm going to stay on top of her nebs, and CPT's, and do you guys think I should go ahead and continue to give her Tylenol every 4-8 hours, or would that do more harm then good?

Robin, I'm sure hoping Bek gets better quick!! Especially with the cool weather we're having here!! Please keep me updated! We missed you guys by about 15 minutes at the station! We had to be upstairs for Matt's Sweat test in the lab at 12:45!!! lol.

Anyways, thanks again for the advice everyone!


New member
Thanks for the help everyone! I called the clinic back this morning, and just now got a call back. They told me to watch her temp through the weekend and if it gets up to 101.5 I need to call the Hospital and ask for the on call Pulmonologist. Other then that, I'm just supposed to continue her Albuterol & CPT's.

To be honest, I'm not happy. We're 3 hours away from them...what happens if this is something more severe and it ends up not being thoroughly looked at in time? Plus, a temp. of 101.5 is a bit high for an infant. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.

Anyways, I'm going to stay on top of her nebs, and CPT's, and do you guys think I should go ahead and continue to give her Tylenol every 4-8 hours, or would that do more harm then good?

Robin, I'm sure hoping Bek gets better quick!! Especially with the cool weather we're having here!! Please keep me updated! We missed you guys by about 15 minutes at the station! We had to be upstairs for Matt's Sweat test in the lab at 12:45!!! lol.

Anyways, thanks again for the advice everyone!


New member
Thanks for the help everyone! I called the clinic back this morning, and just now got a call back. They told me to watch her temp through the weekend and if it gets up to 101.5 I need to call the Hospital and ask for the on call Pulmonologist. Other then that, I'm just supposed to continue her Albuterol & CPT's.
<br />
<br />To be honest, I'm not happy. We're 3 hours away from them...what happens if this is something more severe and it ends up not being thoroughly looked at in time? Plus, a temp. of 101.5 is a bit high for an infant. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.
<br />
<br />Anyways, I'm going to stay on top of her nebs, and CPT's, and do you guys think I should go ahead and continue to give her Tylenol every 4-8 hours, or would that do more harm then good?
<br />
<br />Robin, I'm sure hoping Bek gets better quick!! Especially with the cool weather we're having here!! Please keep me updated! We missed you guys by about 15 minutes at the station! We had to be upstairs for Matt's Sweat test in the lab at 12:45!!! lol.
<br />
<br />Anyways, thanks again for the advice everyone!


Staff member
Ugh, why is it they always seem to get sick over or close to the weekend. IMO, keep up with the beatments and nebs. I'd be just as stressed and upset as you. In fact I HAVE been in the past. Laying awake listening to DS breathe, checking his fever, wondering if I should take him in... We too have over a 3 hour drive; however, we're able to contact the clinic and usually get a prescription for an antibiotic.

IMO, if she's not getting any better, take her in.


Staff member
Ugh, why is it they always seem to get sick over or close to the weekend. IMO, keep up with the beatments and nebs. I'd be just as stressed and upset as you. In fact I HAVE been in the past. Laying awake listening to DS breathe, checking his fever, wondering if I should take him in... We too have over a 3 hour drive; however, we're able to contact the clinic and usually get a prescription for an antibiotic.

IMO, if she's not getting any better, take her in.


Staff member
Ugh, why is it they always seem to get sick over or close to the weekend. IMO, keep up with the beatments and nebs. I'd be just as stressed and upset as you. In fact I HAVE been in the past. Laying awake listening to DS breathe, checking his fever, wondering if I should take him in... We too have over a 3 hour drive; however, we're able to contact the clinic and usually get a prescription for an antibiotic.

IMO, if she's not getting any better, take her in.


Staff member
Ugh, why is it they always seem to get sick over or close to the weekend. IMO, keep up with the beatments and nebs. I'd be just as stressed and upset as you. In fact I HAVE been in the past. Laying awake listening to DS breathe, checking his fever, wondering if I should take him in... We too have over a 3 hour drive; however, we're able to contact the clinic and usually get a prescription for an antibiotic.

IMO, if she's not getting any better, take her in.


Staff member
Ugh, why is it they always seem to get sick over or close to the weekend. IMO, keep up with the beatments and nebs. I'd be just as stressed and upset as you. In fact I HAVE been in the past. Laying awake listening to DS breathe, checking his fever, wondering if I should take him in... We too have over a 3 hour drive; however, we're able to contact the clinic and usually get a prescription for an antibiotic.
<br />
<br />IMO, if she's not getting any better, take her in.