Father of Erin


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My name is Dennis. I am the father of a 4 week old child with CF named Erin. Before this I didn't know much about the disease. Now i have educated myself about CF. I have never used a website like this. I was just curious about the experiences of other fathers out there who may have gone through or are going through the same thing I am. My daughter was born on fathers day. She was a few weeks early. She had to have surgery 2 days later. Erin has been through alot in the few short weeks of her life. I am feeling very helpless in this situation. My girlfriend is at the hospital with her everyday and is staying at the Ronald McDonald House. I live back at our home and work two jobs so i am only able to see them on the weekends. My daughter is supposed to be home in two weeks as long as she stays healthy and there are no complications with her second surgery next week. I know I will feel alot better when they are home and can participate more in her life and in her treatments.


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I am not a father, but I am a CFer who's a Mom. My daughter was delivered early as a precaution for me. She stayed an extra week because she couldnt get the suck/swallow down right. During that week I felt like I had a loss. I understand how you yen for your family to be together. It will happen & you will get into the swing of things. Good Luck!


New member
hi i have a son with cf and my husband doesnt talk about it as much as me and doesnt use the internet.. i think it would be great if he had another dad to talk to maybe it would help him from bottling it all up inside.. if you are intrested just let me know.. ill mention it to him also, my email is momtocfr@yahoo.com.. thanks

Melissa mom to dylan 6 nocf and caleb 4 on friday with cf


New member
Dennis, I can't really help in the father area, as I am the wife of a wonderful man with CF. But I just wanted to tell you welcome to the site and we are all here to assist if you ever have questions, concerns, or stuff you just can't make sense of. I have faith you will be able to find another dad on this site to chat with, also if you haven't checked out this website <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://groups.msn.com/CysticFibrosis2chat/general.msnw">http://groups.msn.com/CysticFibrosis2chat/general.msnw</a> it's a great place to post questions like yours. I wish the best for your family and pray they will come home as scheduled.

Take care of yourself as well!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


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Hello, I'm the father of Maddie who is 22 month old, diagnosed at 3.5 months. I'd be happy to answer any questions or chat about what we went through or a currently doing. My e-mail is tankta@yahoo.com



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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hello, I'm the father of Maddie who is 22 month old, diagnosed at 3.5 months. I'd be happy to answer any questions or chat about what we went through or a currently doing. My e-mail is tankta@yahoo.com



Correction, sorry, Maddie is 18 mo., not 22..not sure what I was thinking...



New member
Hi Dennis, my daughter Ruby was born 12 weeks ago with a blockage in bowel, She had her first operation in which they removed part of the bowel and left Ruby with an illostomy.
After the operation the surgeon asked about any CF in our family, which to our knowledge there was not. We had to wait the three weeks for the results and when they came back positive we were devastated, but people deal with difficult situations in different ways, from the off my wife and i reacted in completely different ways, my wife was crying, looking at all the negatives and really down. I was up beat, positive and optamistic for the future.
As the weeks have gone passed i have remained positive and am even more optamistic for the future, and my wife is increasingly positive. She tells me this site really helps her.
In the UK they are soon to be doing a big clinical trial using 100 CF patients which aims to correct the faulty gene by using nebulizers 4 times a year. This will not correct any damage to the lungs but maintain them to a normal level, as if they did not have CF. Obviously they will still have the gut problems, but the gut is not detremental to there long time life.
My outlook is that with daily physio and antibiotics if we can try to keep Ruby lungs in as good health as possible, by the time she is 5, 10, 15 or even 20 there will be something concrete - maybe not a one off cure but i am sure the gene therapy will be available. People may tell you and tell me that gene therapy is a long time away - but imagine what medical advances they have made in the last 10 years. And in my heart of hearts i believe that by the time Ruby and Erin are 10 this will have happened.

Three weeks ago we went back into hospital to have the illostomy closed, the first operation was a simple connection back of the two ends, however, there was still muconium blocked in her bowel, so she needed another operation, they removed this blockage and reconnected, this time the operation was a success. We had two bad weeks in hospital, I know it was CF that caused these problems, but whilst i was in hospital i put CF to the back of my mind and simply concentrated on the bowel and getting Ruby better.
We are now all home and Ruby is doing really well.
Your doing the best for your family holding down 2 jobs . You should be commended for this. Once Erin is back home you will feel 100% better and you will get some normality in your life
I wish the best for your family If you want to e mail me at nstead@bored.com



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Your wife is so lucky that you are really looking into the future with such optamisim. Oh, how I wish I could get my husband into this with me. I am always researching and trying to learn more and more, but my husband is in a bit of denial. I don't know if you would really call it denial, his son from a previous marriage has CF, he is 11. My husband has always been really good about doing his treatments and things but he just does it, he doesn't know why he is doing it, or what each medication is designed to do, and he doesn't want to talk about it. I am pregnant our son is due September 5th and has already been diagnosed with CF, I've been having all kinds of problems with my dr's and I feel like I'm alone sometimes. I wish he would show more interest in CF. I want to be able to talk to him about it. Just once I would love for him to bring it up in conversation and talk to me about it. It would help me so much. He's not a monster or anything. He's a great person, I think CF scares him and he tries to hide from it. If that makes since.


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I just want to thank everybody for replying to Dennis. He is my boyfriend. He is at home right now. I'm in Portland at the hospital with Erin and we live about an hour away from the hospital. He works two jobs and is very very busy. But he definitely wants people to talk to. Just like I do. So... I've been telling him all about your wonderful support and he wanted me to thank EVERYONE and he's definitely going to try to keep in touch with you like I have been.
Thankyou all so much for everything you are doing for my family.



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Welcome Lindsay, you and Dennis seem like a very strong and grounded couple and I pray that this diagnosis will make life a bit easier for you two. Initially it must be a shock (I am a wife to a CFer, not a parent so I can only imagine at this point) but as you are able to administer the proper treatments and watch your baby grow, the diagnosis will sit better with you. I hope you are able to come home soon to your family and pray all goes well.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member

Everyone is different and deals with things in their own way. Does your husband know you feel like this????

Maybe if your husband looked a bit more in depth with CF he may start to feel positive...Things are really improving.....I am really active in the research side of it all and i am doing a lot of sponsered runs to help funding. This keeps my mind focused.
When we heard about CF in one breath our doctor said there is no Cure , your daughter has CF and you have to get use to it.....I was not happy with that...but then he went on to say that things are moving so so fast and that he maybe out of a job one day!!!!!
This site was great esp for my wife because we can speak to you all like one big happy family...I notice that not many men do write on here.....maybe its just there way....introduce him to the site he is not alone....

www.cftrust.org.uk is a good site to look at re future research and search on the UK Gene therapy Consortium.........

i know things are different in the UK to the US but we are all part of the CF family.....
I wish you all the best with your pregnancy