Exercise and Trikafta


New member
I am wondering if anyone has experienced increases in their exercise tolerance and strength after getting on Trikafta? For me, I have not been able to exercise at my normal level since I had a knee surgery a few months back and so can't make a valid comparison just yet. But, given the seeming increase in my energy level (post trikafta) I am excited to try!


Staff member
My teen has indicated he is able to breath deeper, better stamina during his phy ed classes.


I am approaching one month on Trikafta. I already feel I have more energy and don't get SOB climbing up hills or swimming my laps. I am 73 years old and this maybe too good to be true! :)


New member
I’ve been a happier exerciser since I started. This is really one of those situations where everyone’s experience will differ. Way too many variables. Always good to temper expectations. My FEV1 was in the low 40’s before I started and I’m not expecting much of a bump in my test this Friday. My lungs dried up and I didn’t cough but once a day for weeks (then I got some colds which have been milder than in the past). I used to hyperventilate when exercising hard and that’s gone. There’s a lot of reasons to be optimistic. Life is definitely better.


New member
I am approaching one month on Trikafta. I already feel I have more energy and don't get SOB climbing up hills or swimming my laps. I am 73 years old and this maybe too good to be true! :)
73!! Wow. That's awesome. I'm still tired but I also don't sleep well.


New member
When I started my FEV was 32 after 3 months it jumped to 49. I've noticed I can jog longer than I used to be able to. My goal is to get back in highschool shape which was 16 years so that I can run a mile under 7 minutes again.