


38 yr old female w/CF. What is the best exercise for someone with CF to do to help loose wieght? I would like to loose 25-30 pounds.


New member
Simple equation that applies to every person on the planet.

Eat less and exercise more.

It works 100% of the time. It's full-proof.


New member
What Amy said. Cut back on the fat and sugars. Eat less carbs, and excerise a lot. You'll want to increase your protein too - egg whites, fish, etc. Try eating whole wheat grains instead of white grains too.


New member
Walk, jog, eliptical machine. Whatever you can do and just do it for 40 minutes. If you are breaking into a sweat and you can keep up a conversation then you are working out well. Do whatever you are able to do and Enjoy. Do not worry about losing weight, it will come off. No rush. It does not hurt to have extra weight when you have cF.


New member
I noticed when I started lifting weights every other day, I lost like 10 lbs! Basically, I did cardio for 30 mins. and then lifted for each specific muscle group (each day was a diff. group.... shoulders, arms, legs, back, and chest) for about 30-40 minutes. Bascially, lifting and gaining muscle helps your metabolism and you burn MUCH more fat much more quickly. So, something to keep in mind.

Good for you for wanting to work out, but like Risa said, you shouldn't worry about a little extra weight with CF. Although, understand the want to "tone up" what weight we do have. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck!


diet is 80% of losing or gaining weight. What you want to do is consistantly eat 5-6 small meals a day. When i used to work in the health supplement industry we always had people coming in looking for a miracle supplement that would help them lose weight. Most diet supplements are not made for someone to stay on for long periods of time so once the people got off the supplement their weight would return since they had not changed their diet. Most people eat 3 big meals if that, and their biggest meal at the end of the day.

What one wants to do if they are trying to lose weight is eat 5-6 small meals a day with very small amounts of complex carbs you want to stay away from simple carbs then cut out all the carbs after 4pm. Eating small, frequent meals as I used to say is like throwing a piece of paper on a fire it burns up quickly unlike eating large meals with is like throwing a log on a fire which is going to sit an take a long time to burn.

Also the importance of eating frequently is that the body needs so many cal to function and if you eat 3 or less meals a day the body goes into a starvation mindset where it holds onto everything that you put into your body. People also tend to eat big meals for dinner which is very bad if you are trying to lose weight since most people are not active after dinner all the food sits there and goes to your storage.

It is important to get in enough protein to maintain your muscle other wise the body often turns to eat the muscle before it goes to your fat storages, so while you are decreasing your carbs there is a good chance you might need to increase your protein depending on how much you are getting in through out the day.

With exercise you want to do cardio before you eat in the morning. This is very important since wne you get up your body has been fasting for 6-8 hours and when you go do cardio your body will go to the storage for fuel insted of use what is in your stomach for fuel.


New member
well...from my experience bits and pieces from what everyone is saying goes, but something i dont necessarily believe works or is smart for us cfers to do, and that is drop fat intake, unless you dont have degestion issues and you digest everything perfectly. The reason for us having to consume more fats than "normal" people is because we dont digest it properly so the essential fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K are in shorter supply for our bodies therefore we have to take suppliments to give us more. The next thing is tho fat has the most calories per gram, it also takes more calories from our bodies to process/digest them. My opinion of the best way to lose the weight is to make you body adapt to what it has to go through. It is a big mistake that people make when they hear you have to eat less when it's not necessarily so. The thing is you can eat the same total amount of food per day but space it out, like someone said, in 5-6 sessions of eating and eat more often well rounded meals but with (maybe) smaller portions (depending on what your current eating habbits are). The reason for this is when you eat larger meals with longer intervals between meals (2-3 meals per day) your metabolism slows down and goes into a sort of starvation mode which it basically stores up fat because to it doesnt know when the next meal will be, and your body uses less to function. But by eating smaller meals more frequently like 5-6 meals per day (so total probably the same amount of food just spaced out) it kicks your metabolism into high gear and not into starvation/store up for rainy day mode. All this also has to be coupled with exercise. To me weight trainng is the better option as it burns lots more calories to perform the exercises as long as it's done with weights that you have to force and work to move (kinda pointless using weight that's the same as your mayonaise jar that you take out of the fridge to make a sandwich everyday), plus the good thing is that it will help build muscle which really is what tones and creates that firm look you girls want, and bare in mind that maybe you dont necessarily need to lose weight, like I'm always telling my girlfriend if you are to replace gram for gram of fat with muscle to get nice and toned and sexy you'd probly weigh mor because muscle is denser and heavier than fat, always keep than in mind so instead of watching the scale watch your appearance, watching the scale is only for people that have considerably high bodyfat percentage.
And back to the point I was making on not cutting down fat, eating smaller portions that are well rounded (in our case if we are enzyme defficient higher in fat than what is required by "normal" people) coupled with exercising the fat can actually cause an extra kick in the metabolism as I said because it takes more calories from your body to process/digest it as opposed to carbs and protien (simple laws of Physics tells this) so with you speeding up your metabolism by having an exercise regime and eating smaller portions more frequently then having a good amount of good fats your metabolism is in overdrive!...And that to me is the better way to do it. Actually many people do the worst thing because they know no better and dont research and are lazy, and I've seen this so many times, most people dont know that protien (if taken in excess of what is required by your body to do it's activities) will also convert and store as fat and at amuch quicker rate than fats and carbs because again your body uses less energy to convert/digest it! so lazy people that are fat just read and hear on TV or what ever "eat low carbs because your body stores it as fat and dont eat much fat because it's bad for you! and that way you'll lose weight, look so and so did it!" Worst mistake! because sitting on their buts doing nothing, having a slow metabolism and doing that will only make things worse as they will be taking in probly the same amount of calories but using less to process and store it that translates to more going to storage to me! most dont realise this and want an easy way out without working much.
Anyway hope I've helped


New member
First I am not an athlete.   I had gained 35 pounds during a
period in my life --  from kids, stress, selling our house,
having a new one built in another state, husband traveling on
business a lot and then him changing jobs which prompted the move
etc...  One day when a kindly old lady asked me in the grocery
store when the baby was due I knew I needed to drop the pounds.
 Like I said earlier, I am not an athlete but I can walk so I
committed to walking 3 hours everyday (from 5 to 8 am on a
treadmill -at 3.4 mph) In less than 4  months I lost the
weight.   Of course I watched what I ate by following the
Weight Watchers program as well.  For me this worked.  I
have not gained my weight back.  I am 5'10" and weigh 137
lbs.  I continue to walk on the treadmill 4 times a week for
45 minutes a session at 3.6 mph and a 4% incline.  Good luck
to you.  However you decide to lose the weight  just know
that you can do it.  Have patience and don't give up even if
you have a bad day just begin again.