Excessive appetite


New member
My friends daughter seems to always be hungry, although taking in tons of calories a day. They are waiting to have more testing done, as she was in the high 30's on her sweat test. Is it normal for a 2 year old to be consuming an estimated 1800 calories a day, hardly gaining weight, and never seeming full? They have upcoming appts with their ped and a GI, but I told her that I would see if I could get any input from this forum. Thanks


New member
My friends daughter seems to always be hungry, although taking in tons of calories a day. They are waiting to have more testing done, as she was in the high 30's on her sweat test. Is it normal for a 2 year old to be consuming an estimated 1800 calories a day, hardly gaining weight, and never seeming full? They have upcoming appts with their ped and a GI, but I told her that I would see if I could get any input from this forum. Thanks


New member
My friends daughter seems to always be hungry, although taking in tons of calories a day. They are waiting to have more testing done, as she was in the high 30's on her sweat test. Is it normal for a 2 year old to be consuming an estimated 1800 calories a day, hardly gaining weight, and never seeming full? They have upcoming appts with their ped and a GI, but I told her that I would see if I could get any input from this forum. Thanks


New member
This was absolutely our experience before our diagnosis. I never counted the calories but our daughter was constantly hungry and constantly eating. She fell from the 95 percentile at birth to below the 25 percentile by the time she was diagnosed (at age 3 yrs 3 months).


New member
This was absolutely our experience before our diagnosis. I never counted the calories but our daughter was constantly hungry and constantly eating. She fell from the 95 percentile at birth to below the 25 percentile by the time she was diagnosed (at age 3 yrs 3 months).


New member
This was absolutely our experience before our diagnosis. I never counted the calories but our daughter was constantly hungry and constantly eating. She fell from the 95 percentile at birth to below the 25 percentile by the time she was diagnosed (at age 3 yrs 3 months).


New member
TO answer your ???...absolutely. Its one of the "signs" for such a small person to have such a huge appetite yet not blow up like a balloon. Be greatful the appetite is there. When my appetite is gone that means something is wrong. The old saying of a hardy appetei is healthy is good falls into play here............


New member
TO answer your ???...absolutely. Its one of the "signs" for such a small person to have such a huge appetite yet not blow up like a balloon. Be greatful the appetite is there. When my appetite is gone that means something is wrong. The old saying of a hardy appetei is healthy is good falls into play here............


New member
TO answer your ???...absolutely. Its one of the "signs" for such a small person to have such a huge appetite yet not blow up like a balloon. Be greatful the appetite is there. When my appetite is gone that means something is wrong. The old saying of a hardy appetei is healthy is good falls into play here............


New member
Wow I am haveing the exact problem with my son, They did a c.v.s. test on me when I was preg. to see if he had it and they told me no but he is a carrier! well he is haveing so meny problems now not gaining waight always hungey and they just tested him for celic which came back neg.
he is 3 yrs old. We have an app. this month at the cf clinic I want to see if they will test him at the same time!


New member
Wow I am haveing the exact problem with my son, They did a c.v.s. test on me when I was preg. to see if he had it and they told me no but he is a carrier! well he is haveing so meny problems now not gaining waight always hungey and they just tested him for celic which came back neg.
he is 3 yrs old. We have an app. this month at the cf clinic I want to see if they will test him at the same time!


New member
Wow I am haveing the exact problem with my son, They did a c.v.s. test on me when I was preg. to see if he had it and they told me no but he is a carrier! well he is haveing so meny problems now not gaining waight always hungey and they just tested him for celic which came back neg.
he is 3 yrs old. We have an app. this month at the cf clinic I want to see if they will test him at the same time!


New member
Cheyenne is constantly hungry too...she consumes between 2500 and 3000 calories per day and does not gain weight easily..........I would be the size of my house...lol.


New member
Cheyenne is constantly hungry too...she consumes between 2500 and 3000 calories per day and does not gain weight easily..........I would be the size of my house...lol.


New member
Cheyenne is constantly hungry too...she consumes between 2500 and 3000 calories per day and does not gain weight easily..........I would be the size of my house...lol.