Excercise instead of CPT


New member
As the title states, I have always been more into excercise instead of doing any sort of therapy, and whenever i found myself getting kinda congested, i would go for a run and usually felt great after.

I just found it so much better. I mean after a jog for 20-30 mins, you feel GREAT...more energy...alive....and the next day you feel refreshed and clear as well. I found it a lot harder, but definately a lot more fullfilling than getting pounded.

Does anyone else feel like this? Also, do a lot of you guys skip on excercise because you figure cpt is enough to clear you? When was the last time some of you actually got up and excercised?

Despite of what doctors say, i think excercise is 100 times better than doing a flutter for 15 mins.



New member
I do both, Nebulizer 2x daily and Vest once.

I also run 2-3 times a week, 4 miles. I lift weights the days I don't run.
My Docs, are all about exercise, but they are also pro CPT for sure. I exercise 4-5 times a week and then do CPT 4 times a day. I feel that exercise gets stuff that is a lot deeper. It definitely gets the airways flowing.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Rutgersnyy</b></i>

I do both, Nebulizer 2x daily and Vest once.

I also run 2-3 times a week, 4 miles. I lift weights the days I don't run.</end quote></div>

This person has the right idea. You should do CPT, *AND* exercise. They both massively benefit you in their own individual ways.


New member
I'm waiting for my vest to come in...and have been for like 5 months, IDK what the deal is.

Anyway, I've ALWAYS preferred exercise. If there is a mucus plug or on specific area that needs pounding I'll get my fiance to do CPT on me, but I don't do it as often as I should. I have a flutter, but I honestly don't feel like it does anything for me. I agree w/ you though - exercise makes you feel 100x better & really helps clean me out - i love it! My doc always tells me i need to do both, which I agree with. I'm just much better at following through w/ the exercise because I enjoy it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Rutgersnyy</b></i>

I do both, Nebulizer 2x daily and Vest once.

I also run 2-3 times a week, 4 miles. I lift weights the days I don't run.</end quote></div>

This person has the right idea. You should do CPT, *AND* exercise. They both massively benefit you in their own individual ways.</end quote></div>

Maybe it's just me, but if i have a great work out session, then cpt does nothing for me...it just seems like a waste of time...I dunno, it seems when i excercise that is all I need. And seriously, you think doing something like the flutter for 15 minutes to get just a little bit of stuff is worth it. Hell i get more out if i cough for 1 minute continiously.



New member
If I'm simply exercising, then I do my Acapella as well. I never just exercise. I've been told countless times by different people that exercise alone is not a good airway clearance. It helps, but you need something along with it.


New member
For years all I did was exercise. I was a competitive swimmer - so practice everyday, sometimes 2x a day. I have to believe that is why I have been very lucky with my CF (or a factor at least). I am not as good at the exercise thing anymore...pretty bad, actually. I still don't do any other treatments though- well, I have recently started hypertonic saline. After my baby is born I plan on starting up a disciplined regime again...and I will be swimming over the summer as well. I tell everyone that I know who has a little one with Cf to get them involed in exercise ASAP. It might not be enough for everyone, but it was enough to keep me clean and healthy.


New member
I have to admit that I am slack with CPT. It's a big hassle for my boyfriend to do it every day and I don't feel results using my PEP so the motivation for that isn't very high! I do exercise, however, and feel that exercise does much more for me than any kind of CPT I've done in my life. I play volleyball 2-3 times a week and don't know what I'd do without it! I also do a lot of walking, which doesn't help as much but still makes me feel better than if I just sat down and did nothing <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I try to exercise when I can. I do my CPT, I used to use marching band and track then I started coughing up blood every day. I feel it worked out great.


New member
i dont recommend this but i have a bad habit. I dont take my treatments as much but i walk and climb everywhere. I live on the third floor of a apart complex and i walk 1/2 mile three times a day. Docs said when i go in for a clean out that hes suprized with me not taking my meds like im supposed to that im not even more sick. I guess exercise is keeping ya healthy.


New member
CPT, like the Vest, can do what no exercise can.

The vibrations have the ability to losen mucus in a way that exercise just can never do.

That's why CPT and exercise are the best combo. No question about it.

And VEST + exercise is incredible. People don't like to hear it, because exercising instead of CPT makes you feel more "normal." But the reality is that you have CF and CPT can help clear mucus better.


New member
True amy, but they also say things like active cycle o breathing and autogenic drainage are just as effective...and they create no vibrations.

Have they even done studies with excercise vs PT. It would be interesting to find out.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

And VEST + exercise is incredible. People don't like to hear it, because exercising instead of CPT makes you feel more "normal." But the reality is that you have CF and CPT can help clear mucus better.</end quote></div>

What about a vest, excercise, and an acapella attached to a nebuliser all at the same time.

*drools* hahhaha


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

True amy, but they also say things like active cycle o breathing and autogenic drainage are just as effective...and they create no vibrations.

Have they even done studies with excercise vs PT. It would be interesting to find out.

Kiel</end quote></div>

Yes, they have. Ask your CF doctor - he or she should be able to get a hold of some. I'll search to see if I can get a hold of some as well.

But in the meantime, think of this - exercise may involve some bouncing around and air moving quickly through your airways.

CPT, at least with the Vest, causes rapid vibrations that enable the mucus to be loosened from your chest. Exercise can help with this goal, but the Vest can reach frequencies that exercise simply can't.

This isn't a conspiracy - it's just a fact. In fact, the doc who created the Vest is the head of the Minneapolis CF Center. And it's no accident that his patients live the longest! They've been using the Vest years longer than anyone else. I'm not saying that this is the sole reason they're living longer, but no question the Vest plays a role.


New member
Ya i actually read an article about that guy...crazy doctor, so dedicated.

He was a lot more aggressive than most doctors i would say. Any deviation from your norm for more than a week and you're admited hehe.

I'm gonna look into it as well



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

CPT, like the Vest, can do what no exercise can.

The vibrations have the ability to losen mucus in a way that exercise just can never do.

That's why CPT and exercise are the best combo. No question about it.

And VEST + exercise is incredible. People don't like to hear it, because exercising instead of CPT makes you feel more "normal." But the reality is that you have CF and CPT can help clear mucus better.</end quote></div>

While I agree that the vest may reach places that exercise won't, and I can't disagree that the vest combined with exercise may be the most effective yet - serious exercise alone has to be a very close comparison. I don't mean just taking a walk around the block...but running or swimming a few miles is going to reach down deep and do some serious clearing out. Since I have NEVER used the vest, but I have exercised nearly my whole life (competitive, serious exercise), with hardly any exacerbations besides an occasional sinus infection, I have to stand by the fact the exercise outweighs the vest in its overall benefits. I there is some scientific "proof" by the guy who designed the vest...but for me, the proof is in the puddin'. but I guess my point is more if one is chosing to do one rather than the other, as I'd certainly believe that the two combined would be good.


I always thought my Judo was a perfect form of CPT, AND excercise!!
the only frequency involved was how many times I was thrown on the mat, and sometimes, how hard! Most the throws hit the lower part of the lungs, which is the part most people (I'm sure) have to concentrate on.

"Mata, ato de!"


New member
I had read that your not suppose to substitute excercise for CPT. Your suppose to always do CPT, no matter how much excercise you get.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>princessjdc</b></i>

I had read that your not suppose to substitute excercise for CPT. Your suppose to always do CPT, no matter how much excercise you get.</end quote></div>

that's what they say, but i want proof! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> No but seriously...Yo can't tell me that if you were to run 3 miles a day quite hard, that it's no substitute for blowing into a flutter for 15 minutes?

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">