Feeding my almost 9m old


New member
So, I exclusively BF my daughter until 7m when I started back to work two days a week. At this time I noticed my milk wasn't as plentiful and I worried that DD wasn't getting enough to eat. At this time I started pumping and bottle feeding. Fast-forward two months later and I only pump out about 10-12oz a day. Each bottle I make I add 2oz of BM, and the rest formula at regular strength, then an extra scoop of formula. She drinks it no problem, except she only drinks approx 24oz a day which is the LOW end of consumption needed... should I worry? I cannot get her to eat more! I try and try... she just wont do it.
She eats between 2-3 "meals" a day (cream cheese, avacado, fruit, veggies, some meats, yogurt, mac and cheese, etc) and doesn't really snack, maybe a few puffs here and there. We have our next CF appt and her 9m well check next week and I am praying everything looks good. She is SUPER HAPPY and looks good to me, just trim, which so were my husband and I as babies...

Sorry a lot of rambling, just always wondering if I am doing everything I can! Our dietician isn't always the biggest help and we are VERY VERY anti feeding tube. Should I try giving her bottles more often?

Her food intake today
<b>2am </b>4oz
<b>7am</b> 4oz
<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<b><b>10am</b> 3oz
12</b> 1.5oz
<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<b>1430</b> 3oz
<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<b>1930</b> 4.5oz


New member
So, I exclusively BF my daughter until 7m when I started back to work two days a week. At this time I noticed my milk wasn't as plentiful and I worried that DD wasn't getting enough to eat. At this time I started pumping and bottle feeding. Fast-forward two months later and I only pump out about 10-12oz a day. Each bottle I make I add 2oz of BM, and the rest formula at regular strength, then an extra scoop of formula. She drinks it no problem, except she only drinks approx 24oz a day which is the LOW end of consumption needed... should I worry? I cannot get her to eat more! I try and try... she just wont do it.
She eats between 2-3 "meals" a day (cream cheese, avacado, fruit, veggies, some meats, yogurt, mac and cheese, etc) and doesn't really snack, maybe a few puffs here and there. We have our next CF appt and her 9m well check next week and I am praying everything looks good. She is SUPER HAPPY and looks good to me, just trim, which so were my husband and I as babies...

Sorry a lot of rambling, just always wondering if I am doing everything I can! Our dietician isn't always the biggest help and we are VERY VERY anti feeding tube. Should I try giving her bottles more often?

Her food intake today
<b>2am </b>4oz
<b>7am</b> 4oz
<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<b><b>10am</b> 3oz
12</b> 1.5oz
<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<b>1430</b> 3oz
<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<b>1930</b> 4.5oz


New member
So, I exclusively BF my daughter until 7m when I started back to work two days a week. At this time I noticed my milk wasn't as plentiful and I worried that DD wasn't getting enough to eat. At this time I started pumping and bottle feeding. Fast-forward two months later and I only pump out about 10-12oz a day. Each bottle I make I add 2oz of BM, and the rest formula at regular strength, then an extra scoop of formula. She drinks it no problem, except she only drinks approx 24oz a day which is the LOW end of consumption needed... should I worry? I cannot get her to eat more! I try and try... she just wont do it.
She eats between 2-3 "meals" a day (cream cheese, avacado, fruit, veggies, some meats, yogurt, mac and cheese, etc) and doesn't really snack, maybe a few puffs here and there. We have our next CF appt and her 9m well check next week and I am praying everything looks good. She is SUPER HAPPY and looks good to me, just trim, which so were my husband and I as babies...

Sorry a lot of rambling, just always wondering if I am doing everything I can! Our dietician isn't always the biggest help and we are VERY VERY anti feeding tube. Should I try giving her bottles more often?

Her food intake today
<b>2am </b>4oz
<b>7am</b> 4oz
<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<b><b>10am</b> 3oz
12</b> 1.5oz
<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<b>1430</b> 3oz
<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<b>1930</b> 4.5oz


New member
So, I exclusively BF my daughter until 7m when I started back to work two days a week. At this time I noticed my milk wasn't as plentiful and I worried that DD wasn't getting enough to eat. At this time I started pumping and bottle feeding. Fast-forward two months later and I only pump out about 10-12oz a day. Each bottle I make I add 2oz of BM, and the rest formula at regular strength, then an extra scoop of formula. She drinks it no problem, except she only drinks approx 24oz a day which is the LOW end of consumption needed... should I worry? I cannot get her to eat more! I try and try... she just wont do it.
She eats between 2-3 "meals" a day (cream cheese, avacado, fruit, veggies, some meats, yogurt, mac and cheese, etc) and doesn't really snack, maybe a few puffs here and there. We have our next CF appt and her 9m well check next week and I am praying everything looks good. She is SUPER HAPPY and looks good to me, just trim, which so were my husband and I as babies...

Sorry a lot of rambling, just always wondering if I am doing everything I can! Our dietician isn't always the biggest help and we are VERY VERY anti feeding tube. Should I try giving her bottles more often?

Her food intake today
<b>2am </b>4oz
<b>7am</b> 4oz
<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<b><b>10am</b> 3oz
12</b> 1.5oz
<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<b>1430</b> 3oz
<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<b>1930</b> 4.5oz


New member
So, I exclusively BF my daughter until 7m when I started back to work two days a week. At this time I noticed my milk wasn't as plentiful and I worried that DD wasn't getting enough to eat. At this time I started pumping and bottle feeding. Fast-forward two months later and I only pump out about 10-12oz a day. Each bottle I make I add 2oz of BM, and the rest formula at regular strength, then an extra scoop of formula. She drinks it no problem, except she only drinks approx 24oz a day which is the LOW end of consumption needed... should I worry? I cannot get her to eat more! I try and try... she just wont do it.
<br />She eats between 2-3 "meals" a day (cream cheese, avacado, fruit, veggies, some meats, yogurt, mac and cheese, etc) and doesn't really snack, maybe a few puffs here and there. We have our next CF appt and her 9m well check next week and I am praying everything looks good. She is SUPER HAPPY and looks good to me, just trim, which so were my husband and I as babies...
<br />
<br />Sorry a lot of rambling, just always wondering if I am doing everything I can! Our dietician isn't always the biggest help and we are VERY VERY anti feeding tube. Should I try giving her bottles more often?
<br />
<br />Her food intake today
<br /><b>2am </b>4oz
<br /><b>7am</b> 4oz
<br /><b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<br /><b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<br /><b><b>10am</b> 3oz
<br />12</b> 1.5oz
<br /><b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<br /><b>1430</b> 3oz
<br /><b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<br /><b>1930</b> 4.5oz
<br />
<br />


New member
Ok first you should know that breastmilk is totally different than formula. A breastfed baby should drink around 25 oz of breastmilk a day. So when you mix it with formula you have to remember that the breastmilk oz for oz is not the same as formula. The 25 oz never changes unlike with formula. (i.e I've been nursing my daughter for 18 months now and she only ever get 2 oz per feeding) With formula they start out at 2-4 oz and gradually move up to 8 oz bottles. It b/c breastmilk changes WITH the baby, formula doesn't.

If your supply is diminishing I would try some fenugreek. Also try nursing her whenever you are at home with her. Babies are more efficiant at drawing out milk so that should help your supply. The less bottles you can give and the more you can nurse the better. Also try adding in one night time nursing or pumping session and that should boost supply.

message me if you have more questions. I'm training to be a IBCLC and my daughter has been dx'd with failure to thrive so I got some tricks.


New member
Ok first you should know that breastmilk is totally different than formula. A breastfed baby should drink around 25 oz of breastmilk a day. So when you mix it with formula you have to remember that the breastmilk oz for oz is not the same as formula. The 25 oz never changes unlike with formula. (i.e I've been nursing my daughter for 18 months now and she only ever get 2 oz per feeding) With formula they start out at 2-4 oz and gradually move up to 8 oz bottles. It b/c breastmilk changes WITH the baby, formula doesn't.

If your supply is diminishing I would try some fenugreek. Also try nursing her whenever you are at home with her. Babies are more efficiant at drawing out milk so that should help your supply. The less bottles you can give and the more you can nurse the better. Also try adding in one night time nursing or pumping session and that should boost supply.

message me if you have more questions. I'm training to be a IBCLC and my daughter has been dx'd with failure to thrive so I got some tricks.


New member
Ok first you should know that breastmilk is totally different than formula. A breastfed baby should drink around 25 oz of breastmilk a day. So when you mix it with formula you have to remember that the breastmilk oz for oz is not the same as formula. The 25 oz never changes unlike with formula. (i.e I've been nursing my daughter for 18 months now and she only ever get 2 oz per feeding) With formula they start out at 2-4 oz and gradually move up to 8 oz bottles. It b/c breastmilk changes WITH the baby, formula doesn't.

If your supply is diminishing I would try some fenugreek. Also try nursing her whenever you are at home with her. Babies are more efficiant at drawing out milk so that should help your supply. The less bottles you can give and the more you can nurse the better. Also try adding in one night time nursing or pumping session and that should boost supply.

message me if you have more questions. I'm training to be a IBCLC and my daughter has been dx'd with failure to thrive so I got some tricks.


New member
Ok first you should know that breastmilk is totally different than formula. A breastfed baby should drink around 25 oz of breastmilk a day. So when you mix it with formula you have to remember that the breastmilk oz for oz is not the same as formula. The 25 oz never changes unlike with formula. (i.e I've been nursing my daughter for 18 months now and she only ever get 2 oz per feeding) With formula they start out at 2-4 oz and gradually move up to 8 oz bottles. It b/c breastmilk changes WITH the baby, formula doesn't.

If your supply is diminishing I would try some fenugreek. Also try nursing her whenever you are at home with her. Babies are more efficiant at drawing out milk so that should help your supply. The less bottles you can give and the more you can nurse the better. Also try adding in one night time nursing or pumping session and that should boost supply.

message me if you have more questions. I'm training to be a IBCLC and my daughter has been dx'd with failure to thrive so I got some tricks.


New member
Ok first you should know that breastmilk is totally different than formula. A breastfed baby should drink around 25 oz of breastmilk a day. So when you mix it with formula you have to remember that the breastmilk oz for oz is not the same as formula. The 25 oz never changes unlike with formula. (i.e I've been nursing my daughter for 18 months now and she only ever get 2 oz per feeding) With formula they start out at 2-4 oz and gradually move up to 8 oz bottles. It b/c breastmilk changes WITH the baby, formula doesn't.
<br />
<br />If your supply is diminishing I would try some fenugreek. Also try nursing her whenever you are at home with her. Babies are more efficiant at drawing out milk so that should help your supply. The less bottles you can give and the more you can nurse the better. Also try adding in one night time nursing or pumping session and that should boost supply.
<br />
<br />message me if you have more questions. I'm training to be a IBCLC and my daughter has been dx'd with failure to thrive so I got some tricks.