Eyes,hair and skin colour - cf related


New member
Hey. My doctors told me that it was the celts who first had cf and they were light skinned, had normally blue eyes and their hair also had a light colour. They also said that most people with cf look like that too. I, myself, was born into a family of brunettes, all have dark eyes and hair; i was born with blue/grey eyes and blond. And my skin colour is very light. How do you guys look like?


New member
Hey. My doctors told me that it was the celts who first had cf and they were light skinned, had normally blue eyes and their hair also had a light colour. They also said that most people with cf look like that too. I, myself, was born into a family of brunettes, all have dark eyes and hair; i was born with blue/grey eyes and blond. And my skin colour is very light. How do you guys look like?


New member
I would have a problem connecting the dots completely on this since my Moms side of the family is quite the puzzle to put together. My moms side is brown eyed, browned hair for the most part tho my sis takes after Grandpa who was a redhead with brown eyes. We are fairly light skinned, but everyone accept me can tan rather easily. They are Pennsylvanic Dutch background. My Dads side are also dark hair generally, but with light eyes. Dad had hazel (beautiful I might add....that is one thing that sticks out in my memory of him), but darker skinned & tan like crazy (again except me). They are of German descent with a bit of English in there somewhere! HMMMMMM.....except for the brown eyes, I dont seem to fit in much. I am very light skinned & dont tan well. I have blond hair & the darkest it has ever gotten is sandy blonde. Maybe I will check with my Mom about what complexion the milk man had! ONLY A JOKE PEOPLE....ONLY A JOKE! Its really the mailman....My Dad was a mail carrier!!!!


New member
I would have a problem connecting the dots completely on this since my Moms side of the family is quite the puzzle to put together. My moms side is brown eyed, browned hair for the most part tho my sis takes after Grandpa who was a redhead with brown eyes. We are fairly light skinned, but everyone accept me can tan rather easily. They are Pennsylvanic Dutch background. My Dads side are also dark hair generally, but with light eyes. Dad had hazel (beautiful I might add....that is one thing that sticks out in my memory of him), but darker skinned & tan like crazy (again except me). They are of German descent with a bit of English in there somewhere! HMMMMMM.....except for the brown eyes, I dont seem to fit in much. I am very light skinned & dont tan well. I have blond hair & the darkest it has ever gotten is sandy blonde. Maybe I will check with my Mom about what complexion the milk man had! ONLY A JOKE PEOPLE....ONLY A JOKE! Its really the mailman....My Dad was a mail carrier!!!!


New member
I have pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair.
But that's obviously not a hard and fast rule.
Most I've met fit that description. However, I met an African American person with CF once.



New member
I have pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair.
But that's obviously not a hard and fast rule.
Most I've met fit that description. However, I met an African American person with CF once.



New member
Yes I know of a few African American people with CF. Many Jewish friends have CF. I have auburn hair and hazel eyes. I have spoken to people in Pakistan with CF. I am sure we are all over the world


New member
Yes I know of a few African American people with CF. Many Jewish friends have CF. I have auburn hair and hazel eyes. I have spoken to people in Pakistan with CF. I am sure we are all over the world


New member
Jazzysmom ah ah ah ..
I dont know if it's the same for you americans , i am actually from Portugal - Europe, maybe people over here would have more the features i mentioned. Although I think the light skinned colour could be well explained, normally people with chronic ilnesses are a bit pale. When i go to appointments i see more people with brown hair and eyes than blue/blonde to be honest. My question is just out of curiosity, it could never be a rule <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Jazzysmom ah ah ah ..
I dont know if it's the same for you americans , i am actually from Portugal - Europe, maybe people over here would have more the features i mentioned. Although I think the light skinned colour could be well explained, normally people with chronic ilnesses are a bit pale. When i go to appointments i see more people with brown hair and eyes than blue/blonde to be honest. My question is just out of curiosity, it could never be a rule <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
My natural hair is brownish and my eyes are brown. Both sets of parents are of German/ Hungarian descent. My Mother was born here in the U.S. with dark hair green eyes, and my Father was born in Yugoslavia with brown hair with reddish highlights and brown eyes. I look like the typical American girl <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
My natural hair is brownish and my eyes are brown. Both sets of parents are of German/ Hungarian descent. My Mother was born here in the U.S. with dark hair green eyes, and my Father was born in Yugoslavia with brown hair with reddish highlights and brown eyes. I look like the typical American girl <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Diane.....U are the bomb woman! When I hear of people with the bugs like Cepacia, I always think of an even sicker than normal looking CFer!


New member
Diane.....U are the bomb woman! When I hear of people with the bugs like Cepacia, I always think of an even sicker than normal looking CFer!