Fainting/ Low Blood pressure


New member
Does anyone else deal with fainting because they lose so much salt due to their CF?? Especially in the summer time? Also is low blood pressure common with people with CF?? The doctor said I am losing too much salt on a daily basis and also I need to gain 10 pounds. (I eat all the time and sprinkle extra salt on everything but it's still not enough) Does anyone have experience with this???


Super Moderator
I'm pretty sure Low blood pressure is a cf thing or at least it is a carrier thing. I'll see if I can find the link..I'm a carrier and have very low blood pressure and bradicardi and that actually leaves me dizzy and black spotty when I stand. Not much I can suggest on that other than be slow getting up not bending over etc... Re the salt...can you drink salt water...ds loves it and I thnk it helps.


I got the hypotension workup a few yrs ago after passing out while checking out a grout line with a tile guy. Ive fainted 4-5 times in my life and get head rushes all the time. Especially on days i exercise hard. BP is lower for 24 hrs after exercIse.
There's meds you can take, but that's after you've figured out the whys (dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, medication, heart condition, random), and if it is really bothersome or dangerously frequent. I was lucky my primary care Dr did an easy lie down and the stand BP test that showed the big drop in BP, and right away drew blood. It proved yes postural hypotension and no dehydration/electrolyte thIng. But because I had passed out, he still had me go to a cardiologist. All that testing was basically normally abnormal (long story).
Im not taking meds for it. I'm supposed to clench my rear end and thighs when I stand to keep the blood in my upper body.


New member
Oh I absolutely hate summers, don't get me started.
All the salt you lose you have to take in extra through diet, no way around it.

Personally I like soup. It's a great way to take in a LOT of salt.
On the other hand so much salt requires an even greater intake of water throughout the rest of the day. Just as important and also to keep bloodpressure up.

Because low bodyweight is a cause of low bloodpressure, as is lack of salt, as is dehydration.

As for the gaining weight part, read up as much as you can on gaining musclemass, and start to lift heavy weights. Also if you are a girl.
Will help keep bloodpressure up but also just so happens to be the nr#1 way of trying to stay healthy with CF..

Sadly there are no simple over the counter drugs that up bloodpressure that I'm aware of.