Awesome! Keep it up, Christian. I hope we can keep spreading this message, it needs to be a conscious focus of all CF Centers, Caregivers, and patients. There is nothing that clears my lungs the way exercise can. I work out in conjunction with the other recommended airway clearance methods, but I have to say the amount of mucus I clear by getting out there and increasing my pulmonary rate cannot hold a candle to just sitting inactively on the vest. The NP in my home clinic disagrees, but I have had 28 years of watching the cause and effect of active exercise and the amount of sputum produced vs. sitting on the vest and the amount produced there, and my mucus comes out faster and easier after a workout than it ever did with the vest alone. Also, I have never had hemoptysis occur as a result of a workout, rather when I cough up blood it consistently follows a session on the vest. I still believe all methods of airway clearance are incredibly important, but in my clinic unfortunately not only is working out overlooked, it was disputed. Let's all keep working out hard AND spreading the message, like Christian!