Face masks


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div>

I wondered this myself. I only have to wear them for about 45 min. while my son has his PICCs placed, and they make me feel like I'm suffocating. And I don't have CF. And I get all hot and sweaty. Plus, since I fidget with it so much, I'd actually be touching my face more than I normally would, probably making it more likely that I'd get sick.

I don't actually have CF, my son does, so sorry to butt in! I just wonder how doctors do it. (stethoscopes too, they hurt like a b----!) Must just get used to it I guess.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div>

I wondered this myself. I only have to wear them for about 45 min. while my son has his PICCs placed, and they make me feel like I'm suffocating. And I don't have CF. And I get all hot and sweaty. Plus, since I fidget with it so much, I'd actually be touching my face more than I normally would, probably making it more likely that I'd get sick.

I don't actually have CF, my son does, so sorry to butt in! I just wonder how doctors do it. (stethoscopes too, they hurt like a b----!) Must just get used to it I guess.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amber682</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div></end quote></div>

They keep it very very cold in the OR. Makes it easier for breathing with a hot mask.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amber682</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div></end quote></div>

They keep it very very cold in the OR. Makes it easier for breathing with a hot mask.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amber682</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I hate wearing them and wonder how surgeons can wear those things for hours on end?! </end quote></div></end quote></div>

They keep it very very cold in the OR. Makes it easier for breathing with a hot mask.


New member
I don't wear one mainly because I don't see the need to. Kinda like Emily, I'm not one who's big on protecting myself from germs, and so far so good.

I am also constantly around people who are getting sick, which makes me nervous, and fortunately I have usually not gotten sick from them. Strangely enough, it seems when everyone around me is sick, I don't get sick, so it works out. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I do find that the main factor affecting when I get sick is when I take long breaks from exercising...I am much more likely to catch something. Maybe because I'm not clearing out my lungs as efficiently? idk

Also, as others have said, they make it hard to breathe - especially living in Houston where the humidity is already 100% most days.


New member
I don't wear one mainly because I don't see the need to. Kinda like Emily, I'm not one who's big on protecting myself from germs, and so far so good.

I am also constantly around people who are getting sick, which makes me nervous, and fortunately I have usually not gotten sick from them. Strangely enough, it seems when everyone around me is sick, I don't get sick, so it works out. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I do find that the main factor affecting when I get sick is when I take long breaks from exercising...I am much more likely to catch something. Maybe because I'm not clearing out my lungs as efficiently? idk

Also, as others have said, they make it hard to breathe - especially living in Houston where the humidity is already 100% most days.


New member
I don't wear one mainly because I don't see the need to. Kinda like Emily, I'm not one who's big on protecting myself from germs, and so far so good.

I am also constantly around people who are getting sick, which makes me nervous, and fortunately I have usually not gotten sick from them. Strangely enough, it seems when everyone around me is sick, I don't get sick, so it works out. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I do find that the main factor affecting when I get sick is when I take long breaks from exercising...I am much more likely to catch something. Maybe because I'm not clearing out my lungs as efficiently? idk

Also, as others have said, they make it hard to breathe - especially living in Houston where the humidity is already 100% most days.


In Japan, they wear face masks in public quite frequently. It's not uncommon to see a train-load of white face masks! Nor is it unusual to see a co-worker wearing one once in a while. In fact, they have even come up with designer ones!!
However, despite the wife telling me to wear one, I refuse because they steam up my glasses, imparing my vision and making my commute more dangerous. Also, I can't breathe in them, either. I see the major reason is that because of the mill size of the material, it makes it harder for air to pass through, therefore having to breathe deeper and stronger is necessary to get the air you normally would without it.
Also, I agree that to a certain extent, the body builds up it's own immunities to germs, so if the body is never exposed to it, the newly exposed germs make it worse.
As for Uli's various adventures, I sometimes think she must be a cousin of mine or something...I didn't get my picture taken with a live tiger, but I've had some unusual adventures of my own...I've seen the Pacific Ocean from three different countries, I've been to various parts of Japan (and am not done, yet!), and while I was recollecting this, I thought of how many adventures Uli must've been on!


In Japan, they wear face masks in public quite frequently. It's not uncommon to see a train-load of white face masks! Nor is it unusual to see a co-worker wearing one once in a while. In fact, they have even come up with designer ones!!
However, despite the wife telling me to wear one, I refuse because they steam up my glasses, imparing my vision and making my commute more dangerous. Also, I can't breathe in them, either. I see the major reason is that because of the mill size of the material, it makes it harder for air to pass through, therefore having to breathe deeper and stronger is necessary to get the air you normally would without it.
Also, I agree that to a certain extent, the body builds up it's own immunities to germs, so if the body is never exposed to it, the newly exposed germs make it worse.
As for Uli's various adventures, I sometimes think she must be a cousin of mine or something...I didn't get my picture taken with a live tiger, but I've had some unusual adventures of my own...I've seen the Pacific Ocean from three different countries, I've been to various parts of Japan (and am not done, yet!), and while I was recollecting this, I thought of how many adventures Uli must've been on!


In Japan, they wear face masks in public quite frequently. It's not uncommon to see a train-load of white face masks! Nor is it unusual to see a co-worker wearing one once in a while. In fact, they have even come up with designer ones!!
However, despite the wife telling me to wear one, I refuse because they steam up my glasses, imparing my vision and making my commute more dangerous. Also, I can't breathe in them, either. I see the major reason is that because of the mill size of the material, it makes it harder for air to pass through, therefore having to breathe deeper and stronger is necessary to get the air you normally would without it.
Also, I agree that to a certain extent, the body builds up it's own immunities to germs, so if the body is never exposed to it, the newly exposed germs make it worse.
As for Uli's various adventures, I sometimes think she must be a cousin of mine or something...I didn't get my picture taken with a live tiger, but I've had some unusual adventures of my own...I've seen the Pacific Ocean from three different countries, I've been to various parts of Japan (and am not done, yet!), and while I was recollecting this, I thought of how many adventures Uli must've been on!


New member
I think I have worn a mask all of once in my life and it was miserable. Same things, too hot and too enclosed. The only time I wore it was when I was given high doses of Salumedrol to treat some acute rejection and I absolutely needed to leave my house. Since we were going to the mall at a pretty high traffic time, my nurse said i had to wear a mask. As soon as the place died down that thing came right off!

My transplant doctor never made his patients wear masks simply because he feels that we are going to be exposed to these germs at one point or another. I find that I catch colds from my family more than I do anywhere else. And at home is one place I definitely wouldn't wear a mask anyways!


New member
I think I have worn a mask all of once in my life and it was miserable. Same things, too hot and too enclosed. The only time I wore it was when I was given high doses of Salumedrol to treat some acute rejection and I absolutely needed to leave my house. Since we were going to the mall at a pretty high traffic time, my nurse said i had to wear a mask. As soon as the place died down that thing came right off!

My transplant doctor never made his patients wear masks simply because he feels that we are going to be exposed to these germs at one point or another. I find that I catch colds from my family more than I do anywhere else. And at home is one place I definitely wouldn't wear a mask anyways!


New member
I think I have worn a mask all of once in my life and it was miserable. Same things, too hot and too enclosed. The only time I wore it was when I was given high doses of Salumedrol to treat some acute rejection and I absolutely needed to leave my house. Since we were going to the mall at a pretty high traffic time, my nurse said i had to wear a mask. As soon as the place died down that thing came right off!

My transplant doctor never made his patients wear masks simply because he feels that we are going to be exposed to these germs at one point or another. I find that I catch colds from my family more than I do anywhere else. And at home is one place I definitely wouldn't wear a mask anyways!