Excersise and weight


New member
Hey everyone. I posted this in the excersise board too, but I figured more people would see it here. I'm looking for tips on working out to get into shape without loosing weight. I don't really work out at all and I'd like to tone some muscle. I tried taking a yoga class one time, but the instructor told me I was being "disruptive" because all the breathing exercises made me cough a lot. Thanks.



New member
Hi, well I dont know much about excercising without losing weight, I really dont think you can, I would think you would just have to take in extra calories depending how much you excersise.


New member
Find a different Yoga class/ instructor, honey. I do hatha yoga, which focuses on breathing tecniques about twice a week.
If you want to tone and build muscle, do weight bearing activities. They help you add muscle weight, and thus increase your endurance. Weight lifting is great, get some baby dumb bells and do it at home if you don't belong to a gym. Or use soup cans.
Jumping rope is a great way to tone both arms and legs.
Working out will increase your energy and appetite.


New member
I workout 3 times a week i am 20 with cf and i weigh 107 ... I do the treadmill and i do resistance workouts before i started working out i weighed 100 , working out has increased my appetite and it has helped me breathe better and im toned and fit!! I think you should work out it really does help not only physically but mentally you feel more energized ! Oh yeah and i wanted too ask did ur yoga instructor know you had cf? If he did that was just plain rude what he said!!!


New member
When you first start working out you might lose weight, but as you build muscle you'll gain because muscle weighs more than fat. At my peak weight I was 115 (I'm about 5'1") but it was all muscle because I was playing volleyball and lifting weights for 2 years. Even though 115 pounds is on the high end of normal for my body type I was lean and I looked darn good! Good luck.


New member
When my yoga instructor asked if I was okay, I replied "yeah, I'm alright. I just have a genetic lung disease and all the breathing exercises make my cough a lot." And the idiot said to me, "oh, is it contagious?" I thought to myself "what do you think genetic means, you yogi moron!?" But of course I told her no and that's when she said I was being disruptive to the rest of the class. So I picked up my stuff and left... cursing that woman the entire time!

Do you ever just want to kick people for comments like that?
