I am 20 and feel like I have tried everything my doctors have asked of me. The vest has been a problem for me. I absolutely hate the vest, I hate feeling restricted, I hate sitting still, I hate the way I felt during the treatment. Now I understand that there are benefits of the vest, I do. However, I think we all have that one thing we just really hate, mine just happens to be a vest. Sure I will swallow 100 pills (just not ADEK vitamins, I will not even negotiate doing this med), I will eat extra food, but I will fight you on the vest. I have always been active, involved in different sports. Gymnastics, cheer leading, trampoline, and track were my favorites and for a while my doctors were not exactly happy I was participating in sports; I became obsessed with my body for a short time. It was not until my doctors begged and pleaded with me to limit my exercise, that I proved to them that physical activities is what kept me alive. I even went as far as to use exercise in place of certain treatments and shared my findings. Exercise is what fuels my life. What about you guys? Does anyone have any fitness things they like to do. Even though I am 20 my love for trampolines is still that of a five year old! Jumpology will forever be my home