Exercise program at school


New member
Hi all,
Can anyone share about their success with implementing a school based exercise program (PT, gym, etc.) that AT LEAST fulfills 30 of the 60 minute daily requirement of strenuous exercise that is currently recommended by the CFF? My son has had an IEP for years now and long story short, I am up against ignorance and a medical team that will not go the full distance to advocate and get this done. Thanks!


Super Moderator
Not really sure what you are asking. Could you be more specific? Does your child go to a public school? Do they have extracurricular sports? For example; cross country? Practice for my daughter was 3x a week progressed to up to an hour and 15 minutes long(they did stretches, and cool downs; changing clothes). I would not expect the school to have in school exercise lasting up to an hour every day; when would they get true school work done?


Staff member
Our school has a walking program about 15 minutes before school starts. Rather than play on the playground when we drop them off, they walk around the school. Apparently the school got a grant for it to promote healthy lifestyles. There's also a running program -- extracurricular -- before school for kids who are interested in running.


New member
He is in a private placement for children with disabilities; there are no extracurricular opportunities. They do have a walking program as well, but it is not consistent and averages 20 minutes. The current medical recommendation is for one hour per day, 30 minutes of that at school; that's what the pulmonologist wrote for however, they will go no further, not without a subpoena, lol.


Staff member
Not sure how long DS' has PE and it's not daily. He goes to a public school and while he has a 504 and had an IEP (for speech), he doesn't have any restrictions. We stress that he's a normal child and there's no reason he can't participate in any activities with the exception of proximity to any other children wcf. He does gymnastics for an hour once a week during school. And he goes to a daycare after school for about 2 hours and they stress physical activity -- go for walks, play on the playground, sports -- year round.