Exercise program at school


New member
Hi all,
Can anyone share about their success with implementing a school based exercise program (PT, gym, etc.) that AT LEAST fulfills 30 of the 60 minute daily requirement of strenuous exercise that is currently recommended by the CFF? My son has had an IEP for years now and long story short, I am up against ignorance and a medical team that will not go the full distance to advocate and get this done. Thanks!​



I'm curious if you have spoken with a lawyer. I think you would have to prove that your son is only able to exercise during school hours, and it seems like that wouldn't be provable.


New member
No, that's not true. There is a medical necessity piece to this for CF; also, the legal argument becomes about progress educationally and with an IEP that has included PT, OT, adaptive gym, etc. over the years, it all becomes "education." One obstacle is that the pulmonologist (CF accredited care center) will write a letter recommending the daily requirement, but it stops there.