So my daughter Rowan was diagnosed @ 11 days and since then she is borderline failure to thrive. First let me mention we are breast milk only she was 6lbs 5 oz @ birth and went down to 5 lbs 5 oz. then we started creon enzymes and she went up to 5 lbs 13 oz. but a week and a half later she only put on 3 oz so now at almost a month old we are not even back to our birthweight. I really do not want to give up the Breastfeeding for obvious health benefits, but her weight gain is so slow I'm getting concerned. Let me also mention I have 2 other toddlers ( under the age of four w/I CF) so pumping all day is not really an option time wise for me. I do pump once a day to supplement one bottle with pregestimil, but no significant change yet from that