Eyes,hair and skin colour - cf related


New member
Thanks for your input. It seems that, so far, the brown hair and eyes are the majority.
Thanks for the pic Diane. You look very healthy.

I tried to upload one of my pics but it doesn't fit..


New member
Thanks for your input. It seems that, so far, the brown hair and eyes are the majority.
Thanks for the pic Diane. You look very healthy.

I tried to upload one of my pics but it doesn't fit..


New member
Yes I know of a few African American people with CF. Many Jewish friends have CF. I have auburn hair and hazel eyes. I have spoken to people in Pakistan with CF. I am sure we are all over the world

My daughter is African American....so dark skinned, dark hair and almost black eyes....lol....me on the other hand, would almost fit the o/p profile...light skinned, light hair and pale green eyes.


New member
Yes I know of a few African American people with CF. Many Jewish friends have CF. I have auburn hair and hazel eyes. I have spoken to people in Pakistan with CF. I am sure we are all over the world

My daughter is African American....so dark skinned, dark hair and almost black eyes....lol....me on the other hand, would almost fit the o/p profile...light skinned, light hair and pale green eyes.


Given the fact that it has been a few hundred years since the CF gene mutated and a lot of breeding since then a majority of the population is going to be very mixed.
Really the CF gene is supposed to have come from the Celts, I believe statistically Ireland has the highest population of CFers porportional to land size. While the original carriers of the gene might have been light skinned, blonde, blue-eyed it was due to the fact that for several years before migration and exploration the only real choice for mates among those who carried the gene was other celts, etc. Nowadays with mixed race heritages it's going to be very mixed. Especially given the dominance/regressive factors.

For a very rough example blue eyes is a recessive trait, most of the time you can only get it if both parents have blue eyes. Take for example a migrating man of celtic heritage, fits the light skinned, blond hair, blue eyes profile. He goes off to Spain and marries a brown eyed brown haired lady, blue being a recessive trait the children from the resulting relationship would most likely have brown eyes.

Very rough example of genetics and it gets a lot more complicated than that, but you get the drift.
I, myself, being of primarily western european heritage (England, Ireland, Scotland, Swedish, and a bit of German thrown in there) fit the typical light skinned, blonde, blue eyed profile.


Given the fact that it has been a few hundred years since the CF gene mutated and a lot of breeding since then a majority of the population is going to be very mixed.
Really the CF gene is supposed to have come from the Celts, I believe statistically Ireland has the highest population of CFers porportional to land size. While the original carriers of the gene might have been light skinned, blonde, blue-eyed it was due to the fact that for several years before migration and exploration the only real choice for mates among those who carried the gene was other celts, etc. Nowadays with mixed race heritages it's going to be very mixed. Especially given the dominance/regressive factors.

For a very rough example blue eyes is a recessive trait, most of the time you can only get it if both parents have blue eyes. Take for example a migrating man of celtic heritage, fits the light skinned, blond hair, blue eyes profile. He goes off to Spain and marries a brown eyed brown haired lady, blue being a recessive trait the children from the resulting relationship would most likely have brown eyes.

Very rough example of genetics and it gets a lot more complicated than that, but you get the drift.
I, myself, being of primarily western european heritage (England, Ireland, Scotland, Swedish, and a bit of German thrown in there) fit the typical light skinned, blonde, blue eyed profile.


New member
Candice that's right. You haven't said anything i hadn't thought about before and it also surprised me when my doctors told me that most cfers have those features because cf comes from the celts, given that such race existed hundreds of years ago. The only reason why i think she might have said that is because we're in Europe and the celts spread out throught the continent back then. You're right too about Ireland, it is the country with more people suffering from CF (in percentage), specifically because the Celts were from there.


New member
Candice that's right. You haven't said anything i hadn't thought about before and it also surprised me when my doctors told me that most cfers have those features because cf comes from the celts, given that such race existed hundreds of years ago. The only reason why i think she might have said that is because we're in Europe and the celts spread out throught the continent back then. You're right too about Ireland, it is the country with more people suffering from CF (in percentage), specifically because the Celts were from there.


New member
I have dark brown hair, and almost black eyes. I am normally light skinned but I do tan very nicely. My brother on the other hand (also w/ CF) has blue eyes, and dirty blond hair, and burns to a crisp if he is hardly in the sun. This is an interesting topic.


New member
I have dark brown hair, and almost black eyes. I am normally light skinned but I do tan very nicely. My brother on the other hand (also w/ CF) has blue eyes, and dirty blond hair, and burns to a crisp if he is hardly in the sun. This is an interesting topic.


New member
i have dark brown hair and light brown eyes that turn hazel sometimes.... my skin color is a olive complexion. i take after my mom who is italian but most ppl mistake me for hispanic though.


New member
i have dark brown hair and light brown eyes that turn hazel sometimes.... my skin color is a olive complexion. i take after my mom who is italian but most ppl mistake me for hispanic though.


New member
Well I'm Celtic - Irish, Welsh and Scottish. I can understand CF coming from the region, and then what with mixed interacial marriages, breeding, etc - I can see the disease traveling to different heritages over the years. I have brown hair originally (I colour it black), hazel eyes that change colour, and am very pale. People on the occasion ask if I am Swedish, or know that I am celtic.


New member
Well I'm Celtic - Irish, Welsh and Scottish. I can understand CF coming from the region, and then what with mixed interacial marriages, breeding, etc - I can see the disease traveling to different heritages over the years. I have brown hair originally (I colour it black), hazel eyes that change colour, and am very pale. People on the occasion ask if I am Swedish, or know that I am celtic.


New member
CF started originally as a Northern European disease, that doesn't mean that it eventually it won't all change from all different clans regionally interbreeding. That's the same reason why there are a few cases of African American and Asian Americans having the disease, because that genetic defect never took place with their base racial genetic encoding, it was from somewhere along the line, both the individuals mothers line and fathers line had at one time mated with someone who was a carrier that had a genetic line to the Northern European bloodline that carried the mutation.


New member
CF started originally as a Northern European disease, that doesn't mean that it eventually it won't all change from all different clans regionally interbreeding. That's the same reason why there are a few cases of African American and Asian Americans having the disease, because that genetic defect never took place with their base racial genetic encoding, it was from somewhere along the line, both the individuals mothers line and fathers line had at one time mated with someone who was a carrier that had a genetic line to the Northern European bloodline that carried the mutation.